similar to: Data size

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "Data size"

2012 Oct 30
help - extract data using column names
hello , I am new user in R . I have datafile (class = data.frame) which has 825 columns with unique column name i want extract 200 selected column from datafile how can I do this? my datafile look like.. Mi RBN RBF nDB nX 3 2.6225979 0.53132756 -0.80599902 -1.4471864 -0.5705269 10 0.4818746 -1.72143092 -2.19579027 2.0118824 -0.5705269 12 2.8519611
2003 Nov 24
Questions on Random Forest
Hi, everyone, I am a newbie on R. Now I want to do image pixel classification by random forest. But I has not a clear understanding on random forest. Here is some question: As for an image, for example its size is 512x512 and has only one variable -- gray level. The histogram of the image looks like mixture Gaussian Model, say Gauss distribution (u1,sigma1), (u2,sigma2),(u3,sigma3). And a
2002 Jun 17
trouble getting R program to open a data file
Hi, We've written an R program to conduct a series of analyses on a data file that is a comma separated value file. At one time it worked, but every since having down loaded the new version of R, I'm getting the following: Cannot open c:windowsdesktopslope.csv What I've asked the program to do is to open a datafile using the following: DataFile<-
2010 Jul 31
a problem
dear: when I read a Excel file(exp-11),The R project give me a error ,Just like this: ??'datafile' > write.foreign("exp-11.xls") ???list(df = df, datafile = datafile, codefile = codefile) : ??'datafile' > write.foreign("exp-11.xls") ???list(df = df, datafile = datafile, codefile = codefile) : ??'datafile' >
2012 Apr 22
How to take ID of number > 7.
I figured out something new that I would like to see if I can do this more easy with R then Excel. I have these huge files with data. For example: DataFile.csv ID Name log2 1 Fantasy 5.651 2 New 7.60518 3 Finding 8.9532 4 Looeka -0.248652 5 Vani 0.3548 With like header1: ID, header 2: Name, header 3: log2 Now I need to get the $ID out who have a &log2 value higher then 7. I
2006 Jul 21
Reading data with blank elements
Hi, I have a dataset saved in *.csv format, that contains 13 columns (the first column being the title name and the rest experiments) and about 2500 rows. Not all columns in the row have data in it i.e for eg BS00,-0.084,0.0136,-0.1569,-0.6484,1.103,1.7859,0.40287,0.5368,0.08461,-0.1935,-0.147974,0.30685 BS01,0.491270283,0.875826172,,,,,,,,,,
2010 Aug 12
Where the data file is stored?
Hi folks, OS - Ubuntu 10.04 On R I create a datafile named "data". I can evoke it on R with; > data On R Commander Data -> Active data set -> Select active data set -> (data) OK only one data set there "data" -> View data set I can read it -> Edit data set showing 25 rows of data. Clicking the box shows a thick border around it. But I couldn't
2012 Jan 24
data extraction in R
All, I currently have a dataset with a variety of different columns, let's say, A,B,C, and D. I'd like to run an R script that graphs only certain rows of the dataset based on what's in column A. In awk, it'd be something like: awk ' { if(A==5 && B ==6) print $0 } ' datafile | command or file Since I have just begun using R, I am unsure if awk is compatible in R
2005 Dec 13
Technique for reading large sparse fwf data file
Dear list: A datafile was sent to me that is very large (92890 x 1620) and is *very* sparse. Instead of leaving the entries with missing data blank, each cell with missing data contains a dot (.) The data are binary in almost all columns, with only a few columns containing whole numbers, which I believe requires 2 bytes for the binary and 4 for the others. So, by my calculations (assuming 4
2005 Feb 01
Error in load(dataFile, myEnv)
Dear all, I just found that some of the packages are not able to load any more, after I installed R2.0.1 in my Mac, it even affects my old R1.8 installs. It gives me errors when I load packages that contains "myEnv" settings. such as: RMySQL, DBI, Rggobi, etc. But others that does not require "myENV" is all right, like tcltk that only calls the c functions. The errors
2005 Sep 06
Paranoid Firewalling
After reading this article: I got to thinking that there is really no reason for *any* traffic to hit my servers that comes from anywhere outside North America. So I wrote the perl script at the end of this posting to extract selected IP ranges posted at and convert them into iptables rules blocking any traffic
2010 Jan 25
PCA: Showing file datalabels on biplot
The script below successfully produces a biplot of the data but the 'site names' (rows) and the names of the 'response variables' (columns) are shown as simple numerals (rather than the column and row names). How might I 'enforce' the use of the row/column names used in the datafile (section of datafile shown below)? Can anyone help, please? Section of datafile sample a b
2011 Dec 12
littler: Use for batch processing of data sets: How to pass filename?
