similar to: standard errors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "standard errors"

2005 Jul 21
About object of class mle returned by user defined functions
Hi, There is something I don't get with object of class "mle" returned by a function I wrote. More precisely it's about the behaviour of method "confint" and "profile" applied to these object. I've written a short function (see below) whose arguments are: 1) A univariate sample (arising from a gamma, log-normal or whatever). 2) A character string
2011 May 23
Reading Data from mle into excel?
Hi there, I ran the following code: vols=read.csv(file="C:/Documents and Settings/Hugh/My Documents/PhD/Swaption vols.csv" , header=TRUE, sep=",") X<-ts(vols[,2]) #X dcOU<-function(x,t,x0,theta,log=FALSE){ Ex<-theta[1]/theta[2]+(x0-theta[1]/theta[2])*exp(-theta[2]*t) Vx<-theta[3]^2*(1-exp(-2*theta[2]*t))/(2*theta[2]) dnorm(x,mean=Ex,sd=sqrt(Vx),log=log) }
2010 Aug 11
extracting the standard error in lrm
Hi, I would like to extract the coefficients of a logistic regression (estimates and standard error as well) in lrm as in glm with summary(fit.glm)$coef Thanks David
2006 Feb 07
sampling and nls formula
Hello, I am trying to bootstrap a function that extracts the log-likelihood value and the nls coefficients from an nls object. I want to sample my dataset (pdd) with replacement and for each sampled dataset, I want to run nls and output the nls coefficients and the log-likelihood value. Code: x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) y<-c(10,11,12,15,19,23,26,28,28,30) pdd<-data.frame(x,y)
2010 Nov 22
Help: Standard errors arima
Hello, I'm an R newbie. I've tried to search, but my search skills don't seem up to finding what I need. (Maybe I don't know the correct terms?) I need the standard errors and not the confidence intervals from an ARIMA fit. I can get fits: > coef(test) ar1 ma1 intercept time(TempVector) - 1900
2006 Jun 23
How to use mle or similar with integrate?
Hi I have the following formula (I hope it is clear - if no, I can try to do better the next time) h(x, a, b) = integral(0 to pi/2) ( ( integral(D/sin(alpha) to Inf) ( ( f(x, a, b) ) dx ) dalpha ) and I want to do an mle with it. I know how to use mle() and I also know about integrate(). My problem is to give the parameter values a and b to the
2004 Jun 10
overhaul of mle
So, I've embarked on my threatened modifications to the mle subset of the stats4 package. Most of what I've done so far has *not* been adding the slick formula interface, but rather making it work properly and reasonably robustly with real mle problems -- especially ones involving reasonably complex fixed and default parameter sets. Some of what I've done breaks backward
2008 Feb 12
Namespace/method oddity
I stumbled on the following: > library(stats4) > example(mle) > confint.default(fit2) Error in UseMethod("vcov") : no applicable method for "vcov" In addition: Warning message: In object$coefficients : $ operator not defined for this S4 class, returning NULL > vcov(fit2) lymax lxhalf lymax 0.02857612 -0.04870231 lxhalf -0.04870231 0.11457338
2019 Feb 19
mle (stat4) crashing due to singular Hessian in covariance matrix calculation
Hi, R developers. when running mle inside a loop I found a nasty behavior. From time to time, my model had a degenerate minimum and the loop just crashed. I tracked it down to "vcov <- if (length(coef)) solve(oout$hessian)" line, being the hessian singular. Note that the minimum reached was good, it just did not make sense to calculate the covariance matrix as the inverse of a
2012 Oct 16
Package survey: Compute standard deviations from complex survey designs
Hello, svyvar from the survey package computes variances (with standard errors) from survey design objects. Is there any way to compute standard deviations and their standard errors in a similar manner? Thanks a lot, Sebastian
2011 Jan 06
memisc-Tables with robost standard errors
Hello, I've got a question concerning the usage of robust standard errors in regression using lm() and exporting the summaries to LaTeX using the memisc-packages function mtable(): Is there any possibility to use robust errors which are obtained by vcovHC() when generating the LateX-output by mtable()? I tried to manipulate the lm-object by appending the "new" covariance
2006 May 09
trying to use standard notation
Hi, all. In setting up my package for post-processing regression models, I am trying to use standard notation as much as possible: thus, I use coef() to access estimated coefficients. I wrote a function called se.coef() to grab standard errors, and se.fixef() and se.ranef() to grab se's from coefficients estimated from lmer(). I also need a function to access sigma-hat (the residual sd
2017 Sep 14
vcov and survival
>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:13:02 +0200 writes: >>>>> Fox, John <jfox at> >>>>> on Wed, 13 Sep 2017 22:45:07 +0000 writes: >> Dear Terry, >> Even the behaviour of lm() and glm() isn't entirely consistent. In both cases,
2007 Aug 24
Est of SE of coefficients from lm() function
Dear all R users, Can anyone tell me how I can get estimate of SE of coefficients from, lm() function? I tried following : x = 1:10 lm(x[-1]~x[-10]-1)$coefficients Here I got the est. of coefficient, however I also want to get some "automated" way to get estimate of SE. Regards, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Oct 06
R2.0.0 bug in function vcov in library survival (PR#7266)
Full_Name: Sven Sandin Version: 2.0.0 OS: SuSE Linux 9.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( Have just compiled and installed R-2.0.0.tar.gz running SuSE9.0. The function vcov do not accept "coxph" object as input any longer. The same R-program running R1.9.1 do work. R-program attached below. Exporting the coxph object from R2.0.0 to R1.9.1 I get vcov ouput in R1.9.1. Exporting
2008 Jun 30
difference between MASS::polr() and Design::lrm()
Dear all, It appears that MASS::polr() and Design::lrm() return the same point estimates but different st.errs when fitting proportional odds models, grade<-c(4,4,2,4,3,2,3,1,3,3,2,2,3,3,2,4,2,4,5,2,1,4,1,2,5,3,4,2,2,1) score<-c(525,533,545,582,581,576,572,609,559,543,576,525,574,582,574,471,595, 557,557,584,599,517,649,584,463,591,488,563,553,549) library(MASS) library(Design)
2017 Nov 02
vcov and survival
>>>>> Fox, John <jfox at> >>>>> on Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:46:44 +0000 writes: > Dear Martin, I made three points which likely got lost > because of the way I presented them: > (1) Singularity is an unusual situation and should be made > more prominent. It typically reflects a problem with the > data or the
2007 Mar 16
ARIMA standard error
Hi, Can anyone explain how the standard error in arima() is calculated? Also, how can I extract it from the Arima object? I don't see it in there. > x <- rnorm(1000) > a <- arima(x, order = c(4, 0, 0)) > a Call: arima(x = x, order = c(4, 0, 0)) Coefficients: ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 intercept -0.0451 0.0448 0.0139 -0.0688 0.0010 s.e.
2007 Oct 24
vectorized mle / optim
Hi the list, I would need some advice on something that looks like a FAQ: the possibility of providing vectors to optim() function. Here is a stupid and short example summarizing the problem: -------------------------------- example 1 ------------ 8< ---------------------- library(stats4) data <- rnorm(100,0,1) lik1 <- function(m, v, data) { N <- length(data) lik.mean <-
2017 Sep 13
vcov and survival
Dear Terry, Even the behaviour of lm() and glm() isn't entirely consistent. In both cases, singularity results in NA coefficients by default, and these are reported in the model summary and coefficient vector, but not in the coefficient covariance matrix: ---------------- > mod.lm <- lm(Employed ~ GNP + Population + I(GNP + Population), + data=longley) >