similar to: avoid loop with three-dimensional array

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "avoid loop with three-dimensional array"

2006 Oct 13
Rmpi performance
Dear R users, we are trying to do some parallel computing using library(snow). In particular we have a cluster with 3 nodes >cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "MPI") 3 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed. and we want to compute the function op_mat (see below) first with the master and then with the cluster using system.time for checking the computational performance.
2006 Apr 04
EM algorithm
Dear R-Users, I have a model with a latent variable for a spatio-temporal process. I would like to use EM algorithm to estimate the parameters. Does anybody know how to implement the algorithm in R? Thank you very much in advance, Michela
2006 Nov 23
loading libraries on MPI cluster
Dear R-users, we are using library(snow) for computation on a linux cluster with RMPI. We have a problem with clusterEvalQ: after launching clusterEvalQ it seems loading the required library on each node but if we type a function belonging to the loaded package R doesn't find it. > library(snow) # making cluster with 3 nodes > cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "MPI") Loading
2018 Jan 17
mgcv::gam is it possible to have a 'simple' product of 1-d smooths?
I am trying to test out several mgcv::gam models in a scalar-on-function regression analysis. The following is the 'hierarchy' of models I would like to test: (1) Y_i = a + integral[ X_i(t)*Beta(t) dt ] (2) Y_i = a + integral[ F{X_i(t)}*Beta(t) dt ] (3) Y_i = a + integral[ F{X_i(t),t} dt ] equivalents for discrete data might be: 1) Y_i = a + sum_t[ L_t * X_it * Beta_t ] (2) Y_i
2007 Mar 19
data.frame handling
Dear R-users, I have a little problem that I can't solve by myself. I have a data frame with 2 factors and 8 observations (see the following code): y <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3) y <- factor(y) levels(y) <- c("a","b","c") x <- c(1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) x <- factor(x) levels(x) <- c("x","y","z") X <-
2007 May 08
statistics/correlation question NOT R question
This is not an R question but if anyone can help me, it's much appreciated. Suppose I have a series ( stationary ) y_t and a series x_t ( stationary )and x_t has variance sigma^2_x and epsilon is normal (0, sigma^2_epsilon ) and the two series have the relation y_t = Beta*x_t + epsilon My question is if there are particular values that sigma^2_x and sigma^2_epsilon have to take in
2000 Apr 04
stochastic process transition probabilities estimation
Hi all, I'm new with R (and S), and relatively new to statistics (I'm a computer scientist), so I ask sorry in advance if my question is silly. My problem is this: I have a (sample of a) discrete time stochastic process {X_t} and I want to estimate Pr{ X_t | X_{t-l_1}, X_{t-l_2}, ..., X_{t-l_k} } where l_1, l_2, ..., l_k are some fixed time lags. It will be enough for me to compute
2007 Sep 13
statistics - hypothesis testing question
I estimate two competing simple regression models, A and B where the LHS is the same in both cases but the predictor is different ( I handle the intercept issue based on other postings I have seen ). I estimate the two models on a weekly basis over 24 weeks. So, I end up with 24 RSquaredAs and 24 RsquaredBs, so essentally 2 time series of Rsquareds. This doesn't have to be necessarily thought
2017 Jun 20
How to write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from R output?
I'm trying to use the following command. arima (x, order = c(p,d,q), seasonal =list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=s) How can I write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from the outputs. To be specifically, which sign to use? I know R uses a different signs from S plus. Is it correct that the model is: (1-ar1*B-ar2*B^2-...)(1-sar1*B^s-sar2*B^2s-....)(1-B)^d(1-B^s)^D
2007 Jul 06
algebra/moving average question - NOTHING TO DO WITH R
This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with R but I was hoping that someone might know because there are obviously a lot of very bright people on this list. Suppose I had a time series of data and at each point in time t, I was calculating x bar + plus minus sigma where x bar was based on a moving window of size n and so was sigma. So, if I was at time t , then x bar t plus minus sigma_t would be
2007 May 21
Sample correlation coefficient question NOT R question
This is a statistics question not an R question. When calculating the sample correlation coefficient cor(x_t,y_t) between say two variables, x_t and y_t t=1,.....n ( one can assume that the variables are in time but I don't think this really matters for the question ), does someone know where I can find any piece of literature that says that each (x_j,y_j) pair has To be independent from the
2006 Feb 06
marginal distribution wrt time of time series ?
