similar to: Time series graphs, question about using zoo [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

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2007 Sep 20
Time series graphs, question about using zoo
Hi, Can you tell me what is the meaning for "tail, 1" in "aggregate"? I also want to get some similar graph, but the data is not time series data. Suppose here is my data one, I want a graph with x-axis is just the index(1:9). The graph plot all the variable A, B,C,D. So there should be 4 lines for each graph. For the A line, at each time point, the letter A should be on
2007 Sep 20
Identify and plotting symbols. [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Rolf turner wrote: >I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to use identify() to (simply) >return a list of the indices of points clicked on and overplot (with >say a solid dot) each clicked-on point so that I can see where I've >been. I.e. I don't want to see the indices printed on the screen; I just want the points I've already selected to be highlighted. > >I
2007 Oct 07
Hi, You can exit out of the 'identify()' routine by either: right-click > 'stop' Or click on 'stop > stop locator' in the top-left of the plot window. The script should continue with line1, line2 etc. Cheers Joe Joe Crombie Information and Risk Sciences Bureau of Rural Science Canberra Australia p: +61 2 6272 5906 e: joe.crombie at
2007 Nov 30
vector sprintf argument [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Tom, Try this: > G <- "Number: %s" > sprintf(G, toString(A)) [1] "Number: 3, 4, 5" Cheers Joe Joe Crombie Biosecurity and Information Sciences Bureau of Rural Science Canberra Australia p: +61 2 6272 5906 e: joe.crombie at -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of
2007 Dec 21
using apply to loop [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Louis, You could try this: # find the index of the maximum value in each row of _data_, # disregarding the last column classified <- apply(data[,-(nclass+1)],1,which.max) ## or, if the maximum may be repeated: classified <- apply(data[,-(nclass+1)], 1, FUN = function(x) which(x == max(x))) # the variable _truth_ is just the last column of _data_ ? truth <- data[,nclass + 1] ?table
2007 Jan 22
[UNCLASSIFIED] predict.survreg() with frailty term and newdata
Dear All, I am attempting to make predictions based on a survreg() model with some censoring and a frailty term, as below: predict works fine on the original data, but not if I specify newdata. # a model with groups as fixed effect model1 <- survreg(Surv(y,cens)~ x1 + x2 + groups, dist = "gaussian") # and with groups as a random effect fr <- frailty(groups,
2007 Oct 16
partitioning data [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Stephen, Check the help for predict.glm(). The argument for passing new data is actually 'newdata', as in: > pred = predict(glm.model, newdata=form[150001:200000,-1], > type="response") Cheers Joe -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of stephenc at Sent: Tuesday, 16
2007 Oct 24
random walk w/ reflecting boundary: avoid control construct? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi Johannes, I came up with the following (assuming that if step[i] is independent of step[i-1] then it is also independent of -step[i-1]): Cheers Joe > # your (unbounded) random walk > k <- cumsum(c(0,sample(c(-1,1), 1000, rep = T))) > > #shift it to positive, to allow following calculations k <- k - min(k) > # set your bound (remember min(k) is now zero) wid <- 10
2007 Sep 20
Time series graphs
I'm fairly new to S-Plus and I need to get this done quickly. Suppose I have the following fake data below: There are two companies, call them Bob and Tom. Each have two variables, call them A and B, that have observations. Bob Tom A B A B Jan
2007 Aug 02
Using 'diff' on zoo vs zooreg classes (possible bug?)
