Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "rpart error: "Error in dimnames(X)""
2006 Apr 25
Help needed
I am trying to change a SAS macro to R.
here is my code. I get an error at the last line.
> BMIGRP<-cut(BMI,breaks=3,right=TRUE)
> AGEGRP<-floor(AGE/10)-2
> dset<-cbind(AGEGRP,BMIGRP,DEATH)
> maxage<-max(dset[,1])
> minage<-min(dset[,1])
> #maxcls<-dset[,2]
> #mincls<-dset[,2]
2008 Apr 03
Design package lrm summary and factors
Hello, I have question regarding the lrm function and estimating the odds
ratio between different levels of a factored variable.
The following code example illustrates the problem I am having. I have a
data set with an outcome variable (0,1) and an input variable (A,B,C). I
would like to estimate the effect of C vs B, but when I perform the summary
I only get A vs B and A vs C, even though I
2009 Jun 08
Looking for easy way to normalize data by groups
i do have a dataframe representing data from a repeated experiment. PID
is a subject identifier, Time are timepoints in an experiment which was
repeated twice. For each subject and all three timepoints there are 2
sets of four values.
df <- data.frame(PID = c(rep("A", 12), rep("B", 12), rep("C", 12)),
Time = rep(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 30, 30,
2005 Aug 16
Overall Legend
Hello. I am using R version 2.1.1 on Windows 2000.
I am using a par(mfrow=c(2,2)) statement to produce 4 plots on one screen. I want a single horizontal legend to appear at the top of the four plots. My code is something like this:
2010 May 26
extracat , JGR, iWidgets install problems
[Environment: Win XP, R 2.10.1]
I'm trying to install the packages JGR and iWidgets required by the
extracat package to make the interactive plots
in the package work. I've tried various things, but nothing seems to
work. Here is my most recent attempt,
followed by my sessionInfo().
Does anyone have any suggestions how to make this work?
> library(extracat)
2009 Jan 22
dimnames in pkg "ipred"
Hello List,
I`m trying to make prediction using a bagged tree with the package ipred. I tried to follow the manual but I`m getting an error message. Also browsing through the list-archive I didn`t find any hint.
Maybe someone can help me?
selbag <- bagging(SOIL_UNIT ~., data=traindat.bin, coob=TRUE)
Error in dimnames(X) <- list(dn[[1L]], unlist(collabs, use.names = FALSE)) :
2009 Nov 13
R and HDF5 Question
Hello All,
I just signed up to this list, so I apologize if this question has been
asked before.
I am trying to load an hdf5 file into R and running into some problems. Here
are the steps I took to configure my environment:
* R 2.10.0 (x64) on Mac OS X 10.6
* hdf5 1.8.3 installed via macports
* hdf5_1.6.9.tar.gz from CRAN
I suspect the problem I am having relates to
2013 Sep 24
dmesg and syslog errors in CentOS 6.4 on Dell R720 server
I have updated the firmware for perc raid controller card, network card,
IDRAC firmware and the BIOS version on Dell R720 server. I have installed
CentOS 6.4 and updated with all the latest packages using yum -y update.
# cat /var/log/messages | grep -i error
Sep 23 14:09:35 x24 kernel: ERST: Error Record Serialization Table (ERST)
support is initialized.
Sep 23 14:09:35 x24 kernel: ACPI
2005 Jul 28
Displaying p-values in latex
Hi. I want to create a table in latex with regression coefficients and their
corresponding p-values. My code is below. How do I format the p-values so
that values less than 0.0001 are formated as <.0001 rather than just rounded
to 0.0000? Thank you.
