Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: ""Rotated Lat-Lon" projection in mapproj"
2011 Sep 07
Error: in routine alloca() there is a stack overflow: thread 0, max 535822282KB, used 0KB, request 24B
Dear Colleagues:
Through your help an R related installation issue was resolved, but I now
have the following usage issue.
On any "get.var.ncdf" usage I am seeing:
Error: in routine alloca() there is a stack overflow: thread 0, max
535822282KB, used 0KB, request 24B
The same error is posted on a file as small as 50MB and as large as 500GB,
with ulimit set to unlimited. I
2010 Apr 26
finite difference scheme for 2D differential equations
Hello everyone,
I am trying to solve 2D differential equations using finite difference
scheme in R. I have been able to work with the equations with only one
spatial dimensions but I want to extend it to the two dimensional problem.
For example i can simulate one dimensional diffusion using a code like the
following. But I want to write a similar code for,say, a two dimensional
2012 Jun 26
Drawing (lon,lat) coordinates onto the image of a world
Given a set of latitude and longitude coordinates pairs (stored in variables "latitudevals" and "longitudevals"), I would like to plot them onto the image of a equirectangular world map. I would like to plot each coordinate pair with a red circle, if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I go about doing this, whether using R or using another program like Google
2011 Nov 08
from points in Lon/Lat to physical distance in dist class
Dear R-listers,
Here, I would like to hearing helps from you.
I have GPS data (multiple points in the geographic scale) in
longitude/latitude. I intend to calculate
distance (in kilometer) among such points and output the distance matrix in
dist class.
I have gotten some progress, but I still can not get final goal. Could
please give me any directions/advice?
This email cc. to Mr. Pierre, the
2008 Sep 16
Blank certain areas of a contour plot
I'm interpolating a list of syncronous accumulated precipitation
observations collected over a number of raingauge stations sited over
land, over a regular lat/lon grid using akima's interp().
Then, I plot and locate geographycally the resulting field with a
filled.contour() and a call to map(). Everything is fine but I need to
"blank" (in Golden Surfer nomenclature)
2011 Mar 21
Lat Lon NetCDF subset
I'm trying to read a subset of a netcdf file into R, but although I'm
relatively experienced using R, I'm still new to netCDF files, so this may
be a very simple/stupid question!
I've included an example of the type of file I'm looking at here.
www.met.reading.ac.uk/~swp06hg/ccd1983_01-dk1_20.nc (~7Mb)
It's a 2D array of the variable CCD along with its lat and
2008 Jun 25
Is this sapply behaviour normal?
Hi, I'm trying to use sapply to compute the min of several variables, each
of them stored in data.frames, grouped as a list:
Is it normal that mean() and min() produce different objects dimensions?
> str(dats)
List of 5
$ log20:'data.frame': 83 obs. of 5 variables:
..$ DATE : int [1:83] 2001081500 2001081512 2001081600 2001081612
2001081700 2001081712
2008 Oct 07
masking a regular lat/lon grid to extract map boundaries
Dear R-helpers,
I have lat/lon coordinates of regularly spaced grid points, about 4Km
apart, covering the entire US continental region.
I would like to mask this rectangular grid in order to extract all and
only the grid points within a specific region. Today I want to
extract Montana, say, from this grid, and I am hoping to somehow use
the returned value of the function
2009 Mar 12
zooreg and lmrob problem (bug?)
Hi all and thanks for your time in advance,
I can't figure out why summary.lmrob complains when lmrob is used on a
zooreg object. If the zooreg object is converted to vector before
calling lmrob, no problems appear.
Let me clarify this with an example:
2018 May 29
Difficulty in writing R code for one pool dynamic model
Hi everyone,
I was trying to mode the following exercise using R.
