similar to: exrpression(), double subscript

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "exrpression(), double subscript"

2008 Mar 01
jpeg and margin text
Hi guys, I use R 2.6.2 and Windows XP. I’ve got the following question: I wrote a lot of text into the margin of a plot. When I use the “jpeg”-function, only a little part of the margin text is displayed in the final jpeg? Any ideas to change it? Source-Code: datenbankdaten<-data.frame(LETTERS[1:20],
2013 Jul 01
Male and female signs as subscript in plot
Hello, I'd like to add labels to my plot that include a male or female symbol as subscript. I'm working in Windows Vista and R 3.0.0. I am able to add the male symbol to the plot as regular text (NOT as subscript), e.g. with: mtext("Male\u2642") This displays the word "Male" followed by the male symbol on the plot. But "\u2642" does not work when I try to
2006 Sep 07
augPred plot in nlme library
All, I'm trying to create an augPred plot in the nlme library, similar to the plot on p.43 of Pinheiro & Bates (Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus) for their Pixel data. My data structure is the same as the example but I still get the error msg below. > comp.adj.UKV <- groupedData(adj.UKV ~ Time | Patient_no/Lisinopril, data = comp.adj.UKV.frm, order.groups = F) >
2009 Jan 28
help with plot layout
It takes a lot of sweat to generate a composite plot with R ... sigh. I though I was almost done when I met the umpteenth hurdle. I cannot place a nice title on the 2nd plot (raw signal) on the layout. I do not have control on where either the "main" option of "plot" function, or "title", place the text string which keeps dysplaying chopped from above. I also tried
2009 Jul 09
X-axis labels not displayed when changing ylim
Dear R users, I am encountering a x axis labeling problem on quite basic plots... I use the following code which displays the labels on the x-axis with a 45 degrees angle: p <- plot(myobject1, type="b", col="red",cex=1, lwd=2, axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ylim=c(0,70)) title(main="title", font.main=4) axis(side=1, lab=F) text(axTicks(1), par("usr")[3] - 2,
2009 Dec 01
Aligning Diagonally Oriented Labels Under Bar Chart
I searched the forms (i.e., R Search)?and come up with the following suggested link: ? I tried to implement what I believe was being implied by that URL and came up with the below: barplot(WorldPhones[1,], ??????? ylim=c(0, 50000), ??????? axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ???????
2009 Dec 15
Diagonal Labels on "Beside" Bars in Barplot
My question is based on an example provided in the following: Referencing: Statistics with R Vincent Zoonekynd <zoonek at> 6th January 2007 URL: data(HairEyeColor) a <- as.table( apply(HairEyeColor, c(1,2), sum) ) # Provided Example barplot(a, beside = TRUE, legend.text = attr(a, "dimnames")$Hair) # I
2006 Apr 27
losing x-label when exporting to PNG
I have a simple barplot that looks fine in the R graphics device window. However when I export it to png I am losing the x-label. It must be an obvious problem but I cannot see it. Trying to resize the plot does not seem to help. Code is below. Any help gratefully received. ###### Start Code############ Groups <-c(21.8,45, 43, 17.2, 8.3, 18) names(Groups) <- c("Exeter",
2006 Feb 21
rotated labels in barplot with beside=T and multiple groups
I have a data set that I display using barplot. I don't know what you call it, but when I look at it, it looks like this: > lsu (0,0.1] (0.1,0.2] (0.2,0.3] (0.3,0.4] (0.4,0.5] (0.5,0.6] A 0.052631579 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 B 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.001007049 0.003021148 0.000000000 0.000000000 E 0.200000000 0.000000000
2012 Mar 02
Spacing of text does not match spacing of bars in barplot
I have a very standard barplot. My labels are too long to be printed horizontally under each bar, so I am using text to put the labels on a 45 degree slant. However, the labels are spaced more narrowly than the bars, so on an 8 vertical bar plot, the end of the eighth label is lined up with the seventh bar. Preferably I don't want to do every text label separately (I'm having this
