Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "multiple comparison for interaction means"
2005 Sep 15
means comparison in R (post-hoc test)
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I have been using SAS for some time, and now I have discovered R. I am
very happy with it, but I have not found out how to perform some of the
multiple comparisons I was used to do in SAS.
With the SAS/STAT, I generally used the MEANS (for comparison of
arithmetic means) and the LSMEANS (for adjusted means) statements of the
GLM procedure (I
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
You might get better answers if you
1 - break this down into separate issues
2 - tell us what you want to achieve in words rather than SAS, we all
read English but few of us speak SAS
3 - post in plain text not HTML as HTML mangles your post
On 29/09/2017 13:47, Andrew Harmon wrote:
> Hello all,
> My statistical analysis training up until this point has been entirely done
> in
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
For the initial data step, assuming a data frame named stress already exists, and using base R, you can start with something like this:
barcodes.to.delete <- c('16187DD4015', '16187DD6002', {complete the comma-delimited vector of barcodes you don't want} )
yield <- subset(stress, !(barcode %in% barcodes.to.delete) )
yield <- subset(yield , !(field %in%
2011 Jul 13
Tukey HSD with repeated measure ANOVA
I need to determinate HSD value from a matrix like that
Thesis Days A1
Cx 0 66.07
Cx 0 60.24
Cx 0 42.86
Tw 0 66.07
Tw 0 60.24
Tw 0 42.86
Aa 0 66.07
Aa 0 60.24
Aa 0 42.86
Qe 0 66.07
Qe 0 60.24
Qe 0 42.86
Cx 56 310.86
Cx 56 223.17
Cx 56 186.77
Tw 56 149.42
Tw 56 127.75
Tw 56 138.59
Aa 56 130.24
Aa 56 214.83
Aa 56 137.95
Qe 56 186.64
Qe 56 189.09
Qe 56 187.87
this is my script
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
Hello all,
My statistical analysis training up until this point has been entirely done
in SAS. The code I frequently used was:
*Yield Champagin;
data yield;
set stress;
if field='YV' then delete;
if field='HB' then delete;
if barcode='16187DD4015' then delete;
if barcode='16187DD6002' then delete;
if barcode='16187DD2007' then delete;
2010 Feb 17
Split Plot and Tukey
I did the analysis of variance of a split-plot and the
effect of treatment was significant.
I would like compare treatment means using Tukey.
I can't extract the mean square to apply HSD.test to use in
agricolae package.
anava = aov(ganhos ~ Blocos + Trat*Supl +
HSD.test(ganhos, Trat, df, MSerror, alpha = 0.05)
2012 Sep 28
Anova and tukey-grouping
I am really new to R and it's still a challenge to me.
Currently I'm working on my Master's Thesis. My supervisor works with SAS
and is not familiar with R at all.
I want to run an Anova, a tukey-test and as a result I want to have the
tukey-grouping ( something like A - AB - B)
I came across the HSD.test in the agricolae-package, but... unfortunately I
do not get an output
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
I wish to second this approach to learning R.
I tried for several years to translate other stat programs or provide
parallel analyses with R.
This dabbling-in-R approach did not work
When a transferred to a research unit that could ill afford commercial
software, I devoted my entire time to doing everything in R.
This was a difficult learning process, but I eventually became proficient
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
I will offer an opinion, with which others may fairly take issue.
If you are coming from SAS and wish to learn R, you should forget about SAS
entirely; it is ancient and convoluted. But more to the point, as others
have already suggested, you will only confuse and hamstring yourself trying
to convert the programming paradigms of one language into another. Better
to consider the **tasks** you wish
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
Regarding point 3, as a moderator I have been helping Andrew get this
post out to the list over the past week. His previous attempts were
encoded in some way that the listserv rejected. He sent me the post via
his gmail account and viewing the source I saw it had at least both
plain test and HTML an I said it was worth a try to post it. Certainly
on my mail client his post displays acceptably
2010 Dec 13
SAS "/slice" and "/diff" equivalent? - Automated multiple comparisons in nlme package?