The question: Set up a one pool model using numericintegration. The model will run from time 1 to time 30 using a time step of 1.The pool (A) will be fed by flux "inA" at a rate of 5 units per hour anddrained by flux "outA" at a rate of 20% per hour. At time 0, A has 5units. At time 30, what is the pool size of
2008 Jun 18
Histogram inset into another histogram
Dear R users and helpers,
I'm trying to find an example of a histogram plot as an inset (upper
right or left corner) of another histogram.
Anyone has an example of that?
Thanks for your help,
V?ctor Homar Santaner
Grup de Meteorologia
Edif. Mateu Orfila Tel: +34 971 17 1376
2007 Apr 04
how to image.plot a XY grid file into a lat-lon map
Hi All,
I have a netcdf gridded file with LCC projection. I can easily use
image.plot to visualize it. However, as the axises are in X,Y, not Lat and
Lon, I could not add state or country maps onto it (or lat lon information).
I do have a grid2d file that describes the lat and lon for each (X,Y) grid,
but the lat and lon are not regularly spaced, so I could not use image.plot.
Does anyone know
2010 Jan 05
R matching lat/lon pairs from two datasets?
I am trying to match lat/lon from one dataset with the lat/lon from a
second dataset and use that rows data for calculations. I am using
match, but this is finding the first match and not comparing the pair,
how can I determine if the lat/lon are the same? See example below. Is
there a better way to determine to a matching pair of lat/lon values?
Example Datasets:
> data2
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
Two questions:
1. Is the order of the dimensions shown what is shown if you look at str(ncin) - I mean shown at the end where it describes the variable and its dimensions?
2. Is you problem how to subset the netcdf file, how to write to the .csv file, or both?
> On Aug 28, 2017, at 2:21 PM, Eeusha Nafi <eshad002 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a series of nertCDF files
2017 Aug 28
Extracting subset from netCDF file using lat/lon and converting into .csv in R
I have a series of nertCDF files containing global data for a particular
variable, e.g. tmin/tmax/precipiation/windspeed/relative
humuidity/radiation etc. I get the following information when using
*nc_open* function in R:
datafile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpo7zklcmtm3g5r/gfdl_preci.nc?dl=0
File gfdl_preci.nc (NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC):
1 variables (excluding dimension variables):
2005 Apr 23
reading fortran binary file
Hi r-help,
I have some troubles reading fortran binary file(from mm5) in R. Here
is what I have done.
1. Use a fortran subroutine to read this file in R. The subroutine is
as the following.
subroutine freadmm5(filenamet,out2d)
integer iflag,var1,miy,mjx,mkz,mt,z,t
character*4 crdt,corder
character*24 chrdate
character*9 cname,var
2003 Nov 01
R maps, mapdata and mapproj for Windows
Nearly a month ago I announced the availability of a Windows port of
the maps for S package but for various reasons the Windows binaries
did not appear on CRAN until yesterday. Now I am pleased to announce
that the three packages maps_2.0-8 (the base maps package with
low-resolution databases), mapdata_2.0-6 (high-resolution and other
databases) and mapproj_1.1 (projection add-on for maps,
2003 Nov 01
R maps, mapdata and mapproj for Windows
Nearly a month ago I announced the availability of a Windows port of
the maps for S package but for various reasons the Windows binaries
did not appear on CRAN until yesterday. Now I am pleased to announce
that the three packages maps_2.0-8 (the base maps package with
low-resolution databases), mapdata_2.0-6 (high-resolution and other
databases) and mapproj_1.1 (projection add-on for maps,
2011 Oct 31
3 Overlayed simple plots
Dear all,
I am plotting 3 plots into the same x and y axis.
I want the first one to be painted red with a continuous line
The second one green with a continuous line
and the third one blue with a continuous line
Is it also a
2007 Nov 13
map - mapproj : problem of states localisation
Hi R-user,
I am new with R and I have a problem with the map and mapproj fonctions :
with the following code :
>test_proj=mapproject(LONG_d01_vec_t1, LAT_d01_vec_t1, projection="lambert",