2011 Apr 16
Rotating the x-axis labels of a barplot
Dear listserv, Here is my latest formatting problem. I would like to rotate the x-axis labels by 45 degrees on a _barplot_. Apparently this is slightly different from the example given in the R FAQ, which is for rotating the x-axis labels on a scatterplot ( I have adapted that code, as best I could, and
2006 Jun 09
Rotate values on Y axis
Hi, I have been working through one of the examples on the FAQ about rotating the labels on the x axis, I need to do the same but for the y axis. I have managed to change some of the code, but I am still not getting there, there is still something wrong. My syntax is as follows: > par(mar = c(5, 7, 4, 2) + 0.1) > plot(1 : 8, yaxt = "n", ylab = "") > axis(2,
2013 Apr 26
sample size in box plot labels
Hi, I would like to put the sample number beside each lable in a boxplot. How do I do this? Essentially, I need to count the sample size for each factor, see below: Thanks boxplot(DATA$K_Merge~factor(DATA$UnitName_1),axes=FALSE,col=colours) title(main=list("Tukey Boxplot by Geology:\n K(%)",cex=cexlb)) axis(1, 1:21, labels=FALSE, las=2) text(seq(1, 21, by=1), par("usr")[3],
2010 Dec 18
Can I make my colnames bold?
Hello forum! As the subject indicates, I am trying to make a barplot and would like my column names to be in bold. Is this possible in R without having to make my column names in mtext? Any help would be much appreciated. The code I am using is as follows. par(mar=c(3,8,2,2)) par(adj=.5) par(font=2) par(oma=c(3,3,3,3)) par(xpd=TRUE) Blot<-matrix(c(25.2995, 0.7625, 25.6135, 36.5770,
2010 Jul 23
decimal seperator
Hi R-List, I have a question regarding R-language formats, I think. I am producing a series of graphs (using plot, barplot, barchart, and bwplot, using either text or mtext to place values on the graphs) and tables for a Francophone country. In fact, I have already done so. However, while they are pleased with the results they've requested I convert all of my decimal points into the French
2016 Oct 25
Colores en names.arg de un barplot()
Hola. Tengo un gráfico que tiene muchos names.arg (demasiados...), de modo tal que le vendría bien al lector usar colores intercalados, tal que el primero sea azul, el segundo negro, el tercero azul, cuarto negro, y así. Es decir, definir un vector "similar" a este: rep(c("black", "blue"), length(barras[,1]/2) que permita pintar uno y uno en este gráfico:
2011 Jun 21
par code help
I am making a barplot using barplot2 from gplots where each bar represents a specific tree species. I have formatted the species names on the x-axis so that the genus name is above the species name and have then rotated the labels 45 degrees to save room. This is my code: >columncolor<-c("grey20", "grey20", "grey20", "grey70",
2012 Aug 01
add text to a plot, create character labels
Hi, I was trying to run the following, where the labels on the x axis are dates and need to be converted to characters. It did not work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. > text(axTicks(1),par("usr)[3]-2,srt=45,adj=1,labels=as.character(c("2008-01-08","2008-08-10","2008-08-22","2008-09-03", "2008-09-15")), xpd=T, cex=0.8) Error:
2011 Jun 16
lines(..., lwd=3) inaccuracy
Using a line width > 1 results in not only a thicker line but also some fuzz in the other direction, as shown in this example program. You will see that the thick vertical black lines extend below the gray scale horizontal lines. Does anyone know whether this is intended or is it a bug? The application is for displaying a correlation matrix (here just some random U(0,1)s). Thanks -Frank
2010 Jan 12
Multiple symbols per single line in a legend
Hello everybody, Is it possible to coax legend() into displaying more than one simbol per line in legend? I have a graph like the one attached to this mail; I would like to reorganize the legend in such a way that the duplicate text would be omitted, i.e., the first line would read <square> <triangledown> "increasing frequency" and the second one would read <circle>