similar to: Package Survey

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "Package Survey"

2004 Apr 19
specifying as.svrepdesign with odd number PSUs
Is there a way to create a BRR svrepdesign from a survey design when the number of PSUs is odd in one or more stratum? Creating a JKn svrepdesign with that condition works okay, but when I tried to create a svrepdesign with type="BRR" I get an error and this message: "Can't split with odd numbers of PSUs in a stratum" I get that message when I tell it to merge the
2009 Oct 23
Memory Problems with CSV and Survey Objects
I'm working with a 350MB CSV file on a server that has 3GB of RAM, yet I'm hitting a memory error when I try to store the data frame into a survey design object, the R object that stores data for complex sample survey data. When I launch R, I execute the following line from Windows: "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.9.1\bin\Rgui.exe" --max-mem-size=2047M Anything higher, and I get an
2006 Mar 14
MEMORY limit in R
I sent this to Bioconductor, but I think it is more of an R listserv question, because of memory allocation trouble I am having trouble getting the function heatmap() to work on the following gene expression > dim(SAMPLES_log) [1] 12626 20 sample1 sample2...................sample20 gen1 gen2 gen3 .... gen12626 I have converted SAMPLES_log to a numeric matrix using:
2011 Jul 27
Inserting weights in ltm package
Afternoon R help, I want to run Rasch/IRT analyses using the ltm package, however, I am using large scale survey data which requires weighting for accurate results. I attempted to create a weighted object to insert into the formulae of the ltm packages, however, the survey data only includes 30 replicate weights and a sampling weight. The svrepdesign requires additional information such as
2012 Sep 26
Retrieve regression summary results after rq
Hi all, I am using quantile regression with svy design. I want to retrieve summary regression statistics (std error, p-value), since I don't have any in my output: Commands: clus1_d<- svydesign(id=~cd002_co, weights=~wtper, strata=~str, data=data) bclus1<-as.svrepdesign(clus1_d,type="bootstrap",replicates=100) fit1<-
2016 Apr 04
Using final sample weight in survey package
I have the final sample weight (expansion factor) from a socieconomic survey. I don't know the exact design used in the study ( (probably is a stratified two-stage design). To illustrate my problem I will use the next dataset which have a sample weight (but the design is not specified) and incorporate the design with svydesign and create some bootstrap replicates in order to be able to
2008 Oct 21
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 install fails -ve memory reported
Hi folks, I'm presently having my second foray into Wine. I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 on a machine with 3GB memory. I'm having problems installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking 7 and would welcome some guidance. When I run "wine /media/cdrom1/autorun.exe" the install looks promising for a few moments, then an error message saying: "Your computer does not meet the minimum
2010 Mar 26
return.replicates in survey pkg
How do I retrieve the replicates estimates from a crosstab done using svyby? Here is an example from the help page for svyby in the package: > data(api) > dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc) > rclus1<-as.svrepdesign(dclus1) > > a <- svyby(~api99, ~stype, rclus1, svymean, return.replicates=TRUE) > a$replicates NULL But, compare to > b
2011 Jan 26
Quantile regression (rq) and complex samples
I am new to R and am interested in using the program to fit quantile regression models to data collected from a multi-stage probability sample of the US population. The quantile regression package, rq, can accommodate person weights. However, it is not clear to me that boot.rq is appropriate for use with multi-stage samples (i.e., is capable of sampling primary sampling units instead of survey
2017 Jul 05
Svyglm Error
Greetings, I am revisiting code from several different files I have saved from the past and all used to run flawlessly; now when I run any of the svyglm related functions, I am coming up with an error: Error in model.frame.default(formula = F3ATTAINB ~ F1PARED, data = data, : the ... list does not contain 4 elements The following is a minimal reproducible example: library(RCurl)
2004 Aug 16
huge array with floats: allocation error
Hi After searching through a couples of documents and the mailing list I dare to ask it here I need to define an array with the size 64 x 64 x 16 x 1000 for single-precision floating-point numbers. With 1G RAM I get always the error: "cannot allocate vector of size 458752 Kb" "reached total allocation of 1022MB: see help(memory.size)" I consulted memory.size() but it
2006 Aug 07
Running out of memory when using lapply
Hi all! I'm afraid I programmed something totally non-sensical and inefficient, but I can't figure out how to do it better. I have a list of ~ 40 000 characters. I want to take each element at a time, map it to a large data frame with hit=which(data.frame$column==elementFromList), then compute some statistic on data.frame[hit,] and return a result that consists of either 1) a list
2016 Apr 04
Using final sample weight in survey package
hi, probably not.. if your survey dataset has a complex design (like clusters/strata), you need to include them in the `svydesign` call. coercing an incorrect survey design into a replicate-weighted design will not fix the problem of failing to account for the sampling strategy On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:01 AM, Jos? Fernando Zea <jfzeac at> wrote: > I have the final sample
2017 Jul 05
Svyglm Error
hi, i am not hitting an error when i copy and paste your code into a fresh console. maybe compare your sessionInfo() to mine? > sessionInfo() R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1 Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
2006 Jul 18
Survey-weighted ordered logistic regression
Hi, I am trying to fit a model with an ordered response variable (3 levels) and 13 predictor variables. The sample has complex survey design and I've used 'svydesign' command from the survey package to specify the sampling design. After reading the manual of 'svyglm' command, I've found that you can fit a logistic regression (binary response variable) by specifying the
2011 Jul 12
Question re complex survey design and cure models
Hello all, I am using AddHealth data to fit a cure, aka split population model using nltm. I am not sure how to account for the complex survey design - does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Sincerely, Sam
2012 May 11
Replicate weights in R?
Hello everyone! I am analyzing a public use dataset which has both basic weights and replicated weights. I have found that only Stata seems to work with replicate weights but I would rather use R. Does anyone know if R can use replicate weights? If this is possible, could someone share some links and/or code for performing this action. Thank you for your time. Samantha Tornello, M.A. University
2007 Sep 06
Survey package
Good afternoon! I'm trying to use the Survey package for a stratified sample which has 4 criteria on which the stratification is based. I would like to get the corrected weights and for every element i get a weight of 1 E.g: tipping design <- svydesign (id=~1, strata= ~regiune + size_loc + age_rec_hhh + size_hh, data= tabel) and then weights(design) gives
2006 Apr 11
Bootstrap and Jackknife Bias using Survey Package
Dear R users, I?m student of Master in Statistic and Data analysis, in New University of Lisbon. And now i?m writting my dissertation in variance estimation.So i?m using Survey Package to compute the principal estimators and theirs variances. My data is from Incoming and Expendire Survey. This is stratified Multi-stage Survey care out by National Statistic Institute of Mozambique. My domain of
2011 Aug 18
Comparison of means in survey package
Dear list colleagues, I'm trying to come up with a test question for undergraduates to illustrate comparison of means from a complex survey design. The data for the example looks roughly like this: mytest<-data.frame(harper=rnorm(500, mean=60, sd=1), party=sample(c("BQ", "NDP", "Conservative", "Liberal", "None", NA), size=500,