Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Shared Library Error"
2012 Jan 25
formula error inside function
I want use survfit() and basehaz() inside a function, but it doesn't work.
Could you take a look at this problem. Thanks for your help. Following is my
n <- 50 # total sample size
nclust <- 5 # number of clusters
clusters <- rep(1:nclust,each=n/nclust)
beta0 <- c(1,2)
#generate phmm data set
Z <- cbind(Z1=sample(0:1,n,replace=TRUE),
2010 Jan 11
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
K-means recluster data with given cluster centers
Dear R user,
I have several large data sets. Over time additional new data sets will be created.
I want to cluster all the data in a similar/ identical way with the k-means algorithm.
With the first data set I will find my cluster centers and save the cluster centers to a file [1].
This first data set is huge, it is guarantied that cluster
2010 Dec 04
Problem storing lm() model in a list
Hi all,
I recently wrote some code to store a number of polynomial models in a list and return this list. The model is returned fine, but when I make a subsequent call to predict(), I have an error. The code for polyModel selection is listed at the end of the email. Here is an example of the error:
> poly.fit <- polyModelSelection(x,y,10,F)
> for (d in 1:4) {
+ lm.model <-
2004 Jun 11
bug or correct behaviour ?
This is the general outline of my code::
# test.r
tmp <-matrix(data=1,nrow=narray*2,ncol=nclust)
while(...) {
criteria <-feval(tmp)
if (criteria < criteria.min)
2001 Feb 28
Automating the job?
I just started to use R recently, and would like to ask a help about
automating the job.
I need to use "kmeans" function with my own 300 data files, and wonder if
it's possible to do it automatically. For example,
> library (mva)
> mydata <- read.table ("data1")
> cl <- kmeans(mydata, 5, 20)
and I just need to save "cl" info (i.e. the center
2009 Jul 31
write matrix M including names(dimnames(M))
I can do this by writing (and reading) the file according to some format of
my own devising, but I'm wondering if there is a built-in way to write and
then restore a matrix with not only the dimnames (which
write.table/read.table can preserve) but also the names(dimnames)?
> M <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
> dimnames(M) <- list(xdim=c("a", "b"),
2012 Aug 21
ncdf - writing variable to a file
I have a problem writing a variable to an existing file.
Below is a part of my script and how it fails.
I can't find "create.var.ncdf" in help
Thanks for any help.
nc <- open.ncdf(ncname, readunlim=FALSE, write=TRUE )
missing <- 1.e+30
xdim <- nc$dim[["west_east"]]
ydim <- nc$dim[["south_north"]]
tdim <- nc$dim[["Time"]]
2010 Nov 22
Plotting a cloud/fog of variable density in rgl
Hi everyone,
I want to plot a 3D interpolation of the concentration of aquatic
organisms. My goal would be to have the result represented as clouds
with a density proportional to the abundance of organisms, so that I
could fly (well, swim actually ;) ) through the scene and see the
patches here and there. Basically, I want to do something like this:
2005 Jun 09
Help with SOM membership
Hi all,
I originally posted this to the bioconductor group, but maybe it's better
suited to the r-help...
I'm using som() to partition samples of gene expression data into clusters.
The point is to classify control vs. experimental cases (sample clustering).
The original matrix was 22283 x 8. The 8 samples have 4 controls and 4
I transposed the matrix so that its dim
2017 Aug 14
ncdf4: Why are NAs converted to _FillValue when saving?
Dear all
I'm a newbie regarding netcdf data. Today I realized that I maybe do not understand some basics of the netcdf. I want to create a *.nc file containing three variables for Switzerland. All data outside of the country are NAs. The third variable is calculated from the first two variables. Basically there is no problem to do that. I copy the file with the data of the first variable,
2006 Mar 17
Neyman-Scott cluster process
Hi there,
I want to generate a random point pattern using the Neyman-Scott
cluster process using spatstat package in R. After running the
following procedures, why i can not see any figures?
