Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Highliting a text in a plot"
2006 Sep 02
Dividing objects in classes using function sample()
Hello everyone,
I've a problem and dont know how to solve. This is my first posting and it would be fantastic if you could help me.
I want to divide n objects in k classes and need an output with all (n+1)(n+2)/2 possibilities.
For example n=4, k=3:
That would be:
4 0 0
3 1 0
3 0 1
2 2 0
2 1 1
2 0 2
1 3 0
1 2 1
1 1 2
1 0 3
0 3 1
0 2 2
0 1 3
2007 Aug 07
Functions for autoregressive Regressionmodels (Mix between times series and Regression Models) ?
Hello everybody,
I've a question about "autoregressive Regressionmodels".
Let Y[1],.....,Y[n], be a time series.
Given the model:
Y[t] = phi[1]*Y[t-1] + phi[2]*Y[t-1] + ... + phi[p]*Y[t-p] + x_t^T*beta + u_t,
where x_t=(x[1t],x[2t],....x[mt]) and beta=(beta[1],...,beta[m]) and u_t~(0,1)
I want to estimate the coefficients phi and beta.
Are in R any functions or packages for
2007 Aug 04
Problems using "lm" in combination with "predict"
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to predict a linear regression model but it does not work.
My Model: y = Worktime + Vacation + Illnes + Bankholidays
My modelmatrix is of dimension 28x4
Then I want to make use of the function predict because there confidence.intervals are include.
My idea was:
mod <- lm(y~Worktime+Vacation+Illnes+Bankholidays)
2007 Jun 12
Problems with Vista, R 2.5.0 and function save
Hi everyone,
I want to make use of the save function but it did not work.
I'm using vista and R 2.5.0, winzip is installed too.
Here's the code (from example ?save):
> x <- runif(20)
> y <- list(a = 1, b = TRUE, c = "oops")
> save(x, y, file = "xy.Rdata")
Fehler in gzfile(file, "wb") : kann Verbindung nicht ?ffnen
2007 May 22
German Map in package maps
Hello everybody,
I'm an absolute newbe in R, so please be gentle to me.
I am looking for a german map in the package maps by Becker and Wilks.
After that I want to draw the German cities from world.cities of this package in the map and want to draw further a line from Berlin to Munich.
Has anybody an idea?
Thank you so much and sorry for the question!
Best regards from Berlin,
2007 Jun 11
Starting R within an VBA makro
Hello everybody,
at work I want to start R within an VBA program.
First I calculate something in Excel 2003.
After that I want to start within my VBA makro R wich should start an R file, say i.g, superplot.R which plots me the data well.
So is it possible?
Maybe something like that:
sub test()
'calculate something
start R superplot.R
end test()
Thank you so much.
2007 Jul 15
Text with differents colors in a plot / Detecting if text exists
Hi everybody,
I want to write some text in a plot.
That's simple I know. But I want to make use of different colors.
Eg. text(x,y,paste("Sunderland","high")).
Then Sunderland should be black and "high" red.
Has anyone an idea?
By the way. I'm looking for a function or something similar, that can check whether there is text in some regions on the plot.
2006 Nov 12
How to increase decimal places
Hello everyone,
does anybody know how to increase the decimal places that R uses to calculate something.
I think that in default R uses 6 decimal places but I need 12.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
2008 Sep 23
gsub difficulty
Greetings R-ians:
I know what doesn?t work but I don?t know why, nor how to remedy things.
I have a character string containing "." which I want to replace with " "
gsub(".", " ", file.label) replaces the every character with a blank.
However gsub(".xls", " ", file.label) replaces ".xls" with a blank as
It appears
2008 Jan 26
Which R version created a package?
Greetings, R-ians:
I would like to know which version or R was used to create a given package.
I think I remember seeing that topic discussed recently but cannot find it
among my notes. Can anyone tell me how to determine which version of R
created a package?
Charles Annis, P.E.
2008 Aug 14
help with my sloppy syntax
After some effort I coerced my code to do what I want but my syntax is a
kludge. Suggestions on more elegant syntax?
par <- NIM.results$par
do.call("Draw.NIM.POD.curve", list(par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4],
par[5], a.hat.decision, .... et cetera ...
It seems that I should be able to avoid defining the variable "par" and then
specifying each of its elements,
2006 Sep 29
control L to clear the Rgui screen in Windows
Greetings R-ians:
Searching the Searchable Mail Archives I discovered that ctrl L will clear
the Rgui screen, which is what I'd like to do from a print (or some similar)
Is there a mechanism to use the ctrl L clear-screen sequence in a script, or
print statement?
Thanks for your counsel.
Charles Annis, P.E.
Charles.Annis at StatisticalEngineering.com
phone: 561-352-9699
2006 Jul 09
string problems with "\\" (Windows)
Greetings, R-ians:
I'm using R 2.3.1 on WindowsXP.
I need to find the name of a file at the end of a sting that contains the
path + file, with the problematic "\\" as separators.
The string looks something like this:
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\myName\\My Documents\\R
What I want is "file.name.csv"
Currently I use the
2006 Jul 09
string problems with "\\" (Windows)
Greetings, R-ians:
I'm using R 2.3.1 on WindowsXP.
I need to find the name of a file at the end of a sting that contains the
path + file, with the problematic "\\" as separators.
The string looks something like this:
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\myName\\My Documents\\R
What I want is "file.name.csv"
Currently I use the
2006 Mar 05
plotting partial deriviatives
Dear R Helpers:
I am trying to annotate a plot. The following code snippet works, but it is
kind of a kludge since it adds the partial derivative symbols after creating
the plotmath frac(). Is there a more elegant way to write a partial
plot(NA, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,1.6), xlab="", ylab="", tck=-0.015)
text(1.6, 1, expression(paste("slope =
2009 Aug 26
Scripting - sort of
Dear R-ians:
I'm running R2.9.2 on a 6 year old Windows XP DELL with 2 Gig RAM and a 3MHz
Pentium 4 chip.
I've written a package using the User Menus Under Windows commands
(winMenuAdd, etc). It works very well.
I have 6 test cases and running any one of them requires many selections
form the menus and some keyboard entry, and it takes me hours to exercise
them all to see
2008 Oct 05
trouble with character \u00e2
Greetings R-wizards:
For historical reasons I have filenames with the character "?" and have
successfully used "\u00e2" in its place, with the hoped-for result on all my
on-screen plots.
However since R2.7.0 I have trouble with savePlot() when the file name
includes that character as it does in this example:
savePlot(paste("diagnostic ? vs a ", file.label,
2008 Apr 03
help with R semantics
I'm running R2.6.2 on a WinXP DELL box with 2 gig RAM.
I have created a new glm link function to be used with family = binomial.
The function works (although any suggested improvements would be welcome),
logit.FC <- function(POD.floor = 0, POD.ceiling =1)
{ if (POD.floor < 0 | POD.floor > 1) stop ("POD.floor must be between zero
and one.")
2006 Aug 19
Greetings, Amigos:
I have been trying without success to convert a character string,
> repeated.measures.columns
[1] "3,6,10"
into c(3,6,10) for subsequent use.
as.numeric(repeated.measures.columns) doesn't work (likely because of the
[1] NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
I've tried many things including
strsplit(repeated.measures.columns, split =
2009 May 03
clear screen?
I?ve been using this routine for several years. I?m sorry, I don?t remember
where I got it. It works as it should, viz. it blanks the R console. But
it requires package rcom and now that requires rscproxy.
cls <-
function ()
wsh <- comCreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
comInvoke(wsh, "SendKeys", "\f")
> cls()