Dear R folks, I have several data sets I want to process automatically using R. I found littler [1] and thought this will do the trick. 1. Read in data file to a data frame using `scan()`. 2. Do linear regression. 3. Write the data and the coefficients back to a file. #!/usr/bin/env r if (is.null(argv) | length(argv)!=1) { cat("Usage:
2006 Jul 13
writeForeignSAS and potential extensions
Dear R-devel, I've made some potential extensions to writeForeignSAS in 'foreign' that I wanted to pass along if anyone is interested. I've attached the diff -u output against the version found in foreign_0.8-15 and an .R file with my changes. (In this .R file, the function is named writeForeignSAS7 to simplify testing/comparisons.) I've tried to alter the current
2013 May 08
Problem with hiera config
Hi all, I''m trying to work with hiera database in puppet and i''m having problems using %{variables} because they don''t get the values and i don''t know why. file hiera.yaml: cat hiera.yaml --- :backends: - yaml - puppet :hierarchy:- nodes/%{domain}/%{hostname} - os/%{operatingsystem}/%{operatingsystemrelease} -
2008 Jun 13
Importing data with different delimters
All, I have a data file with 56 entries that looks like this: City State JanTemp Lat Long Mobile, AL 44 31.2 88.5 Montgomery, AL 38 32.9 86.8 Phoenix, AZ 35 33.6 112.5 Little Rock, AR 31 35.4 92.8 Los Angeles, CA 47 34.3 118.7 San Francisco, CA 42 38.4 123.0 I would like to "read" this data into a dataframe. Is it possible to do without editing the datafile? D.
2009 Mar 31
To save Trellis Plots on A3 size paper (Portrait and Landscape)
Dear R users, Thanks in advance. I am Deb, Statistician at NSW Department of Commerce, Sydney. I am using R 2.8.1 on Windows XP. I like to save Trellis Plots on A3 size paper (Portrait and Landscape). Currently, I am using the following command to save a Trellis Plot in pdf [This is an example code]: pdf("D:/Analysis/test.pdf") dataFile <- expand.grid(xo=
2007 May 15
read.table() can't read in this table (But Splus can) (PR#9687)
On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 23:41 +0200, vax9000 at wrote: > Full_Name: vax, 9000 > Version: 2.4.0, 2.2.1 > OS: 2.4.0: Mac OS X; 2.2.1: Linux > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > To reproduce this bug, first go to the website "" and > download the 14.8M data set "Web Figure 1 Data file". The direct link is >
2006 Dec 08
any way to make the code more efficient ?
The code bekow works so this is why I didn't include the data to reproduce it. The loops about 500 times and each time, a zoo object with 1400 rows and 4 columns gets created. ( the rows represent minutes so each file is one day worth of data). Inside the loop, I keep rbinding the newly created zoo object to the current zoo object so that it gets bigger and bigger over time. Eventually,
2012 Oct 18
Getting a table of coefficients from R
Hi,? I'm trying to obtain a table of coefficients and confidence intervals from a logistic regression analysis in R. My code is as follows: # read in csv file datafile<-read.csv("file.csv", row.names=1) # read in the variable list varlist<-names(datafile)[66:180] models<-lapply(varlist, function(x) {glm(substitute(outcome ~ i, list(, data=datafile, family =