> nclust <- function(x0, y0, radius, n) {return(runifdisc(n, radius, x0, y0))}
> nclust
function(x0, y0, radius, n) {return(runifdisc(n, radius, x0, y0))}
> X <- rNeymanScott(10, 0.2, nclust,
2006 Dec 18
surface3d grid from xyz dataframe
Hi List,
I am trying to plot a grid with an overlayed height. I have a dataframe
with four variables:
x,y,gridvalue,height. The dataframe has 2.5mio observations (ie grid
I assign colors through the gridvalue using map_color_gradient thus
x,y,gridvalue,height,gridcol as variables of the dataframe. The grid
dimensions are 1253 x 2001 (=2507253 data points).
My attempts with
2001 Oct 03
package GeneSOM ?
Hello Rprofessionals,
The SOM-Obj works very well, when i normalize
my data and the plot-function, too !
But i miss or didn't find the possibility , extract the
information from the SOMplot "clusterSize" and "mean" for every cluster as quantitative information ( i.e. the DataFrame with an additional column which
define the calculate clusters from SOM)?
My intention -
2007 Aug 31
Question on shardsplot
Dear All,
Would you please tell me how to display the sample No. on the map ?
---Below commands don't display the sample No.(from 1 to 150).---
iris.som3 <- som(iris[,1:4], xdim = 14,ydim = 6)
library(klaR); opar<- par(xpd = NA)
shardsplot(iris.som3, data.or = iris,label = TRUE)
legend(3.5,14.3, col = rainbow(3), xjust =0.5, yjust = 0,legend =
2006 May 09
visualisation of Self organising map
Hello R users,
I'm using SOM() to cluster a gene expression data set
the syntax i used was
dataGrid <- c(somgrid(xdim = 3, ydim = 3, topo = c("rectangular","hexagonal")))
dataClusters <- SOM(dataMatrix, grid = dataGrid)
it seems that this works just fine but the thing i can't figure out is
how to determine where each data point has been
2017 Aug 14
ncdf4: Why are NAs converted to _FillValue when saving?
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 5:29 AM, <raphael.felber at agroscope.admin.ch> wrote:
Dear all
> I'm a newbie regarding netcdf data. Today I realized that I maybe do not
> understand some basics of the netcdf. I want to create a *.nc file
> containing three variables for Switzerland. All data outside of the country
> are NAs. The third variable is calculated from the first two
2004 Sep 12
Help needed: division by zero in winword etc.
Hi, in quite a few programs i can not browse the
filesystem when opening a "listbox"; to be more clear:
for example when i do in winword Open and the listbox
appears, and i try to open the pull down menu winword
just quits(without an error message in wine). In
another program like "Camel join" it quits as soon as
i go up to the level of "my computer" with a message
2005 Feb 04
Rare Cases and SOM
I am trying to understand how the SOM algorithm works
using library(class) SOM function.
I have a 1000*10 matrix and I want to be able to
summarize the different types of 10-element vectors.
In my real world case it is likely that most of the
1000 values are of one kind the rest of other (this is
an oversimplification).
Say for example:
2004 Apr 04
How to improve this code?
Hi all,
I've got some functioning code that I've literally taken hours to
write. My 'R' coding is getting better...it used to take days :)
I know I've done a poor job of optimizing the code. In addition, I'm
missing an important step and don't know where to put it.
So, three questions:
1) I'd like the resulting output to be sorted on distance (ascending)
2009 Apr 26
Bumps chart in R
Hi there,
I would like to make a 'bumps chart' like the ones described e.g.
here: http://junkcharts.typepad.com/junk_charts/bumps_chart/
Purpose: I'd like to plot the proportion of people in select countries
living for less then one USD pr day in 1994 and 2004 respectively. I
have already constructed a barplot - but I think a bumps chart would
be better
# The barplot and data