Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "unbalanced effects in aov"
2012 Mar 22
Order of terms in formula changes aov() results
Hello, This one is very perplexing. I have teacher observation data,
with factors teacher ID, observer ID, component, grade and subject. When
I do this,
aov(data=ratings.prin.22, rating ~ obsid.f + tid.f + subject.f + grade.f + comp.f)
I get this:
obsid.f tid.f grade.f comp.f Residuals
Sum of Squares 306.23399 221.38173 1.70000 14.52831 279.05780
Deg. of
2004 Jul 29
aov for unbalanced design (PR#7144)
Full_Name: Tanya Logvinenko
Version: 1.7.0
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
For unbalanced design, I ran into problem with ANOVA (aov function). The sum of
squares for only for the second factor and total are computed correctly, but sum
of squares for the first factor is computed incorreclty. Changing order of
factors in the formula changes the ANOVA table. For the
2011 Mar 14
AOV() may misslabel random effects.
The aov() function may mislabel
the random effects as in the example below:
Has anybody else noticed this?
Giles Crane, MPH, ASA, NJPHA
gilescrane at verizon.net
> m2
aov(formula = y ~ ap + pe + Error(ju), data = d)
Grand Mean: 77.50667
Stratum 1: ju
Sum of Squares 4322.538
Deg. of Freedom 12
13 out of 25 effects not
2008 Jul 06
interpreting mixed model anova results
Hi, I am trying to do a repeated measures ANOVA to determine if there is a
significant difference between two sets of timecourse data. Each individual
was given a single treatment and then measured for one variable for 10 days.
Here is made-up example of what my data would look like:
2017 Oct 10
Unbalanced data in split-plot analysis with aov()
Dear all,
I'm analysing a split-plot experiment, where there are sometimes one or
two values missing. I realized that if the data is slightly unbalanced,
the effect of the subplot-treatment will also appear and be tested
against the mainplot-error term.
I replicated this with the Oats dataset from Yates (1935), contained in
the nlme package, where Variety is on mainplot, and nitro on
2002 Jul 11
another aov question: unbalanced multiple responses
This question is related to the bwplot issue I reported yesterday. I have a 3 factors (2x3x2) dataset that I collapsed into a 2 factors dataset (3x2 = sizexModality). For size==small, I have 2 observations per subject (Snr), for the other sizes only 1.
I reckoned that aov (and underneath, lm) might handle this as it should, since the subjects are idendified, when I do
> aov(
2006 Dec 15
sorting by name
Hi all,
I'm not sure that there is really a way to do this, but I thought I'd see if anyone knew.
I have a file with 1 to n columns all named something like X1, X2, X3....Xn.
I have another file that has in one column n number of rows. Each row has a number in it (not in order; the ordering of the numbers is important but it isn't in count order).
Basically, I would like to order
2004 Dec 01
unbalanced design
Hi all,
I'm new to R and have the following problem:
I have a 2 factor design (a has 2 levels, b has 3 levels). I have an
object kidney.aov which is an aov(y ~ a*b), and when I ask for
model.tables(kidney.avo, se=T) I get the following message along with
the table of effects:
Design is unbalanced - use se.contrast() for se's
but the design is NOT unbalanced... each fator level
2008 Feb 28
unbalanced one-way ANOVA
I have an unbalanced dataset on which I would like to perform a one-way anova test using R (aov). According to Wannacott and Wannacott (1990) p. 333, one-way anova with unbalanced data is possible with a few modifications in the anova-calculations. The modified anova calculations should take into account different sample sizes and a modified definition of the average. I was wondering if the
2011 May 21
unbalanced anova with subsampling (Type III SS)
Hello R-users,
I am trying to obtain Type III SS for an ANOVA with subsampling. My design
is slightly unbalanced with either 3 or 4 subsamples per replicate.
The basic aov model would be:
fit <- aov(y~x+Error(subsample))
But this gives Type I SS and not Type III.
But, using the drop() option:
drop1(fit, test="F")
I get an error message:
"Error in
2002 Mar 08
Unbalanced ANOVA in R?
Hi all
I'm trying to complete a textbook example originally designed for SPSS
in R, and I therefore need to find out how to compute an unbalanced
I did a search on the mailinglist archives an found a post by Prof.
Ripley saying one should use the lme function for (among other things)
unbalanced ANOVAs, but I have not been able to use this object.
My code gives me an error.. Why
2002 Aug 22
aov bug? (PR#1930)
R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.4.0 (2001-12-19)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type `contributors()' for more information.
Type `demo()' for some demos,
2012 Aug 14
anova in unbalanced data
Hi all,
Say I have the following data:
Note that there are 5 observations for a and 7 for b, thus is
unbalanced. What would be the correct way of doing anova for this set?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 03
Unbalanced Anova: What is the best approach?
I have a three-way unbalanced ANOVA that I need to calculate (fixed effects
plus interactions, no random effects). But word has it that aov() is good
only for balanced designs. I have seen a number of different recommendations
for working with unbalanced designs, but they seem to differ widely (car,
nlme, lme4, etc.). So I would like to know what is the best or most usual
way to go about working
2004 Oct 25
aov documentation page: question
Dear all
I was looking at the aov documentation page and came across the
following which seems like a contradiction to me:
" This provides a wrapper to |lm| for fitting linear models to balanced
or unbalanced experimental designs." (I presume 'This' refers to aov)
"|aov| is designed for balanced designs, and the results can be hard to
interpret without
2000 Jul 05
Tukey.aov with split-plot designs
I am using R 1.1 with Redhat 6.2 and RW 1.001 with Win98 (the upkey doesn't
work on my IBM either as has been previously reported by others).
The function aov doesn't return either the residuals or the residual
degrees of freedom for split-plot designs.
If you use the following code from Baron and Li's "Notes on the use of R
for psycology experiments and questionnaires"
2010 Oct 17
unbalanced repeated measurements Anova with mixed effects
Dear R-list members,
I've been struggling with the proper setup for analysing my data. I've
performed a route choice experiment, in which participants had to make a
choice at each junction for the next road. During the experiment they
received traffic information, but also encountered two different
accidents. They also made trips without accidents.
What I'm interested in is to
2011 Jan 08
Anova with repeated measures for unbalanced design
Dear all,
I need an help because I am really not able to find over internet a good example
in R to analyze an unbalanced table with Anova with repeated measures.
For unbalanced table I mean that the questions are not answered all by the same
number of subjects.
For a balanced case I would use the command
aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)),
2006 Mar 30
Unbalanced Manova
Dear all,
I need to do a Manova but I have an unbalanced design. I have
morphological measurements similar to the iris dataset, but I don't have
the same number of measurements for all species. Does anyone know a
procedure to do Manova with this kind of input in R?
Thank you very much,
Naiara S. Pinto
Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
2008 Mar 10
question for aov and kruskal
Hi R users!
I have the following problem: how appropriate is my aov model under the violation of anova assumptions?
b<-c(101,1010,200,300,400, 202, 121, 234, 55,555,66,76,88,34,239, 30, 40, 50,50,60)
z<-data.frame(a, b)
fligner.test(z$b, factor(z$a))
Now from the aov i found that my model