similar to: Selecting the first measurement only from a longitudinal sequence

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Selecting the first measurement only from a longitudinal sequence"

2008 Sep 16
creating baseline variable from a longitudinal sequence
Dear R-help mailing list,   Kindly help me out with this problem:   I have a dataset that is in the format below, ID  time  Y  Age 1  0     195  23.1 1  2    204  23.3 1  4   202    23.5 2  0  170    22.0 2  3   234   22.2 3  0  208   24.4 3  2  194  24 .7 3  3   204  24.9   I wish to remove all the measurements at time point 0 and convert them to a baseline variable as follows;    ID  time  Y 
2010 May 31
Creating dropout time from longitudinal data with missing data
Dear R users,   Please assist me with the following problem. I have a dataset that looks like the following:   dat<-data.frame(   'id'=rep(c(1,2,3),each=3),   'time'=rep(c(1,2,3),3),   'y'= c(2,2,NA,2,NA,NA,2,5,7) )   I wish to create a variable for dropout time in dataframe 'dat' such that the dropout time is the time to drop out by the subject as follows:    
2011 Aug 18
Using mixed models to analyze Longitudinal intervention
Dear R List, I am trying to use mixed models to analyze an intervention and want to make sure I am doing it correctly. The intervention is for lowing cholesterol and there are two groups: one with an intervention and one without. The subjects were evaluated a differing amount of time, so there were between 2 and 7 visits, equally spaced. Sample output is below. TC is total cholesterol,
2009 Jul 15
strategy to iterate over repeated measures/longitudinal data
Hi Group, Create some example data. set.seed(1) wide_data <- data.frame( id=c(1:10), predictor1 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE), predictor2 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE), predictor3 = sample(c("a","b"),10,replace=TRUE), measurement1=rnorm(10), measurement2=rnorm(10)) head(wide_data) id
2012 Oct 18
R Package for Longitudinal Binary Response Data?
The bild package appears to be an excellent package for serial binary responses. But it is for discrete time. I would like to specify a smooth function of time for the odds ratio connection of the current response Y with binary responses measured at earlier times, or at least a first-order Markov version of this. I believe this is called alternating logistic regression. Does anyone know of an
2013 Feb 23
Selecting First Incidence from Longitudinal Data
I have a longitudinal competing risk data of the form: ID COMPL SEX HEREDITY 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 0 1 2 4 0 1
2013 Jan 31
Longitudinal RelaImpo in LME4
I am currently using the relaimpo package to estimate the relative importance of regressors (N= 4000): > m1 <- lm(y ~ x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+, data=data) > calc.relimp(m1, rela=TRUE) > m2=boot.relimp(m1, boot = 500, rela=TRUE, type="lmg") > booteval.relimp(m2) > plot(booteval.relimp(m2)) In a new dataset with 3 measurement points (0,6,12 weeks), I want to perform a similar
2013 Jan 23
Regression with 3 measurement points
Dear R Mailinglist, I want to understand how predictors are associated with a dependent variable in a regression. I have 3 measurement points. I'm not interested in understanding the associations of regressors and the predictor at each measurement separately, instead I would like to use the whole sample in one regression, "pooling" the measurement points. I cannot simply throw them
2010 Sep 27
Alphabetical sequence of data along the x-axis in a box plot
Hello All, I noticed when I generated some boxplots, the data is presented in alphabetical order along the x-axis (the data in this case was the four quandrants of a sample area (NE,NW, SE, SW) that was my first column of data). Is there a way to have R plot the data in a different order? I imagine you could use a dummy variable, but didn't know if there might be a simple argument that
2011 Feb 10
Longitudinal Weights in PLM package
Hi all, I a semi-beginner with R and I am working with the plm package to examine a longitudinal dataset. Each individual in this dataset has a longitudinal weight for the probability that he or she remains in the sample. Unfortunately, I have not found an argument to use weights in the plm function? I tried ?weights=? like in standard lm or in nlme or lm4 but it does not work. I asked the
2011 Mar 21
Sample size of longitudinal and skewed data
Hi all: I have a question about the sample size calculation. It's a pilot study,which includes 2 groups(low,high),3 time point(3,6,9 monthes).Each person has 3 results which according to the 3 time points.So it's a longitudinal study. I want to calculate the minimum sample size from the pilot study, but can't find the solution since the data is highly skewed and it's a
2011 Mar 24
Longitudinal categorical response data
Dear List,   I have some longitudinal data, each patient was followed at times 0, 12, 16, 24 weeks and measure severity of a illness (0-worse, 1-same, 2-better). So, longitudinal response is categorical.  I was wondering whether lmer in R can fit a model for this type of data. If so, how we code? Or any other function in R that can fit this type of longitudinal data? Any suggestion would be
2005 May 26
longitudinal survey data
Dear R-Users! Is there a possibility in R to do analyze longitudinal survey data (repeated measures in a survey)? I know that for longitudinal data I can use lme() to incorporate the correlation structure within individual and I know that there is the package survey for analyzing survey data. How can I combine both? I am trying to calculate design-based estimates. However, if I use svyglm() from
2005 May 31
is there material about Longitudinal Data Analysis with R?
i am studying Longitudinal Data Analysis and want to carry it with R.anyone knows any materials about Longitudinal Data Analysis with R in the internet which i can download? thank you.
2003 Aug 25
Book recommendations: Multilevel & longitudinal analysis
Hi, does anyone out there have a recommendation for multilevel / random effects and longitudinal analysis? My dream book would be something that's both accessible to a non-statistician but rigorous (because I seem to be slowly turning into a statistician) and ideally would use R. Peter
2004 Nov 28
Could anyone help me reshape this "wide" data into "longitudinal" one? Thanks
Dear R people, I have a matrix like this: var1 var2 var3 var4 a1 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 a2 10.5 10.6 ... ... a3 b1 b2 b3 b4 c1 c2 ... The matrix row names are "a1", "a2", ...... and the matrix column names are "var1", "var2", "var3" and "var4". Now I want to reshape this data into a
2009 Apr 24
ordinal logistic regression for longitudinal data set
Hi, Can one tell me which procedure will fit an ordinal logistic regression model for longitudinal data set. To be precise, I have both dichotomous and polytomous items. Also, I would like to specify different covariance structures (unstructured, ar1 etc) for trial runs. Thanks -- View this message in context:
2007 Jul 17
xyplot for longitudinal data
Dear R-help subscribers, I use xyplot to plot longitudinal data as follows: score<-runif(100,-4,5) group<-sample(1:4,100,rep=T) subject<-rep(1:25,4) age<-rep(runif(4,1,40),25) df<-data.frame(score,group,age,subject) xyplot(score~age|group, group=subject, panel=function(...){ panel.loess(...,lwd=4) panel.superpose(...)} ,data=df) this produced a plot with four panels one for each
2012 Sep 18
New Package 'JMbayes' for the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data under a Bayesian approach
Dear R-users, I would like to announce the release of the new package JMbayes available from CRAN ( This package fits shared parameter models for the joint modeling of normal longitudinal responses and event times under a Bayesian approach using JAGS, WinBUGS or OpenBUGS. The package has a single model-fitting function called jointModelBayes(),
2012 Sep 18
New Package 'JMbayes' for the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data under a Bayesian approach
Dear R-users, I would like to announce the release of the new package JMbayes available from CRAN ( This package fits shared parameter models for the joint modeling of normal longitudinal responses and event times under a Bayesian approach using JAGS, WinBUGS or OpenBUGS. The package has a single model-fitting function called jointModelBayes(),