Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "drawing arrows with rgl"
2011 Aug 09
rgl how to plot a cylinder like arrow3d?
Dear List,
I'm trying to draw vector in XYZ with rgl under use of a cylinder3d.
Therefore I scale and rotate a basis-cylinder).
However, somehow the rotation is wrong as
verified by overplotting arrow3d().
Where is my mistake?
# ... 2 vectors
data=data.frame(row.names=c('X','Y','Z'), x1=c(2,1,5),y=c(4,3,2))
2010 Sep 21
missing package tensorA
Hi: I was trying to download the package MCMCglmm and it give me this message:
Aviso: dependency ?tensorA? is not available
probando la URL
Content type 'application/zip' length 8988896 bytes (8.6 Mb)
URL abierta
downloaded 8.6 Mb
package 'MCMCglmm' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
2016 Apr 28
paths for install and libraries?
I've written a fairly elaborate package (called "eoa") that relies on
functions from several other packages. I've built the package into a zip
file on Windows using Hadley's devtools::build(binary = T) and have sent
the zip to a couple dozen people for testing. My package installs fine, but
some people are having trouble loading it. After library(eoa), they get
2016 Apr 28
paths for install and libraries?
I've written a fairly elaborate package (called "eoa") that relies on
functions from several other packages. I've built the package into a zip
file on Windows using Hadley's devtools::build(binary = T) and have sent
the zip to a couple dozen people for testing. My package installs fine, but
some people are having trouble loading it. After library(eoa), they get
2009 Dec 09
Recent TeX changes and R/package manuals
As some of you will be aware, TeXLive 2009 was released last month
having blocked updates on earlier versions since May. This has lead
to a flood of updates of LaTeX packages, as a result of which the
PDF manuals of R 2.10.0 and earlier will no longer build, for two
separate reasons.
For MiKTeX users: at least version 2.8 (the current one) has the same
updates (a week or so later) and has
2012 Dec 28
efficiently multiply different matrices in 3-d array with different vectors?
I have been wondering of an efficient way to do this:
I have an n x m x p array Z and a p x n matrix Y.
I want to multiply each of the n matrices with the corresponding column
vector of Y.
In other words, I am wanting to matrix multiply:
Z[i, ,] %*% Y[, i]
which will give me a (two-dimensional) array or matrix of dimension n x
p with the i'th row storing the above.
Any pointers
2010 Jul 29
[R-pkgs] heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 released to CRAN
I've just released the latest R-Forge versions of heplots 0.9-3 and
candisc 0.5-18 to CRAN.
They should appear there within a day or two.
== heplots
The heplots package provides functions for visualizing hypothesis tests
in multivariate linear models (MANOVA, multivariate multiple regression,
MANCOVA, etc.). They
represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses
and for
2016 Apr 29
[Rd] paths for install and libraries?
>>>>> Dalthorp, Daniel <ddalthorp at usgs.gov>
>>>>> on Thu, 28 Apr 2016 16:41:28 -0700 writes:
> I've written a fairly elaborate package (called "eoa")
> that relies on functions from several other packages. I've
> built the package into a zip file on Windows using
> Hadley's devtools::build(binary = T) and
2008 Jul 29
tensor product of equi-spaced B-splines in the unit square
Dear all,
I need to compute tensor product of B-spline defined over equi-spaced
I wrote my own program (it works in a 2-dimensional setting)
# set the break-points
Knots = seq(-1,1,length=10)
# number of splines
M = (length(Knots)-4)^2
# short cut to splineDesign function
bspline = function(x) splineDesign(Knots,x,outer.ok = T)
# bivariate tensor product of
2009 May 15
drawing arrows
I would like to draw arrows in a classic 2D plot. Which package should I
use? is there R base functions that do job?
On google, I could not find any useful discussion about this topic, except a
link to the function 'grid.arrows' of the grid package.
My problem is I would like to draw arrows at the edge of circles drawn by
the 'symbols' function. Maybe there is already a
2013 Apr 06
Plotting a curve for a Holling Type III Functional Response
So I have a scatter plot and I am trying to plot a curve to fit the data
based on a Holling Type III functional response. My function is this:
nll2<-function(a,b) {
nlls2<-dnbinom(x=cones ,size=DBH, mu=conefun,log=TRUE)
and my plot is this:
plot (DBH,cones)
DBH is on the x-axis and cones is on the y-axis. How do I get the curve
2006 Nov 02
CRAN task views work only once per session (PR#9330)
Cran task views seems to be a "once-per-session" process -- the first
attempt to access views in a (RGui for Windows) session works, but
subsequent attempts fail. There is a noticeably long pause before
the failing call returns.
Example session with two calls to "available.views" follows, but similar
effects have been observed with two calls to "install.views" and
2008 Jun 25
help with cube3d cube size
I'm using the command below on an open3d() object to create a shaded
cube. Changes to myScalingFactor do not effect changes in the size of
the cube. What is the correct approach? Mark
shade3d(translate3d(cube3d(identityMatrix() *
myScalingFactor),-6,1,-1),col="green", alpha = 0.2)
Mark W. Kimpel MD ** Neuroinformatics ** Dept. of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
2008 Dec 03
Taking slices with tensorA
I've set up a simple tensor with indices 'a' and 'b'.
> ftable(B)
b u v w x y
a1 0.001868954 0.403345197 0.030088185 0.137252368 0.142634612
a2 0.396935972 0.945219795 0.068828465 0.314180585 0.446338719
a3 0.752412200 0.748810918 0.125532631 0.471686930 0.345062348
a4 0.191103000 0.536607533 0.257740399
2009 Apr 23
Two 3D cones in one graph
Dear R-users:
The following code produces two cones in two panels. What I would like
to have is to have them in one, and to meet in the origin. Does anyone
have any good ideas how to do this?
Thanks for your help
A<-matrix(ncol=2, nrow=64)
for(i in 0:63)
2005 Jan 06
library vcd for R rw2001
Is there an upgrate of the vcd library (visualisation of categorical data) for the latest R version?
Trying to download it from CRAN I get
URL /data/WWW/ftp/pub/R/bin/windows/contrib/r-release/vcd_0.1-3.4.zip was not found on this server.
googling it, I found it for instance on
but trying to install it gave me the message
2006 May 23
shapes in rgl
Does anyone have a way of producing solid shapes other than spheres in
rgl? I am using rgl to produce a simple visualisation of a forest model
results using "lollipops". Its just a bit of fun, but as many of the
trees are pines I would like to depict their crowns as cones. If there
is a solution I need it to work under windows.
Here is the example.
2004 Jun 04
YUV question
On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Makc wrote:
> Here's what you can find in the net on YUV scheme:
Hmm? What prompted this?
> The statement I care to make here, is simply that there ain't neither
> such thing as "luminance", which details "the eye is more sensitive to",
"ain't neither"? Double negative, so I take your statement to mean
that there *is* such
2000 Nov 07
arrows() doesn't like zero-length arrows (PR#727)
By going through the mailing list archives, I noticed that people use
the arrows() command to add error bars to their plots. I think there
is a problem when trying to draw arrows of zero length. In the
following code, certainly the x driver produces an odd-angled line.
In the postscript device, NaNQ values are generated; when the
postscript file is viewed in Ghostview, an error is then
2013 Mar 30
Dear r users,
I have two kinds of data I'm trying to represent in Rgl.
The first are measurements of soils: heights, diameters, and centerpoints
of each. I would typically represent these in 3d space as cylinders or
The second are radar data of the area under the solids , xyz plus amplitude
that I would like to represent as a point cloud.
Is there a currently implemented method to