similar to: simultaneous actions of grep ???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "simultaneous actions of grep ???"

2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all, I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt. Anyone know one? Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards Atenciosamente Ana Patricia Martins ------------------------------------------- Serviço Métodos Estatísticos Departamento de Metodologia Estatística Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210
2006 Aug 18
Boxplot Help
Hello R-users and developers, Once again, I'm asking for your help. I can identify outliers in boxplot with this instruction result <- boxplot( Income ~ Sex, col = "lightgray", data=dados) if (length(result$out)) text(result$group, result$out, result$out, pos = 4, col = "red") But I can not identify the outlier's id (variable names) in the boxplot.
2006 Feb 01
problem with cbind
Hello, I think this is Sill question but it's happens...... am$e_isell <- factor( with( am, ifelse( e_iacc == 1 & C5 == 1, 1, 0))) summary (am$e_isell) 0 1 3966 296 (Ok) am$e_isell [4256] [1] 1 Levels: 0 1 (OK) cbind( am$e_isell[4256], am$C6[4256]) [,1] [,2] [1,] "2" "1" (??) cbind( am$e_isell[4256]) [,1]
2007 Jun 19
: create a PDF file (text (print list) and grafics)
Dear helpers, I need help to create a PDF file like the example ----------------------------------- | Title | ----------------------------------- | | | Text (print a list) | | | ----------------------------------- | | | | | | | image | image | | | | | | | -----------------------------------
2006 Feb 01
strange question...
Hello, I think this is Sill question but it's happens...... am$e_isell <- factor( with( am, ifelse( e_iacc == 1 & C5 == 1, 1, 0))) summary (am$e_isell) 0 1 3966 296 (:-)) am$e_isell [4256] [1] 1 Levels: 0 1 (:-)) cbind( am$e_isell[4256], am$C6[4256]) [,1] [,2] [1,] "2" "1" (????????????? :( ) Does anyone
2007 May 04
decimal values
hello, how can I do to drop decimal after the comma please for example for tthis line > print(P) [1] 62.000000 1.000000 7.661290 5.200000 17.100000 2.318801 how canI do to keep only 62 1 7.66 5.2 17.1 2.32 thanks __________________________________________________ ble contre les messages non sollicités [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 17
Function for computing the difference between 2 dates in months
Folks: With the help of David L. Reiner, I've developed a function that computes the number of months between 2 dates, x and y. num.months <- function ( x , y ) { x <- as.Date( x ) y <- as.Date( y ) seeq <- seq(from=x , to=y , by="months") ans <- length( seeq ) - 1 if ( max( seeq) > y ) ans <- ans -1 ans } To ease your reading this function, I've
2006 Feb 10
- Function to export files
Hi all, I've done a simple function for import files but can't do the same think for export files. Could you help me solve it? Thanks in advance for your cooperation. wd<-"C:\\Teste" import<-function(wd0){ wd1<-paste(wd,wd0,"Input\\.", sep = "\\") d<-read.table(choose.files(default = wd1, caption =
2006 Apr 19
Function for computing the difference between 2 dates inmonths
not without knowing what dados is. Remember that num.months works only on objects that can be converted to Date objects. Make sure that all of your date-like objects can be converted. (The error message seems to indicate that something you think should look like a date doesn't.) David L. Reiner Rho Trading Securities, LLC Chicago IL 60605 312-362-4963 -----Original Message----- From:
2006 Jun 01
FW: How to create a new package?
Hi, I'm a group of functions and I would like to create a package for load in R. I have created a directory named INE and a directory below that named R, for the files of R functions. A have created the files DESCRIPTION and INDEX in the INE directory. The installation from local zip files, in the R 2.3.0, results but to load the package I get an error like: 'INE' is not a
2006 Dec 12
Hi everyone, I have different listboxes in the same toplevel window. The problem is, if I select (by left clicking) one of those listbox elements, the current selection in the other listboxes is cleared! Anybody knows how I can prevent this? Thanks, --------------------------------------------------- Rita Sousa DME - ME: Departamento de Metodologia Estatística - Métodos Estatísticos INE -
2006 Feb 01
sort columns
Hi. I have a simple (I think) question My dataset have these variables: names(data) [1] "v1" "v2" "v3" "v4" "v5" "v6" "v7" "v8" "v9" "v10" "v11" "v12" "v13" "v14" "v15" "v16" "v17"
2012 Apr 02
Curso de R promovido por el INE
La Escuela de Estadística de las Administraciones Publicas organiza un curso de "R Fundamentos": Que el INE empiece a aproximarse hacia el mundo del software libre es una gran noticia. -- +-------------------------------------------------------------- | Francisco J. Viciana Fernández | Coordinador del Registro de Población | Servicio de
2007 Sep 20
Package Survey
Hello, How I use the function as.svrepdesign without memory.size problems? desenho_npc_JK <- as.svrepdesign(desenho_npc,type="JKn") Error: cannot allocate vector of size 161.3 Mb In addition: Warning messages: 1: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb: see help(memory.size) 2: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb: see help(memory.size) 3: Reached total allocation of 1022Mb:
2006 Aug 01
Hello R-users and developers, Once again, I'm asking for your help. I've used "identify" to identify points in a scatter plot. However, I can't apple in the boxplot..... I need to identify the outlier's id in the boxplot. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance, Ana Patricia Martins [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 22
Package survey
Hi, I’m using the svyby for total statistics, for example: svyby(~p_igov,~div_a,desenho_nps,svytotal,drop.empty.groups=TRUE,vartype =c("se","var","cvpct")) In the numerical variable p_igov (and others) I have many non responses but if I maintain the NA it doesn’t work. summary(base_nps$p_igov) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
2011 Dec 20
read.px() no lee algunos archivos pc-axis
Hola: Posteo este asunto en la lista porque me consta que los "padres" del paquete pxR (por el que les estoy enormemente agradecido) son asiduos de ella y nos aclaran a muchos novatos como yo un montón de dudas de R. Si prefieren que tratemos este asunto de forma menos "publica" no tienen mas que decirlo. Bueno al turrón (nunca mejor dicho)!!! Estoy montando una serie de
2016 Apr 28
Centos hold me back from work - sshd ...bull
ine-imac-andy:~ andy$ ssh @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that a host key has just been
2015 Jun 05
usar Selenium para web scraping
Hola. Tengo que bajarme varias tablas del INE y necesito interactuar con el navegador. Ví el fantástico post que escribió Gregorio Serrano (que la tierra le sea leve), en y estoy intentando reproducirlo para aprender como funciona relenium Pero relenium me da error después de if(!require(relenium))
2016 Jan 07
Instrucciones uso rvest
Hola buenos días: Perdonar por no contestar antes, pero estaba aislado jeje. En principio la ideas que apuntas la conozco pero es aún más sencillo en este caso ya que dichos datos te los puedes descargar de un excel que publica el INE. La cuestión que planteo es para interactuar directamente con la web. He tomado esta página como ejemplo, porque si consigo ejecutar lo que pregunto aquí, entonces