R users,
What is the equivalent of SAS " '/diff' and '/slice'" in R ?
I am successful in fitting the same model "PROC MIXED" fits using lme() :
###R code:
model <- lme( y ~ g + h + yr + yr:h, random = ~ 1 | b, data = yield)
*** SAS code:
proc mixed data=yield covtest cl method=reml;
class b g h yr;
model y = g h yr yr*h;
random b;
lsmeans g / diff;
2012 Apr 03
Imputing missing values using "LSmeans" (i.e., population marginal means) - advice in R?
Hi folks,
I have a dataset that consists of counts over a ~30 year period at multiple (>200) sites. Only one count is conducted at each site in each year; however, not all sites are surveyed in all years. I need to impute the missing values because I need an estimate of the total population size (i.e., sum of counts across all sites) in each year as input to another model.
2011 Nov 02
Multiple comparison test about whole population, not about mean
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20111102/25eb7284/attachment.pl>
2009 Nov 02
Interaction contrasts or posthoc test for glm (MASS) with ANOVA design
Dear R experts
I am running a negative-binomial GLM (glm.nb) to test the null hypotheses
that species 1 and 2 are equally abundant between site 1 and site2, and
between each other. So, I have a 2x2 factorial design with factors Site
(1,2) and Taxon (1,2).
Since the Site:Taxon interaction is significant, I need to do the equivalent
to a "post-hoc test" for ANOVA, however, the same tests
2012 Feb 02
Error con package agricolae
Hola a todos
Estoy trabajando con el package agricolae para realizar pruebas de medias y obtengo un error que no entiendo al trabajar las interacciones. Os explico:
Poseo un DiseƱo Completamente al Azar para el arreglo de tratamientos factorial de la forma 2*2*4. El modelo consta de 6228 observaciones, el esquema para el anova es:
A= 2 niveles={2,5}
B= 4 niveles={F1,F2,F3,F4}
C= 2
2004 Jun 08
interaction plot with intervals based on TukeyHSD
The problem is that I would like to do an interaction plot with
intervals based on Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD)
procedure, but I do not know how to do it in R.
I have 3 factors "A", "B" and "C" and a response variable "response".
I would like to study a model where there are main effects and second
order interaction effects.
2012 Nov 25
Multiple Range Means Test
My boss wants me to do a Duncan's test, which is under the agricolae
package. Unfortunately I am not versed enough in R to run my data. I
have 7 subspecies of deer mouse for which I have 23 measurements which
are my variables of interest. I have run an ANOVA for each of the set
of subspecies and variables, my data look like this:
subspecies WMF
1 rowleyi 2.50
2 rowleyi 2.30
2012 Aug 03
Multiple Comparisons-Kruskal-Wallis-Test: kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess} don't yield the same results although they should do (?)
Hi there,
I am doing multiple comparisons for data that is not normally distributed.
For this purpose I tried both functions kruskal{agricolae} and
kruskalmc{pgirmess}. It confuses me that these functions do not yield the
same results although they are doing the same thing, don't they? Can anyone
tell my why this happens and which function I can trust?
kruskalmc() tells me that there are no
2005 Sep 19
Use of least-squares means, are they misleading?
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Sorry for sending this question twice, but I would really like to know
your opinion on this topic.
I have been reading about the (in)convenience of using least-squares
means (a. k. a. adjusted means) in multiple comparisons (I used to
resort to them when using SAS). I even read a post in this list warning
against them, but not giving much detail.
2012 Jul 19
median comparison tests
A client has a consumption measure on each of four products. The sample
size is 75. The consumption distributions are highly skewed for each
product. He would like a pairwise comparison test of the products, much
like Tukey's HSD but using medians rather than means. Is there such a
median comparison test in R?
Walter R. Paczkowski, Ph.D.