similar to: Multiple comparisons; rank-based anova

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Multiple comparisons; rank-based anova"

2006 Oct 13
Fw: nested linear model; with common intercept
Dear R-help, I posted this on 4 Oct but got no response (I wasn't even told to go away and do some more background reading ;) ). I am reposting it in the, perhaps, vain hope that someone with knowledge of the subject will reply, if only to point me in a different direction to which I am now facing. Earlier Posting:--- I am sorry if this is more of a stats question than an R-question, but I
2006 Oct 04
nested design; intercept
Dear R-help, I am sorry if this is more of a stats question than an R-question, but I have found it difficult to get a clear answer by other means. Q. Would it be "wrong" to specify a nested model and retain a common intercept, e.g. lm(NH4 ~ Site/TideCode + 1) I am aware (?) that my Site-coefficients are now calculated relative to my reference Site (treatment.contrasts), *but* that
2006 Oct 06
sparklines in lattice
Dear R-help, Has anyone implemented sparklines in the strips of a lattice plot? What I have in mind is, say, highlighting that part of a time series that one is examining in more detail in a set of lattice plots. Regads,. Mark Difford. PS: (Andreas Loffler has implemented a simple but functional version for TeX/LaTeX:
2007 Jan 09
contingency table analysis; generalized linear model
Dear List, I would appreciate help on the following matter: I am aware that higher dimensional contingency tables can be analysed using either log-linear models or as a poisson regression using a generalized linear model: log-linear: loglm(~Age+Site, data=xtabs(~Age+Site, data=SSites.Rev, drop.unused.levels=T)) GLM: glm.table <-, data=SSites.Rev,
2006 Dec 20
RuleFit & quantreg: partial dependence plots; showing an effect
Dear List, I would greatly appreciate help on the following matter: The RuleFit program of Professor Friedman uses partial dependence plots to explore the effect of an explanatory variable on the response variable, after accounting for the average effects of the other variables. The plot method [plot(summary(rq(y ~ x1 + x2, t=seq(.1,.9,.05))))] of Professor Koenker's quantreg program
2009 Sep 26
Multiple comparisons for coxph survival analysis model
Hello, all R-users! I am working on fitting a survival analysis model using the coxph function for Cox proportional hazards regression model. Data look like usual: ========================== group block death censor Group1 1 4 1 Group1 1 12 1 ... Group2 30 4 1 Group2 30 4 1 ... Group3 57 16
2007 Aug 28
Problem with lme using glht for multiple comparisons
Hi everyone, I am new to R and have a question that relates to unplanned post-hoc comparisons using the multcomp package after a mixed effects model. I couldn't find the answer to it in the archive or in any manual. I have a dataset in which several plants have been treated in a particular way and a continuous response variable has been measured depending on several leaves per plant. I am
2010 Mar 15
Multiple comparisons for a two-factor ANCOVA
I'm trying to do an ANCOVA with two factors (clipping treatment with two levels, and plot with 4 levels) and a covariate (stem diameter). The response variable is fruit number. The minimal adequate model looks like this: model3<-lm(fruit~clip + plot + st.dia + clip:plot) I'd like to get some multiple comparisons like the ones from TukeyHSD, but TukeyHSD doesn't work with the
2011 Jul 26
a question about glht function
Hi all: There's a question about glht function. My data:data_ori,which inclue CD4, GROUP,time. f_GROUP<-factor(data_ori$GROUP) f_GROUP is a factor of 3 levels(0,1,2,3) result <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ f_GROUP*time ,random = ~time|ID,data=data_ori) glht(result, linfct = mcp(f_GROUP="Tukey") ) Error in `[.data.frame`(mf, nhypo[checknm]) : undefined columns selected I can't
2009 Mar 22
Multiple Comparisons for (multicomp - glht) for glm negative binomial (glm.nb)
Hi I have some experimental data where I have counts of the number of insects collected to different trap types rotated through 5 different location (variable -location), 4 different chemical attractants [A, B, C, D] were applied to the traps (variable - semio) and all were trialled at two different CO2 release rates [1, 2] (variable CO2) I also have a selection of continuous variables
2008 Dec 22
post hoc comparisons on interaction means following lme
Dear Colleagues, I have scoured the help files and been unable to find an answer to my question. Please forgive me if I have missed something obvious. I have run the following two models, where "category" has 3 levels and "comp" has 8 levels: mod1 <- lmer(x~category+comp+(1|id),data=impchiefsrm) mod2 <- lmer(x~category+comp+category*comp+(1|id),data=impchiefsrm)
2008 Sep 09
New member with question on multiple comparisons in mixed effects models
Dear fellow R.users/.lovers, I am very new to both R and this list, so I hope you will be patient with me in the beginning if my enquiries are inappropriate/unclear. I am trying to perform some rather complex statistical modelling using mixed-effects models. I have, after a rather difficult beginning, finally boiled down my model (using the lme function in nlme) to a couple of fixed effects
2009 Sep 11
format (?) problems with data imported from postgres
Good day, I read some data from a PostgreSQL database by a following script: library(Rdbi) library(RdbiPgSQL) # conn becomes an object which contains the DB connection: conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS", user="postgres", password = "*******") query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date, fe2,
2010 May 17
Query on linear mixed model
Hi R Forum I am a newbie to R and I have been amazed by what I can get my team to accomplish just by implementing Scripting routines of R in all my team's areas of interest.. Recently i have been trying to adopt R scripting routine for some analysis with longitudanal data.. I am presenting my R script below that I have tried to make to automate data analysis for longitudanal data by employing
2012 Jun 22
R: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
Hello everybody, problem solved, there was a typo. I wrote Type instead of Material Best ----Messaggio originale---- Da: Data: 22-giu-2012 11.05 A: <> Ogg: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
2009 Feb 05
The Origins of R AND CALCULUS
An amusing afterthought : What is a rival software (ahem!) was planting this, hoping for a divide between S and R communities.or at the very minimum hoping for some amusement. an assumption or even a pretense of stealing credit is one of the easiest ways of sparking intellectual discord Most users of softwares don't really care about who gets credit ( Who wrote Windows Vista ,or Mac OS or
2010 Aug 05
multiple comparisons after glm
Dear list members, I have a question concerning multiple comparisons after using glm. My response variable is days until emergence of an insect species. The explanatory variables are sex (two levels), parasitoids added (two levels) and populations (34 levels). I would like to know now which populations are different in days until insect emergence. For this I used multiple comparisons as
2010 Jul 17
Adjustment for multiple-comparison for log-rank test
DeaR experts, I was asked for a log-rank pairwise survival comparison. I've a straightforward way to do this using the SAS system: What I've found in R is shown below, but it's not a logrank test, I suppose. (The documentation
2009 Jul 25
yaxp problem for more irregular time series in one plot
Good day, I'm trying to get more time series in one plot. As there are bigger differences in values of variables I need logaritmic y axis. The code I use is the following: nvz_3_data <- read.csv('/home/tomas/R_outputs/nvz_3.csv') date <- (nvz_3_data$date) NO3 <- (nvz_3_data$NO3) NH4 <- (nvz_3_data$NH4) date_p <- as.POSIXct(date, "CET") par(mfrow=c(2,1), ylog
2009 Apr 20
Fitting linear models
I am not sure if this is an R-users question, but since most of you here are statisticians, I decided to give it a shot. I am using the lm() function in R to fit a dependent variable to a set of 3 to 5 independent variables. For this, I used the following commands: >model1<-lm(function=PBW~SO4+NO3+NH4) Coefficients: (Intercept) SO4 NO3 NH4 0.01323 0.01968