Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "package functions documentation"
2008 Apr 22
optimization and gradient
Dear all,
I am using the functions 'optim' and 'nlminb'. For both, you can provide
a function which computes the gradient of the objective function (to
enhance speed and precision). In my case, both the objective function
and the gradient take time to be computed and share many common
computations (similar matrix, products, etc...). Therefore, I have to
compute these
2008 Apr 25
No rule to make target 'R/Copy'
Dear all,
I am currently building a package with C code (in scr folder).
Everything was ok, but now, I get the following error message when
compiling the package using R CMD INSTALL:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'R/Copy', needed in [...]
What does that mean? I can still compile other packages containing C
code, but not that one. No 00UNLOCK directory has been created . I am on
2003 Mar 25
R software for Hastie book
Does anyone know whether there is an R version of the S-Plus
software that can be downloaded from the website of the book
Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and
Rob Potharst
Dr. Rob Potharst
Lecturer in Computer Science
Erasmus University email: potharst at few.eur.nl
P.O. Box 1738
2008 Apr 24
Passing Inf from R to C using .C("myLibC"...
Dear all,
How can I pass '-Inf' and 'Inf' values from R to C code using the
function '.C(...)'. When running my code, I get an error since C does
not recognize -Inf and Inf values. Of course, I could use instead a very
low (or high) number, but I was wondering whether a more elegant
solution exists. Thanks for your help.
David Ardia
H-building, room 11-26
2008 Jun 23
AdMit 1.00-02
'AdMit' 1.00-02 is a contributed R package which provides functions to
perform the fitting of an
adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through
its kernel function.
The mixture approximation can then be used as the importance density
in importance sampling or as the candidate density in the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to
obtain quantities of interest for the
2009 Jan 26
AdMit version 1-01.01
Dear all,
The new version of AdMit (version 1.01-01) is now available from CRAN.
The package provides functions to perform the fitting of an adaptive
mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through its
kernel function. The mixture approximation can then be used as the importance
density in importance sampling or as the candidate density in the
2009 Jan 26
AdMit version 1-01.01
Dear all,
The new version of AdMit (version 1.01-01) is now available from CRAN.
The package provides functions to perform the fitting of an adaptive
mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through its
kernel function. The mixture approximation can then be used as the importance
density in importance sampling or as the candidate density in the
2010 Dec 07
understanding output of tapply/by cumsum
Dear R-users,
I have a dataset with categories and numbers.
I would like to compute and add cumulative numbers
to the dataset.
I do not understand the structure of by(...) or
tapply(...) output enough to handle it.
Here a small example
d$n = 10 * d$a + d$b +0.1* d$c
List of 10
$ : num
2010 Nov 09
Row-wise recurive function call
Dear Group,
I have a following dataset:
> a
1 22 3 31 40
2 26 31 36 32
3 3 7 49 16
4 24 40 27 26
5 20 45 47 0
6 34 43 11 18
7 48 48 24 2
8 3 16 39 48
9 20 49 7 21
10 17 36 47 10
> dput(a)
structure(list(A = c(22L, 26L, 3L, 24L, 20L, 34L, 48L, 3L, 20L,
17L), B = c(3L, 31L, 7L, 40L, 45L, 43L, 48L, 16L, 49L, 36L),
C = c(31L, 36L, 49L, 27L, 47L, 11L, 24L,
2012 Apr 20
Matrix multiplication by multple constants
Dear R helpers
x <- c(1:3)
y <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
> y
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 5 9
[2,] 2 6 10
[3,] 3 7 11
[4,] 4 8 12
I wish to multiply 1st column of y by first element of x i.e. 1, 2nd column of y by 2nd element of x i.e. 2 an so on. Thus the resultant matrix should be like
> z
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1
2004 Apr 22
password change, domain not available
Dear Herman,
We had the same problems over here.
The problem seems to be related to Windows Hotfix KB828741.
Removing the hotfix through the control panel solved it for us.
Jerome Borsboom
>>BTW, i use samba 302 & 303 pre2..
>>Thursday, April 22, 2004, 2:33:16 PM, you wrote:
>>CBM> well the subject tell's it..
2009 Feb 17
Efficient matrix computations
I am looking for two ways to speed up my computations:
1. Is there a function that efficiently computes the 'sandwich product' of
three matrices, say, ZPZ'
2. Is there a function that efficiently computes the determinant of a
positive definite symmetric matrix?
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2008 Sep 17
Loop on vector name
[My previous message rejected, therefore I am sending same one with some modification]
I have 3 vectors with object name : dat1, dat2, dat3
Now I want to create a loop, like :
for (i in 1:3)
How I can do this in R?
2010 Jul 26
Concatenate a mix of numbers and letters to create a vector name
Dear all,
I am trying to create a vector name, for example tmax.195012 from tmax., 1950 and 12. Obviously I don't wish to simply type it because the 3 name components are changing in each iteration within a loop. Is there any way of concatenating those 3 components (which are a mixture of numbers and letters)?
Thanks for reading,
2011 Aug 23
Correlation discrepancy
Dear R list, I have one very elementary question regrading correlation between two variables.
x = c(44,46,46,47,45,43,45,44)
y = c(44,43,41,41,46,48,44,43)
> cov(x, y)
[1] -2.428571
However, if I try to calculate the covariance using the formula as
covariance = sum((x-mean(x))*(y-mean(y)))/8 # no of of paired obs. = 8
covariance = sum(x*y)/8-(mean(x)*mean(y))
2008 May 08
Reading multiple tables from file
Dear R-users,
I have output files having a variable number of tables
in the following format:
I1 I2 Value
1 1 0.11
1 2 0.12
2 1 0.21
I1 I2 I3 Value
1 1 1 0.111
3 3 3 0.333
Would there be an easy way
of turning this into (a list of) data.frames
with names Pietje, Jantje
and variables I1,I2,...Value?
(I1,I2 are string or categorical,
2007 Aug 01
Simple table with frequency variable
Im trying to find out how to tabulate frequencies
of factors when the data have a frequency variable.
table(i,j) gives a table of ones
as each combination occurs only once.
How does one get a table with the corresponding N's?
Gerrit Draisma
Department of Public Health
Erasmus MC, University Medical Center
2009 Dec 08
extraction of sub-matrix by name
Dear all,
sorry to bother you with potentially known issue --
we have noticed that if we select data frame rows by rownames, we get
some results back if the match can be done unambiguously, though the
match is not perfect (see example), e.g. x{"2",] will return a row if
there is a unique row with name starting with "2" (but may be
is that a
2010 Sep 06
Aggregate certain rows in a matrix
I have a matrix that looks like this
a <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3)
b <- c(2,2,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6)
c <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
M <- matrix(nr=10,nc=3)
M[,1] <- a
M[,2] <- b
M[,3] <- c
> M
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 2 1
[2,] 1 2 2
[3,] 1 2 3
[4,] 1 3 4
[5,] 2 4 5
[6,] 2 4 6
[7,] 3 4 7
2010 Mar 09
Removing Zeros from matrix
Hi Everybody,
I have a matrix of about 45 columns. Some of the rows contain zeros. Using
>data1<-data[complete.cases(data),], I can remove the "NA" rows. But I am
unable to tackle that of zeros.
Can anybody give me an idea of how to remove rows containing zeros in a
Thanks so much
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