similar to: Random Forest %var(y)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Random Forest %var(y)"

2011 Nov 17
tuning random forest. An unexpected result
Dear Researches, I am using RF (in regression way) for analize several metrics extract from image. I am tuning RF setting a loop using different range of mtry, tree and nodesize using the lower value of MSE-OOB mtry from 1 to 5 nodesize from1 to 10 tree from 1 to 500 using this paper as refery Palmer, D. S., O'Boyle, N. M., Glen, R. C., & Mitchell, J. B. O. (2007). Random Forest Models
2008 Jun 15
randomForest, 'No forest component...' error while calling Predict()
Dear R-users, While making a prediction using the randomForest function (package randomForest) I'm getting the following error message: "Error in predict.randomForest(model, newdata = CV) : No forest component in the object" Here's my complete code. For reproducing this task, please find my 2 data sets attached ( data.rar ).
2010 Jan 25
Issue using tapply
Hello all, I am trying to use the tapply function to sum some values and change the column names of the resulting vector. I input Emp Et 1 10565 ACC 2 7515 ADM 3 625 AGF 4 6243 CNS 5 12721 EDU 6 3924 FIN 7 18140 HLH 8 3686 INF 9 15841 MFG 10 243 MIN 11 1864 MNG 12 4664 OSV 13 5496 PRF 14 4988 PUB 15 2166 REC 16 2153 REL 17 16082 RTL 18 3582 TRN 19 757 UTL 20
2010 May 28
Data frame manipulation
Hello All, Please consider the following: TotEmp<-c(19,6,1,1,8,44,2,33,48,1) ClusterType<-c("AGF","CNS","OSV","RTL","RTL","TRN","REL","ACC_CLUST","RTL","WHL") Taz<-c(0,0,0,100,100,100,101,101,102,103)
2011 Jun 22
Appending to list
So im here now b/c im incredibly frustrated. Please consider the following: #Try 1 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[paste(sn,i,sep="-")]]<-Data.X } } ##Try 2 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[sn]][[i]]<-Data.X } } In Try 1 i am able to append
2011 Nov 16
problem to tunning RandomForest, an unexpected result
Dear Researches, I am using RF (in regression way) for analize several metrics extract from image. I am tuning RF setting a loop using different range of mtry, tree and nodesize using the lower value of MSE-OOB mtry from 1 to 5 nodesize from1 to 10 tree from 1 to 500 using this paper as refery Palmer, D. S., O'Boyle, N. M., Glen, R. C., & Mitchell, J. B. O. (2007). Random Forest Models
2005 Jul 13
Hi, I have a question on read.table. I have a dataset with 273,000 lines and 195 columns. I used the read.table to load the data into R: trn<-read.table('train1.dat', header=F, sep='|', na.strings='.') I found it takes forever. then I run 1/10 of the data (test) using read.table again. And this time it finished quickly. So, there might be something wrong in my data
2013 Mar 24
Random Forest, Giving More Importance to Some Data
Dear All, I am using randomForest to predict the final selling price of some items. As it often happens, I have a lot of (noisy) historical data, but the question is not so much about data cleaning. The dataset for which I need to carry out some predictions are fairly recent sales or even some sales that will took place in the near future. As a consequence, historical data should be somehow
2009 Apr 07
Concern with randomForest
Hi all, When running a randomForest run using the following command: forestplas=randomForest(Prev~.,data=plas,ntree=200000) print(forestplas) I get the following result: Call: randomForest(formula = Prev ~ ., data = plas, ntree = 2e+05, importance = TRUE) Type of random forest: regression Number of trees: 2e+05 No. of variables tried at each split: 5
2012 Mar 18
Importing files
Hello, I'm trying to import into R files that contain data downloaded from logger devices as files with the following formats: .act .lig .trj .trn These files are essentially text files but use both tabs and commas as separators. I've tried the function scan: 1) scan("filename.act", what=character(0)) returns only two columns from the original 5 2) scan("copia.act",
2009 Jun 08
Random Forest % Variation vs Psuedo-R^2?