2003 Jul 18
create a vector looping over a frame
I have a data.frame
> names(popA)
[1] "Year" "Series" "Age" "WM" "WF" "HM" "HF" "BM"
[9] "BF" "IM" "IF" "AM" "AF" "Yr"
how do i loop over a subset of variables in this frame to create a vector of
2004 Feb 06
vector of factors to POSIXlt
I have a vector of factors
> str(rcptdt)
Factor w/ 51 levels "1/10/03","1/13/03",..:
> length(rcptdt)
[1] 87
which i want to convert to class POSIXlt to extract the day, so:
> length(a1)
[1] 87
a2<-strptime(a1, "%m/%d/%y")
`POSIXlt', format: chr [1:87] "2002-04-18"
2019 Mar 12
as.data.frame.table() does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
Reporting a possible inconsistency or bug in handling stringsAsFactors in as.data.frame.table()
Here is a simple test
> options()$stringsAsFactors
[1] TRUE
> x<-c("a","b","c","a","b")
> d<-as.data.frame(table(x))
> d
x Freq
1 a 2
2 b 2
3 c 1
> class(d$x)
[1] "factor"
2015 Nov 18
Intel SSD
Michael Hennebry wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Nov 2015, Birta Levente wrote:
>> I have a supermicro server, motherboard is with C612 chipset and beside
that with LSI3108 raid controller integrated.Two Intel SSD DC S3710
200GB. OS: Centos 7.1 up to date.
>> My problem is that the Intel SSD Data Center Tool (ISDCT) does not
recognize the SSD drives when they connected to the
2004 Nov 02
using R in .NET apps
looking for some thoughts on incorporating R functionality to create
histograms of data stored in an informix db. im gonna write the app in .Net
and will use a managed provider to access the data. what R libs might I have
to package in the assemblies? (sorry my Q is general as Ive only just looked
at wanting this yet)
Thanks. Amer.
2006 Apr 17
Hi, I am trying to runn a age-period-cohort model, but here is what I am
having problem with, hope you can help me!
This is what I am trying to do:
sumzero_a<-((A-min(A))/5+1) - mean((A-min(A))/5+1) where A is my age
variable (numeric, the mid-point of a five-year age group), but I got the
following error:
Error in min(..., na.rm = na.rm) : invalid 'mode' of argument
I am pretty
2008 Dec 19
How to write a Surv object to a csv-file?
Dear All,
trying to write a data.frame, containing Surv objects to a csv-file I get
"Error in dimnames(X) <- list(dn[[1L]], unlist(collabs, use.names = FALSE)) :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent".
See example below.
May be, I overlooked something, but I expected
that also data.frames containing Surv objects may be written to csv files.
Is there a
2016 Jun 10
collapsing list of NULLs dimnames into a NULL
Here are two different ways to create a 0 x 0 logical matrix:
m1 <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0)
# <0 x 0 matrix>
m2 <- as.matrix(data.frame())
# <0 x 0 matrix>
identical(m1, m2)
# [1] FALSE
That's because of their dimnames:
# [[1]]
# [[2]]
2024 Mar 22
`as.data.frame.matrix()` can produce a data frame without a `names` attribute
>>>>> Davis Vaughan via R-devel
>>>>> on Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:10:29 -0400 writes:
> Hi all,
> I recently learned that it is possible for
> `as.data.frame.matrix()` to produce a data frame with 0
> columns that is also entirely missing a `names` attribute,
> and I think this is a bug:
> ``` # No `names`, weird!
2010 Oct 11
Nonlinear Regression Parameter Shared Across Multiple Data Sets
I'm working with 3 different data sets and applying this non-linear
regression formula to each of them.
nls(Y ~ (upper)/(1+10^(X-LOGEC50)), data=std_no_outliers,
Previously, all of the regressions were calculated in Prism, but I'd like to
be able to automate the calculation process in a script, which is why I'm
trying to move to
2012 Jun 15
Syntax for nls optimization function
I am working on minimization of sum of squared errors for a problem that has
2 box-constrained parameters.
I got the solution for this problem using "L-BFGS-B" method in optim
function using an R code as
res<-optim(par=c(parInit), fn=myFunction, method = c("L-BFGS-B"), lower =
parMin, upper = parMax,