similar to: sunrise sunset calculations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "sunrise sunset calculations"

2008 Nov 09
maptools sunrise sunset function
##This is a function that I am trying to write to calculate sunrise and sunset and works "mostly", but returns nonsensical values. What am I #missing? Thanks in advance. ###remember to include maptools as dependence### library(maptools) sunrise.set <- function(lat, long, date, timezone="UTC", num.days=1){ #this needs to be long lat# lat.long <- matrix(c(long, lat),
2008 Nov 10
TimeZone Help - Finding TimeZone codes
I have looked at ?as.POSIXct ?POSIXct and many of the references that are on those pages. I am bewildered with timezones. Is there a way to get what would go into tz="" for making a function that uses POSIXct to be able to be used in all of the timezones in just the united states? This is for both windows and mac... this is the function that I am wanting to use it with
2004 Jun 21
sunrise, sunset calculation
Are there any functions available to calculate sunrise and sunset times for given latitude,longitude and dates? If not, I'll appreciatte any pointers to C code I could use/port. Thanks, Angel
2008 Jul 15
code reduction (if anyone feels like it)
# I am sure that I could be more efficient than this but how? Thanks in advance. #GPS in Decimal Degrees in the form longitude latitude RM215 <- matrix(c(-82.1461363, 33.5959109), nrow=1) SC <- matrix(c(-82.025888, 33.606454), nrow=1) RM202 <- matrix(c(-81.9906723, 33.5027653), nrow=1) RM198 <- matrix(c(-81.926823, 33.4634678), nrow=1) HC <- matrix(c(-81.920505, 33.46192), nrow=1)
2008 Jul 15
POSIXct extract time
RM215.sp <- SpatialPoints(RM215, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) d060101 <- as.POSIXct("2006-01-01", tz="EST") study_seq <- seq(from=d060101, length.out=761, by="days") up.215 <- sunriset(RM215.sp, study_seq, direction="sunrise", POSIXct.out=TRUE) down.215 <- sunriset(RM215.sp, study_seq, direction="sunset",
2013 Jun 10
modify and append new rows to a data.frame using ddply
Hi, I have a data.frame that contains a variable act which records the duration (in seconds) of two states (wet-dry) for several individuals (identified by Ring) over a period of time. Since I want to work with daytime (i.e. from sunrise till sunset) and night time (i.e. from sunset till next sunrise), I have to split act from time[i] till sunset and from sunset until time[i+1], and from time[k]
2012 Oct 23
hi there, does anyone know how to calculate the amount of daylight on every day of the year in R? I mean the time between sunrise and sunset. thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Feb 07
Loop to find dates whithin dates
Hello to all, I have two dataframes, the first with two columns sunrise and sunset (for 10 years). Each of these columns is formatted for date time (ex: 01-Jan-2010 15:37:00) In the second data frame I have GPS information and also a date time column (same format ). What I would like to do is a subset of all the rows from the second dataframe that occurred in day time only so between sunrise
2010 Mar 04
extracting values conditonal on other values
Dear R helpers, I have a dataframe (test1) containing the time of sunrise and sunset for each day of the year for 3 years. I have another dataframe (test2) containing measurements that are taken every 15 minutes, 24/7. I would like to extract all rows from test2 that occur between sunrise and sunset for the appropriate date. Can you suggest a good vectorized way to do this? Keep in mind
2012 Apr 30
Subtract days to dates in POSIXct format
Hello, I'm having problems working with date values in POSIXct format. Here is what I got (eg.lig attached): x <- read.table("eg.txt", sep = ',', col.names=c("ok","time","secs","lig")) # it gives time as factor z <- cbind(x,colsplit(x$time, split="\\s", names=c("date", "clock")))
2010 Feb 11
Find each time a value changes
Dear List, I am trying to find each time a value changes in a dataset. The numbers are variables for day vs. night values, so what I am really getting is the daily sunrise and sunset. A simplified example is the following: x<-seq(1:100) y1<-rep(1,10) y2<-rep(2,10) y<-c(y1,y2,y1,y1,y1,y2,y1,y2,y1,y2) xy<-cbind(x,y) I would like to know each time the numbers change. Correct
2009 Jan 19
maptools, sunriset, POSIX timezones
Hi ... I wonder if anyone can provide some insight into why the first three examples using the sunriset function (appended below, with results) give the correct answer, but the fourth generates and error. The first two use ISOdatetime with and without a time zone attribute, and the sunriset function returns the correct sunset time. The third and fourth adds 10 seconds to the ISOdatetime
2011 Sep 24
maptools::sunriset() daylight savings to stardard time change
Hello all, After beating my head against the wall for a few hours, I give up. I have two problems. 1. If I use seq() to generate a POSIXct series that crosses a daylight savings to stardard time change I get two values for the first day of change. The time change is Nov 6,2011. The value for Nov 7 turns into 23:00 on Nov 6, thus two values for Nov 6. (see below) So I put a time value (noon)
2008 May 01
Making a map in R?
Does anyone know of a package to make a map from GIS data, and/or would it be easier in one of the free GIS programs. I would like to make a map of the savannah river area with our sampling locations. thanks stephen -- Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and make us feel like gods. We are
2010 Jul 08
0 exit status on packages update try
I am not entirely sure what is going on. I am sure that I am missing something. maptools won't detach... Thanks for all of your help. R 2.11.1 OS Ubuntu 10.04 R --vanilla install.packages("sp", dep=TRUE) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto This is vegan 1.17-3 Loading required package:
2011 Sep 17
Re: Wine 1.3.11 and Micorsoft Money Sunset Edition
Hey guys, I got Money Plus Deluxe Sunset working without ever seeing this thread, but these are the same to issues I had to conquer. I posted these on my AppDB test data submission as well, but thought I'd post it here for your convenience (if you're still trying to get it to work, that is). 1st, the dialog box on each page load; Solution: use winetricks ie8 instead of ie6 2nd, the app
2011 Jan 10
Wine 1.3.11 and Micorsoft Money Sunset Edition
I've gotten Microsoft Money Sunset running under wine following the instructions here... Application runs fine for the most part. But I'm having two problems. Money must use some internal web thingy (technical term) and uses it for it's pages. Every time it starts up, I need to open them. I'm thinking that
2012 Feb 10
apply pairs function to multiple columns in a data frame
I am very new to R and programming and thank you in advance for your patience and help with a complete novice! I am working with a large multivariate data set that has 10 explanatory environmental variables (e.g. temp, depth) and over 60 response variables (each is a separate species). My data frame is set up like the simplified version below: JulianDay Temperature Salinity Depth Copepod
2008 Jul 15
creating axis of the plot before data are plotted -- solved
Solved. I tried to create a minimal example, but my script is too complicated to just cut out lines (too many dependencies). Instead of it, I sketch my idea. I do not say it is the nicest solution, but it works as I wanted. The first five rows of my data-matrix: > data_svd$u[1:5,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] 25.12333 -0.05845695
2001 Mar 19
Samba & subnets
Hi We have two subnets with routing tables correctly set up so they can both ping to our Sun Solaris Box. 193.71.221 191.9.211 The Sun Solaris box lives on and all PCs on that subnet can map to the Sun box without any problems. All PCs on the 191.9.211 cannot connect to the samba drives giving the error "Network not Found". Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks