similar to: creating axis of the plot before data are plotted

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "creating axis of the plot before data are plotted"

2008 Jul 15
creating axis of the plot before data are plotted -- solved
Solved. I tried to create a minimal example, but my script is too complicated to just cut out lines (too many dependencies). Instead of it, I sketch my idea. I do not say it is the nicest solution, but it works as I wanted. The first five rows of my data-matrix: > data_svd$u[1:5,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] 25.12333 -0.05845695
2008 Jul 10
Turn any vector
Dear R-users, I'd like to turn a vector so it starts with it's end. For better understanding, this set of commands will do what I need: i <- seq(1:10) i_turned <- i for (j in 1:length(i)) i_turned[j] <- i[length(i)-j+1] now, i_turned is what I call turned. Is there a function which would make a script lighter? Thank you upfront for any hint. Best regards, Zroutik
2008 May 23
Fit a sine to data
Dear R-users, I'd like to fit a sine function to my data. The result should have a format (and thus the formula, too) y ~ a + sin(x+b) where y and x are vectors, and a and b are (yet) unknown values. The data sets (vectors x and y) are OK, and I can do a simple lm fitting lm(y~x), or lm(y~I(sin(2*pi*x/360))), succesfully My issue is that I'm not able to do the optional linear shift in
2008 Aug 11
A comprehensive manual on "How to plot" (a lot of graphical examples welcome)
Hi, I'm looking for a manual (we based or pdf) which would explain in detail with graphical examples what all the option can do in plot and par. Does anybody now anything like this? A couple of manuals to R I went through do have plot parameters mentioned, but sometimes it is hard to understand or imagine what the parameter can do (the same with the related help page) e.g. I met "From
2008 Aug 11
line with of the symbols in the legend -- changable?
Dear R users, I plot data with points(my_data[x]~x, col = x, type = "o", lwd="4") where x is an integer running from 1 to 10, I get points drawn at the plot. When want to do a legend to this I try legend(leg.txt[x], col = x, text.col = 1, pch = 1, bty = "n") where leg.txt contains the names of the variable and x behaves the same. The difference between the
2010 Jun 18
Latex problem in Hmisc (3.8-1) and Mac Os X with R 2.11.1
Dear all, I did post this more or less identical mail in a follow up to another question I posted, but under another heading. I try again, but now under the correct header. upon running this code (from the Hmisc library-latex function) I believe the call to summary.formula is allright and produces wonderful tables, but the latex command results in a correct formatted table but where all the
2009 May 19
exists function on list objects gives always a FALSE
Dear R-users, in a minimal example exists() gives FALSE on an object which obviously does exist. How can I check on that list object anyway else, please? > SmoothData <- list(exists=TRUE, span=0.001) > SmoothData $exists [1] TRUE $span [1] 0.001 > exists("SmoothData") TRUE > exists("SmoothData$span") FALSE > exists("SmoothData[[2]]") FALSE
2008 Aug 14
the name of the current running script.r
Dear R users, is there a hack how to get the filename of the current script.r sourced/ran? My issue: I have a couple of scripts which were optimised and are placed in tens of directories. (I have a height.r script in 30 directories, a lines.r script in 25 directories and another flow.r script in 54 directories, growing). The script runs in the directory and does its job: sources data and creates
2008 Sep 17
using for variable as rowname
Is there a way to use the cycle variable for rowname? v=1:6 for (a in 1:3){ for (b in 4:5) { v=rbind(v,a.b=1) } } v This above obviously does not work, but I couldn't find out how to use a and b to construct a rowname like 14, 15, 24, 25. Thanks for the help. Balazs -- View this message in context: Sent from
2009 Mar 02
Error setting rowname if rowname currently NULL
Hi, My first post here and new to R so please bear with me (long time programmer though, helping a friend with some scripts). I've noticed a behaviour when using rownames() that I think is odd, wondering if I'm doing something wrong. To illustrate, say I create a very simple matrix (called fred): fred<-matrix(,4,2) It looks like this: [,1] [,2] [1,] NA NA [2,] NA NA
2010 Nov 02
get the scripname within the executed myscript.r
Dear R-users! Is there a way to obtain the name of the executed myscript.r, i.e. when cmd> rscript myscript.r is executed? (The name of the script in this case is "myscript.r") Here is the explanation of why I would like to get that: Why: I have prepared a set of scripts (decompose_data.r, plot_with_higher_resolution.r, plot_3D.r, etc.) placed in a root directory at one place. I
2004 Jun 11
rownames of single row matrices
Hi I want to extract rows of a matrix, and preserve rownames even if only one row is selected. Toy example: R> a <- matrix(1:9,3,3) R> rownames(a) <- letters[1:3] R> colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3] R> a A B C a 1 4 7 b 2 5 8 c 3 6 9 Extract the first two rows: R> wanted <- 1:2 R> a[wanted,] A B C a 1 4 7 b 2 5 8 rownames come through fine. Now extract just
2007 Aug 10
Row name of empty string issue
I have a data.frame with rownames taken from a database. Unfortunately, one of the rownames (automatically obtained from the DB) is an empty string. I often do computations on the DB s.t. the answers (rows) are indexed with respect to the rownames so a computation on a DB record might necessitate the indexing into the data.frame by the emtpy row name. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to
2003 Oct 18
why does data frame subset return vector
Hello, I've a weired problem with a data frame. Basically it should be just one column with specific names coming from a data file (the file contains 2 rows, one should be the for the rownames of the data frame the other contains numeric values). > df.rr <- read.table("RR_anova.txt", header=T, comment.char="", row.names=1) > df.rr[c(1,2,3),] [1] 1.11e-16 1.11e-16
2008 May 19
Sort matrix with duplicate row names alphabetically by rowname
Hi, I've a matrix that contains 4 replicates of each rowname. (4 a's, 4 b's, 4 c's in no particular order) Like this: # c 32 a 1 b 4 c 87 c 34 b 54 a 23 a 12 b 9 a 3 b 87 c 43 There are a couple of more columns but I'm using the above as an example I need to sort it so that the same rownames appear together in alpahbetical order. Like this: # a 1 a 23 a 12 a 3 b 4
2008 Jan 04
predict.lm removes rownames for a single row. Why?
predict.lm keeps row names when working from several rows in newdata, but always removes rowname from a single row. The rownames are removed by the line in predict.lm predictor <- drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv]) What is the reason for that decision? I usually want to retain the row names. tmp <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=c(1,3,2,5)) tmp.lm <- lm(y ~ x, data=tmp) <-
2009 Jul 13
how to keep row name if there is only one row selected from a data frame
Hi, there: Assume I have a dataframe with rownames like A with rownames like a to e, > A [,1] [,2] a 1 6 b 2 7 c 3 8 d 4 9 e 5 10 when I use A[1,], I lost the rowname for it, like below. How could I keep it? Is there an easy way instead that I have to modify by myself after I used A[1,] manually. > A[1,] [1] 1 6 Thanks, W. -- Weiwei Shi, Ph.D Research
2012 Oct 21
Changing a for loop to a function using sapply
Apparently there is one or more concepts that I do not fully understand from the descriptions of a function and the apply material. I have been reading the mail from this forum and have learned much but, in this case, what I have been reading here and from the manual isn't enough. The following code produces what I want with the for loop. From what I have read from this forum, a for
2000 Mar 09
For the record: how to merge data frames vertically
Hello, to save searching time in the S-news archive, here is the simple solution to merge data frames vertically (cols must be equivalent, of course). The frames must be components of a list, such as produced by framelist<-split(bigframe,factor). bigframe2<"rbind",framelist) # posted to S-news by Bill Venables, found in summary message
2010 Nov 29
Extracting selected rows from a matrix
Hi, I have matrix of 104 columns and 30000 rows (Each Row has rowname). I have 13 different  list of selected rownames (character) say 1000 each. Now I want to extract the all the columns according to the rownames in each the list. How can I do that in R ? 1 ) For a single list 2) For all the 13 list at a time  Regards, Pankaj Barah Department of Biology,  Norwegian University of