Hi all (and Andy!), When running a randomForest run in R, I get the last part of an output (with do.trace=T) that looks like this: 1993 | 0.04606 130.43 | 1994 | 0.04605 130.40 | 1995 | 0.04605 130.43 | 1996 | 0.04605 130.43 | 1997 | 0.04606 130.44 | 1998 | 0.04607 130.47 | 1999 | 0.04606 130.46 | 2000 | 0.04605 130.42 | With the first column representing the
2005 Sep 08
Re-evaluating the tree in the random forest
Dear mailinglist members, I was wondering if there was a way to re-evaluate the instances of a tree (in the forest) again after I have manually changed a splitpoint (or split variable) of a decision node. Here's an illustration: library("randomForest") forest.rf <- randomForest(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, do.trace = TRUE, ntree = 3, mtry = 2, norm.votes = FALSE) # I am
2000 May 07
FW: Browsing issues NT WS 4.0 and Samba
> -----Original Message----- > From: Kurt Heinrich > Sent: Thursday, 4 May 2000 14:29 > To: '' > Subject: Browsing issues NT WS 4.0 and Samba > > Hi Guys/Girls, > > I have recently been trying to implement samba into our environment here > as a replacement for ftp clients. > > What I am finding is that windows explorer (NT W/S 4.0)
2009 May 12
FW: neural network not using all observations
As a follow-up to my email below: The input data frame to nnet() has dimensions: > dim(coreaff.trn.nn) [1] 5088 8 And the predictions from the neural network (35 records are dropped - see email below for more details) has dimensions: > pred <- predict(coreaff.nn1) > dim(pred) [1] 5053 1 So, the following line of R code does not work as the dimensions are
2009 May 12
How do I extract the scoring equations for neural networks and support vector machines?
Sorry for these multiple postings. I solved the problem using na.omit() to drop records with missing values for the time being. I will worry about imputation, etc. later. I calculated the sum of squared errors for 3 models, linear regression, neural networks, and support vector machines. This is the first run. Without doing any parameter tuning on the SVM or playing around with the number of
2009 May 12
neural network not using all observations
I am exploring neural networks (adding non-linearities) to see if I can get more predictive power than a linear regression model I built. I am using the function nnet and following the example of Venables and Ripley, in Modern Applied Statistics with S, on pages 246 to 249. I have standardized variables (z-scores) such as assets, age and tenure. I have other variables that are binary (0 or 1). In
2002 Jul 10
Problems with VGA PLANETS 4
My P4_BUG.log 01 _ Installed Wine run with -v gives "Wine release 20000430" and error "fixme: pthread_atfork" 02 _ Edited /etc/wine.conf c:\windows\Profiles\Administrator\user.dat must be c:\windows\user.dat 03 _ Trying wine /wine/mnt/c/Programme/Play/vgap/Planets4/planets4.exe as "user" gives errors: - fixme: pthread_atfork - what
2002 May 28
random Forests
Hi, I have a data set with 1000 observations and 260 predictors. The predictor variables are all ordinal. There are 2 classes labeled as, F and T with class proportions of 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. In a call to the function randomForest() with mytry=1 and nodesize=1 and ntree=100 the resulting classifier puts all observations in class T. When I change nodesize to nodesize=5 I get the
2013 Mar 09
grouping followed by finding frequent patterns in R
I have a data in the following form : CIN TRN_TYP 9079954 1 9079954 2 9079954 3 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 6 9079954 7 9079954 8 9079954 9 9079954 9 . . . . . . there are 100 types of CIN (9079954,12441087,15246633,...) and respective TRN_TYP first of all, I want this data to be
2012 Oct 22
random forest
Hi all, Can some one tell me the difference between the following two formulas? 1. epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action =,ntree = 300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F) 2.epiG.rf <-randomForest(gamma~.,data=data, na.action =,ntree = 300,xtest = NULL, ytest = NULL,replace = T, proximity =F) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]