Hello, Can anyone explain the following behaviour? To me it seems a bug, but maybe it is intentional. It seems that a diff on a zooreg class that is not _strictly_ regular only considers those entries that are 'deltat' apart. In the following, diff on the zooreg class only returns values where the index was one second apart. The example replicates by dev code, but I've also tested
2011 Apr 06
A zoo related question
Dear all, please consider my following workbook: library(zoo) lis1 <- vector('list', length = 2) lis2 <- vector('list', length = 2) lis1[[1]] <- zooreg(rnorm(20), start = as.Date("2010-01-01"), frequency = 1) lis1[[2]] <- zooreg(rnorm(20), start = as.yearmon("2010-01-01"), frequency = 12) lis2[[1]] <- matrix(1:40, 20) lis2[[2]] <-
2010 Nov 23
Plot two zoo object with different indexes
Dear R community, I have the following two zoo objects: MONTHLY CPI > plot(z) > par("usr") [1] 1977.76333 2011.15333 70.39856 227.03744 > z=zooreg(cpius$Value,as.yearmon("1979-11"),frequency=12) > str(z) ?zooreg? series from Nov 1979 to Oct 2010 Data: num [1:372] 76.2 77 77.8 78.5 79.5 80.3 81.1 82 82 82.6 ... Index: Class 'yearmon' num [1:372]
2005 Aug 27
zoo, zooreg, & ISOdatetime
I create a zooreg object that runs from Jan-1-2002 0:00 to Jun-1-2005 0:00... regts.start = ISOdatetime(2002, 1, 1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, tz="") regts.end = ISOdatetime(2005, 6, 1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, tz="") regts.zoo <- zooreg( NA, regts.start, regts.end, deltat=3600 ) Upon inspection: > regts.zoo[1:3] 2002-01-01 00:00:00 2002-01-01 01:00:00 2002-01-01 02:00:00
2009 Nov 19
Problem with zoo and BootPR packages
Hi, I'm trying to plot the forecasts I generated using the Plot.Fore function of the BootPR package. But I got an error from zoo: My data: Time Series: Start = 1 End = 18 Frequency = 1 [1] 38731 38628 39117 92809 71984 31226 58613 72360 107956 92066 [11] 95208 99098 95848 120383 110717 105680 98469 101916 Script: y1<-ts(y1);
2011 Jan 18
Semi-Regular Time Series with Missing Values
Hi, I'm trying to make a ts object that has both NA values and a frequency other than 1 (so I can use stl). I've tried all permutations I can think of, but cannot get the desired (expected?) results. The values live in x and the corresponding semi-regular time stamps are in t: > library('zoo') > z = zoo(x,, frequency=24) > zzr = as.zooreg(z, start=0) > zr
2013 Jun 08
Need help on window() function of the 'zoo' package
Hi,   I observed that if I use window() function available with the 'zoo' package to extract a portion of my times series and if that time series data is stored in some 'zoo' object with only 1 column, then the resulting zoo object is becoming vector.   Here is my observation:   > library(zoo) > Dat <- matrix(1:3, nc = 1) > Dat      [,1] [1,]    1 [2,]    2 [3,]    3
2010 Apr 18
confused with yearmon, xts and maybe zoo
R-listers, I am using xts with a yearmon index, but am getting some inconsistent results with the date index when i drop observations (for example by using na.omit). The issue is illustrated in the example below. If I start with a monthly zooreg series starting in 2009, yearmon converts this to "Dec-2008". Not such a worry for my example, but strange. Having converted to xts, i drop
2006 Nov 03
as.zoo behavior (
hi all : the code pasted below runs but then, a dput on rollmeandifflogbidask gives me what is below the code. the structure of rollmeandifflogbidask is a zoo object but with a "frequency" so it's not the same structure as the original actual diff and this really causes things to blow up in later code. i'm sure gabor and achim know what to do but in the case that they are not
2006 Nov 23
Problem with as.ts(zoo-object)
Dear all, I have an error message, when I try to convert a zoo object (called test) to ts (on R 2.4.0, Package zoo version 1.2-1, Windows XP) > test 1994-05-10 1994-06-09 1994-07-09 0.0024943889 0.0024881824 0.0006955831 > str(test) atomic [1:3] 0.002494 0.002488 0.000696 - attr(*, "index")=Class 'Date' num [1:3] 8895 8925 8955 > is.regular(test) [1] TRUE
2011 Sep 08
Seasonal and 11-day subset for zoo object
I have a zooreg object and I want to be able to generate a value for seasons and 11-day composites paste it onto my zoo data frame, along with year, month and days. Right now I have the following to work from: eg. dat.zoo.mdy <- with(, cbind(dat.zoo, year, month, day, quarter = (month - 1) %/% 3 + 1, dow = as.numeric(format(time(dat.zoo), "%w")))) For