Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Matching Up Values"
2008 Jul 15
Melt (reshape) question
Dear all,
have a grid of 720 columns by 360 rows of global population density
values, and hope to convert this to column format using the 'melt' command in the 'reshape' package. I'm not receiving
any errors as such, but when the code has finished running, my output
looks like this:
> head(PopDens.long)
Latitude Longitude PopDensity
1 -84.75 V1 0
2008 Jun 17
Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)
Dear all,
I have used 'read.table' to create a data frame of 720 columns and 360 rows (and assigned this to 'Jan'). The row and column names are numeric:
> columnnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -179.75, to = 179.75, length = 720)).
> rnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -89.75, to = 89.75, length = 360))
> colnames(Jan) <- columnnames
2012 Jun 05
Converiting longitude/latitude to utm
Dear all,
I have been trying to convert coordinates from longitude/latitude to utm
but I got an error. As soon as the longitude coordinate is greater than 90,
I get the folloowing error message: "error in pj_transform: latitude or
longitude exceeded limits"
Here is what I did:
2008 Aug 19
converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
is there a function in R to convert data read with read.shape and which is originally in UTM coordinates into longitude / latitude coordinates?
I found the convUL() function from the PBSmapping package but I have no idea how I could apply that to the read.shape object.
Many thanks,
sragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails.
2023 Jul 25
Seeking Assistance: Plotting Sea Current Vectors in R
Dear Rcommunity,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your assistance with
a data visualization problem I am facing while working with R.
Problem Description:
I have a dataframe named "df" containing the following columns:
"longitude", "latitude", "sea_currents_mag", and "sea_currents_direction".
The dataframe includes sea
2002 Oct 02
help to make a map on R
Hi all,
I need a little help for construct an state's map on R.
The first problem is to get the data.
I have a datafile of longitude and latitude in the follow format:
trajectory latitude longtude
T -22.045618 -51.287056
T -22.067078 -51.265888
T -22.067039 -51.207249
T -22.059690 -48.089695
T -22.075529 -48.074608
T -22.072460 -48.044472
T -22.062767 -48.298473
T -22.077349
2012 Jul 18
plotting points to a map
Dear R users,
I have a city map in shape file (polygon). I also have some points that I
hope to plot them to the city map. The only information I have about those
points are their relative longitude and latitude to the city center by
miles. Is there a way that R can help me to do this? Thanks.
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2023 Jul 25
Seeking Assistance: Plotting Sea Current Vectors in R
Hi Kostas,
The function vectorField in the plotrix package may do what you want.
See the example.
On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 9:30?PM konstantinos christodoulou
<konstantinos.christodoulou1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Rcommunity,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your assistance with
> a data visualization problem I am facing while working with R.
2009 Jun 21
Problems with bilinear interpolation of a grid
Dear all,
I'm having trouble interpolating a number of gridded datasets that I have. I'm quite new to R so any help/advice that can be offered would be much appreciated!
Firstly I'll describe my dataset. The data is a grid of the planet at 1 degree spatial resolution, with each grid cell containing a value describing a particular variable (e.g. population density) for coordinate
2004 Feb 24
Calculate Distance and Aggregate Data?
Hi all,
I've been struggling learning R and need to turn to the list again.
I've got a dataset (comma-delimited file) with the following fields: recid, latitude, longitude, population, dwelling and age. For each observation, I'd like to calculate the total number of people and dwellings and average age within 2 k.m. Distance could be Euclidean, however, a proper distance
2008 Aug 22
Coordinate systems for geostatistics in R
I read somewhere that when carrying out geostatistical analysis in R you
should not use latitude and longitude...can anyone expand on this a little
for me, and what would be the best coordinate system to use?
I have my data in a geographic coordinate system, WGS84, decimal
degrees....is this the wrong format for such analyses?
I have also converted my data in the UTM projection and so have
2006 Jul 19
Model Validation - with a twist
I''m stuck in a catch-22 type problem. I have an insert form for a table
that uses the validation in the model. i.e. When you click submit on the
form and haven''t filled in the required fields then you get the nice
rails error messages saying "field can not be blank". This works fine
until I introduce some more logic.
What I''m trying to do is to validate
2018 May 16
How to average values from grid cells with coordinates
Hi R users,
I have a question about data processing. I have such a dataset, while each
black grid cell has a few attributes and the corresponding attribute
values. The latitude and longitude of the center of each grid cell are
given also.
Then I want to average the attribute values from four adjacent grid cells
to get the average value for the center of each red grid cell. Thus, there
are the
2012 Dec 31
code to convert 3D geographical coordinates to Cartesian?
Is there packaged code to convert geographical coordinates (e.g.,
longitude, latitude, elevation) to Cartesian coordinates in 3-space?
I can see how to do this using
1. a spherical-to-Cartesian conversion like pracma::sph2cart(tpr)
2. a geographical-to-spherical conversion. This seems to involve (in
roughly increasing order of difficulty or
2006 Feb 09
converting lat-long coordinates to Albers Conical Equal Area coordinates
We have used maptools to construct state, county, township, census-tract,
and zipcode
level R maps with an Albers Conical Equal Area projection. We would like
to be able to
plot the location of weather stations or other point locations on the
maps. The data
the point locations are in latitude-longitude units
2020 Oct 21
3d plot of earth with cut
Could someone suggest a package/way to make a 3D raster plot of the Earth
(with continent boundaries), and then make a "cut" or "slice" of it such
that one can also visualize some scalar quantity as a function of the
Radius/Depth across that given slice ?
Formally, I would have a given, fixed longitude, and a list of vectors
{latitude, radius, Value}
that would show
2009 Mar 06
help to use ppp in spatial analysis
i am using spatstat package for spatial data analysis and now i have a problem to create a point pattern. The points are in file "points.txt" (first column for Latitude and second column for Longitude ) and I imported them and separated each columns in two arrays x and y. If I plots x and y ( e.g plot(x,y) ) the result appears in square area without problems and the scale is
2007 Apr 04
how to image.plot a XY grid file into a lat-lon map
Hi All,
I have a netcdf gridded file with LCC projection. I can easily use
image.plot to visualize it. However, as the axises are in X,Y, not Lat and
Lon, I could not add state or country maps onto it (or lat lon information).
I do have a grid2d file that describes the lat and lon for each (X,Y) grid,
but the lat and lon are not regularly spaced, so I could not use image.plot.
Does anyone know
2013 Jan 21
Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?
Hello R-helpers,
I am trying to search for string that includes the caret symbol, using the
following code:
And R doesn't like that. It gives me:
> temp<-c("latitude^2","latitude and latitude^2","longitude^2","longitude
and longitude^2")
> temp
[1] "latitude^2" "latitude and
2012 Jun 26
Drawing (lon,lat) coordinates onto the image of a world
Given a set of latitude and longitude coordinates pairsĀ (stored in variables "latitudevals" and "longitudevals"), I would like to plot them onto the image of a equirectangular world map. I would like to plot each coordinate pair with a red circle, if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I go about doing this, whether using R or using another program like Google