Dear all, In many papers regarding time series analysis of acquired data, the authors analyze 'marginal distribution' (i.e. marginal with respect to time) of their data by for example checking 'cdf heavy tail' hypothesis. For i.i.d data this is ok, but what if samples are correlated, nonstationary etc.? Are there limit theorems which for example allow us to claim that
2007 Mar 05
Heteroskedastic Time Series
Hi R-helpers, I'm new to time series modelling, but my requirement seems to fall just outside the capabilities of the arima function in R. I'd like to fit an ARMA model where the variance of the disturbances is a function of some exogenous variable. So something like: Y_t = a_0 + a_1 * Y_(t-1) +...+ a_p * Y_(t-p) + b_1 * e_(t-1) +...+ b_q * e_(t-q) + e_t, where e_t ~ N(0, sigma^2_t),
2007 Aug 07
Functions for autoregressive Regressionmodels (Mix between times series and Regression Models) ?
Hello everybody, I've a question about "autoregressive Regressionmodels". Let Y[1],.....,Y[n], be a time series. Given the model: Y[t] = phi[1]*Y[t-1] + phi[2]*Y[t-1] + ... + phi[p]*Y[t-p] + x_t^T*beta + u_t, where x_t=(x[1t],x[2t],....x[mt]) and beta=(beta[1],...,beta[m]) and u_t~(0,1) I want to estimate the coefficients phi and beta. Are in R any functions or packages for
2008 Jul 22
help with simulate AR(1) data
Hi, sorry for bothering your guys again. I want to simulate 100 AR(1) data with cor(x_t, x_t-1)=rho=0.3. The mean of the first 70 data (x_1 to x_70) is 0 and the mean of the last 30 data (x_71 to x_100) is 2. Can I do it in the following way? x <- arima.sim(list=(ar=0.3), 100) mean <- c(rep(0, 70), rep(2, 30)) xnew <- x+mean If the above code to simulate 100 AR(1) data is right, what
2010 Aug 13
How to compare the effect of a variable across regression models?
Hello, I would like, if it is possible, to compare the effect of a variable across regression models. I have looked around but I haven't found anything. Maybe someone could help? Here is the problem: I am studying the effect of a variable (age) on an outcome (local recurrence: lr). I have built 3 models: - model 1: lr ~ age y = \beta_(a1).age - model 2: lr ~ age + presentation
2009 Jun 19
using garchFit() to fit ARMA+GARCH model with exogeneous variables
Hello - Here's what I'm trying to do. I want to fit a time series y with ARMA(1,1) + GARCH(1,1), there are also an exogeneous variable x which I wish to include, so the whole equation looks like: y_t - \phi y_{t-1} = \sigma_t \epsilon_t + \theta \sigma_{t-1} \epsilon_{t-1} + c x_t where \epsilon_t are i.i.d. random variables \sigma_t^2 = omega + \alpha \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \beta
2009 Sep 21
Three dimensional view of the profiles using 'rgl' package (example of 3 dimensional graphics using rgl package).
Hi there, Anyone has an idea how to put those two sets of code together so that I can get a 3-dimensional picture that includes points instead of 2 separate pictures which doesnt make that much sense at the end. #Let's say that these are the data we would like to plot: A<-c(62,84,53) B<-c(64,82,55) C<-c(56,74,41) D<-c(46,68,38) E<-c(71,98,72) data<-rbind(A,B,C,D,E)
2002 Apr 09
Restricted Least Squares
Hi, I need help regarding estimating a linear model where restrictions are imposed on the coefficients. An example is as follows: Y_{t+2}=a1Y_{t+1} + a2 Y_t + b x_t + e_t restriction a1+ a2 =1 Is there a function or a package that can estimate the coefficient of a model like this? I want to estimate the coefficients rather than test them. Thank you for your help Ahmad Abu Hammour --------------
2023 Dec 08
Convert two-dimensional array into a three-dimensional array.
Colleagues I want to convert a 10x2 array: # create a 10x2 matrix. datavals <- matrix(nrow=10,ncol=2) datavals[,] <- rep(c(1,2),10)+c(rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) datavals into a 10x3 array, ThreeDArray, dim(10,2,10). The values storede in ThreeDArray's first dimensions will be the data stored in datavalues. ThreeDArray[i,,] <- datavals[i,] The values storede in ThreeDArray's second