similar to: Representing 'Date' as 'Year - Quarter'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Representing 'Date' as 'Year - Quarter'"

2012 Apr 18
quarter end dates between two date strings
Hello, I have two date strings, say "1972-06-30" and "2012-01-31", and I'd like to get every quarter period end date between those dates? Does anyone know how to do this? Speed is important... Here is a small sample: Two dates: "2007-01-31" "2012-01-31" And I'd like to get this: [1] "2007-03-31" "2007-06-30"
2007 Jul 25
Consider the following scrap of code: > x<- ts(1:50,start=c(1,11),freq=12) > y <- aggregate(x,nfreq=4) > c(y) [1] 6 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 78 87 96 105 114 123 132 141 > y Error in"", start.pad) : invalid number of copies in > tsp(y) [1] 1.833333 5.583333 4.000000 So we can aggregate into quarters, but we cannot print it using
2007 Jul 25
Consider the following scrap of code: > x<- ts(1:50,start=c(1,11),freq=12) > y <- aggregate(x,nfreq=4) > c(y) [1] 6 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 78 87 96 105 114 123 132 141 > y Error in"", start.pad) : invalid number of copies in > tsp(y) [1] 1.833333 5.583333 4.000000 So we can aggregate into quarters, but we cannot print it using
2008 Jun 29
Calculating quarterly statistics for time series object
I have time series observation on daily frequencies : library(zoo) SD=1 date1 = seq(as.Date("01/01/01", format = "%m/%d/%y"), as.Date("12/31/02", format = "%m/%d/%y"), by = 1) len1 = length(date1); data1 = zoo(matrix(rnorm(len1, mean=0, sd=SD*0.5), nrow = len1),  date1) plot(data1) Now I want to calculate 1. Quarterly statistics like mean, variance etc
2018 Jan 28
Plotting quarterly time series
I have a data set with quarterly time series for several variables. The time index is recorded in column 1 of the dataframe as a character vector "Q1 1961", "Q2 1961","Q3 1961", "Q4 1961", "Q1 1962", etc. I want to produce line plots with ggplot2, but it seems I need to convert the time index from character to date class. Is that right? If so, how
2008 Jan 10
diff in a dataframe
I have a dataframe say: date price_g price_s 0.34 0.56 0.36 0.76 . . . . . . and so on. say, 1000 rows. Is it possible to add two columns to this dataframe, by computing say diff(log(price_g) and diff(log(price_s)) ? The elements in the first row of these columns cannot be computed, but
2010 Oct 25
finding the year of a date
I know that I can use as.yearmon in the package "zoo" to find the year and the month of a date. I can use as. yearqtr to find the year and the quarter. But how can one find just the year of a date? Thanks a lot! -- Dimitri Liakhovitski Ninah Consulting
2018 Jan 28
Plotting quarterly time series
On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, phil at wrote: > I have a data set with quarterly time series for several variables. The > time index is recorded in column 1 of the dataframe as a character > vector "Q1 1961", "Q2 1961","Q3 1961", "Q4 1961", "Q1 1962", etc. I want > to produce line plots with ggplot2, but it seems I need to
2007 Oct 15
for loop if else conditional
date <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()) #present date for (i in 1:difftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()),"2007-10-01")) if (date$wday != 0 & date$wday != 6) {print(date);assign("date", (date-86400))} else (assign("date", (date-86400))) I am trying to print dates from present day to a day in the past, but omitting weekends. I am not doing something right, but can't
2018 Jan 28
Plotting quarterly time series
Using Achim's d this also works to generate z where FUN is a function used to transform the index column and format is also passed to FUN. z <- read.zoo(d, index = "time", FUN = as.yearqtr, format = "Q%q %Y") On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at> wrote: > On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, phil at wrote: > >> I
2017 Oct 06
Time series: xts/zoo object at annual (yearly) frequency
Hi, I'd like to make a time series at an annual frequency. > a<-xts(x=c(2,4,5),"1991","1992","1993")) Error in xts(x = c(2, 4, 5), = c("1991", "1992", "1993")) : requires an appropriate time-based object > a<-xts(x=c(2,4,5), Error in xts(x = c(2, 4, 5), =
2007 Oct 16
try / tryCatch for download.file( ) within a for loop when URL does not exist
I am trying to download a bunch of files from a server, for which I am using download.file( ) within a for loop. The script is working fine except until download.file hits a URL which has no file, at which point it exits. I want to change this behavior to simple log the failure and maintain state within the for loop and iterate to next. I read about try / tryCatch but am having trouble
2012 Apr 11
What is a better way to deal with lag/difference and loops in time series using R?
Hello, I am writing codes for time series computation but encountering some problems Given the quarterly data from 1983Q1 to 1984Q2 PI1<-ts(c(2.747365190,2.791594762, -0.009953715, -0.015059485, -1.190061246, -0.553031799, 0.686874720, 0.953911035), start=c(1983,1), frequency=4) > PI1 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1983 2.747365190 2.791594762
2008 Apr 04
RODBC / odbcConnectExcel Issue
Can someone throw light on the following problem I am having with RODBC? There's an Excel file I am trying to read from, it has one sheet named 'nameclass'. Thanks in anticipation. Vishal Belsare > library(RODBC) > con = odbcConnectExcel(file.choose()) > tbls <- sqlTables(con) > tbls TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1
2009 Mar 26
ApEn (Approximate Entropy), Total Corr, Information Interaction
Is there any existing implementation in R/S of : 1] Pincus & Kalman's approximate entropy (ApEn) measure 2] Total Correlation / Multiinformation 3] Information Interaction A search doesn't quite reveal anything, but I'd be keen to not reinvent in case someone has worked on it. Many thanks in anticipation. Best, Vishal Belsare
2007 Oct 15
String concatenation, File Path Handling to pass to download.file( ) [backslash in DOS paths]
Gabor, Thanks much. Your solution is elegant. My overall scheme is to take present date, and check whether it is a weekend, if not, then create a string based on the date, to concatenate into a url link for download.file( ). The files I need to download have a part which is in the format: mmddyy. I am working to make myself a system to connect to exchanges, and download end of day files from
2008 Jan 14
zoo object
I have an ordered series of 3 month t-bill rates (annual). I transform this to a daily series, however, the observations are constructed only from the dates on which the t-bills were issued, which is every week. So now I have ordered observations of the daily 'risk-free rate' for one day every week. I want to expand this zoo object to give a value for every day, and to do so, copy the
2010 Jan 20
Line Plot with Dates on X-axis
I am trying to generate a line graph with quarterly time buckets (with nice labels) on the x-axis. The first block of code below will generate the graph with nicely formatted x-axis labels, but the "type=" and "col=" options are not recognized when factors are used for the x-axis. The second block, where the quarter values are mapped into dates, will plot the line nicely but
2006 Feb 17
(Newbie) Functions on vectors
Folks, I want to make the following function more efficient, by vectorizing it: getCriterionDecisionDate <- function (quarter , year) { if (length(quarter) != length(year)) stop ("Quarter and year vectors of unequal length!"); ret <- character(0); for (i in 1:length(quarter)) { currQuarter <- quarter[i]; currYear <- year[i]; if ((currQuarter < 1) |
2008 May 25
n Realizations of a Stochastic Process assigned to dynamically generated variable names?
I am interested in creating multiple (say 1000) time series, from a given stochastic process, of length 250. I want to refer to each realization with its own variable name, of the format say, tsn, where n is the n'th simulation. i.e. ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, .... , ts1000 The way I am thinking of doing this is placing the following code within another loop, and the 'tsn' assignment should