similar to: Help regarding arules package

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2009 Jul 17
Arules questions. I need some help please
Question 2a) I am also working with arules package and I have the following problem let suppose the matrix b like: b<-matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),nrow=6) rownames(b)=c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6") colnames(b)=c("It1", "It2", "It3", "It4") bt<-as(b,
2011 Jan 28
arules package question- apriori/S4 object export question
I am new to R( but quickly being awed by the range of this it can accomplish, you have one more convert to the useR universe). I have successfully implemented the apriori function and are getting great results. My question concerns how to export these results. I have read lots about write.csv functions and exporting data frames and other standard objects. Im having difficulty working with these S4
2010 Feb 18
how to change number of itemes appeare in right-hand-side of the rule with apriori in R(arules)?
Hi All, I use arules library, and try to create an association rules for this transaction file: a,c,f,3,4,5 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 d,5 b,c,e,f,1,2,3,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 b,c,e,f,1,3,4 b,e,1,2,4 a,c,e,f,1,3,4,5 a,b,c,e,f,1,3,4 a,c,d,f,3,4,5 I want to get the rule such: {c,e,f}=> {3,4,5} I used this command: ar=apriori(tr, parameter=list(support=.4, confidence=0.8, maxlen=11), appearance
2007 Oct 17
How to save association rules generated by arules package
Hi, I have been able to generate association rules for Market Basket Analysis using the following codes: **************************************************************************** ******************************************* library("arules") rules <- read.csv("write1.csv",na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"),header=TRUE)
2006 Oct 05
a question on using arules package
hi, there: I have a question on use of arules package: suppose i have a classification problem with class id = 1 or 0. i put predictors and class ids together and tranform all of them into binary thus i got a binary matrix. When I build the rules from it, I subset the rules to 2 by defining rhs %in% "classid = 1" or "2". (Actually i can build rules from two seperate datasets
2008 Jul 24
How to get rule number in arules
 Dear R experts   I generated rules using apriori method in arules package. Though I can access rules using %in% function but I am unable to access a specific rule by its unique identifier number. I want to use rule number for further analysis..   Thanking you in advance.   Daniel Amsterdam                                       Send instant messages to your online friends
2011 Dec 07
arules package intsallation
I'm using R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13) on Mac OS X and I get the following error message with library(arules): Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: lattice Attaching package: 'Matrix' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': det Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object
2006 Jul 28
arules package: using image() deliveres unexpected results
Dear Collegues, it seems like there is a problem with the image()-method in the package arules. Using an ordninary matrix works fine: image(matrix(rnorm(200), 10, 20), axes = FALSE, col=brewer.pal(9, "Blues") ) delivers an image with blue colors and no axes. Using an object of the class "associations" (arules package) does not work: image(items(ta.eclat), axes = FALSE,
2013 May 21
Arules: getting rules with only one item in the left-hand side
Hello, I am using the package arules to generate association rules. I would like to restrict the rules so that in the left-hand side there's only one particular element, let's call it "potatoe". If I do this: rules <- apriori(dtm.mat, parameter = list(sup = 0.4, conf = 0.9,target="rules"), appearance = list(lhs = c("potatoe"))) I get "potatoe"
2011 Jun 03
Arules: R Crashes when running eclat with tidLists=TRUE
Hello, I'm using the eclat function of the arules package (1.0-6) for the identification of frequent itemsets. I need the tidLists, but if I set in the function tidLists=TRUE R crashes (Windows XP Professional SP3, 32 bit, R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16), reproducible on two different computers) with two different error messages or non at all. Minimum examples are: library(arules)
2013 Mar 11
Función Inspect() en "arules" package
Buenas tardes, Necesito ayuda con la función inspect() del paquete "arules". Mis comandos son: r1 <- apriori(tran, parameter=list(support=0.012, confidence=0.7)) r1 summary(r1) #todo bien, tengo 5 reglas y todo claro en el resume #pero al pedir inspect(r1) inspect(sort(r1, by = "confidence")) me arroja el error: Error en UseMethod("inspect", x) : no
2012 Jun 25
Arules - predict function issues - subscript out of bounds
Hi, I'm doing a Market Basket Analysis in which I have a list of transaction id's in column 2 and transactions(product names) in column 1. I read this into a transaction file using a txn<-read.transaction(file="data.csv",format='single', rm.duplicates=F, cols=c(1,2)) If I want to use the apriori algorithm everything seems to be running fine. However it is when I want
2008 Mar 04
Error in Arules
Hi everyone, This is my first posting and I am just starting to fumble my way thru R. I have been working thru the Arules package, and I used to be able to use the image function and I get the following message: Error in image.default(basket2) : 'z' must be a matrix I used to be able to plot the image. I only started to get this error when I tried to add x and y axis labels.
2012 Jan 17
arules "killed"
Hi, I recently got a bizarre message when running arules. It just said "Killed" and quit. Anyone know why this might have happened? I am running R on an AWS quad xl ubuntu instance. Here is some information, including dataset size and the parameters: parameter specification: confidence minval smax arem aval originalSupport support minlen maxlen 0.0003581251 0.1 1 none
2012 May 21
[LLVMdev] APInt::sdivrem error?
OK, the code for sdivrem in APInt.h is wrong. Here's what's written: static void sdivrem(const APInt &LHS, const APInt &RHS, APInt &Quotient, APInt &Remainder) { if (LHS.isNegative()) { if (RHS.isNegative()) APInt::udivrem(-LHS, -RHS, Quotient, Remainder); else APInt::udivrem(-LHS, RHS, Quotient, Remainder); Quotient =
2011 Sep 22
[LLVMdev] Need help in converting int to double
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:46 PM, sarath chandra <sarathcse19 at>wrote: > Hi James, > > First i converted the void * to int* and then did FPToSI...then did SHL...( > because CreateShl only accepts integers... i pointer casted it to int64 type > first)... Below is the code snippet.... > > > lhs = mBuilder.CreateStructGEP(firstArg, 0); > lhs =
2011 Sep 22
[LLVMdev] Need help in converting int to double
Hi Sarath, It would have really helped if you had removed the commented out code and inlined the calls to your homemade helper functions before sending it... You are doing this, in LLVM IR: %0 = getelementptr %Value* %firstArg, i32 0 ; i8** %1 = load i8** %0 ; i8* %2 = bitcast i8* %1 to i64* %3 = getelementptr %Value* %secondArg, i32 0 ; i8** %4 = load i8** %3; i8* %5 = bitcast i8* %4 to i64*
2011 Sep 22
[LLVMdev] Need help in converting int to double
Yeah, that's the the answer...... Thanks James for the help... Struggling with this for so many days....... On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 4:02 PM, James Molloy <James.Molloy at> wrote: > Hi Sarath,**** > > ** ** > > It would have really helped if you had removed the commented out code and > inlined the calls to your homemade helper functions before
2011 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Setting priority in instruction selection
> -----Original Message----- > From: Eli Friedman [mailto:eli.friedman at] > Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 7:15 PM > To: Villmow, Micah > Cc: llvmdev at > Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] Setting priority in instruction selection > > On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Villmow, Micah <Micah.Villmow at> > wrote: > > I am having a problem
2011 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Setting priority in instruction selection
I am having a problem with instruction selection with pattern fragments. With my custom target, in order to simplify code generation patterns, I do not allow a constant to be used in an instruction(mainly because they have declare before use semantics). Now the problem I am having is that I cannot get a instruction that contains pattern fragment that uses an immediate value to be selected before