Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Replace number with month"
2007 Jun 22
Barchart legend position
I am using barchart to make charts for some data with a lot more
functions and labels and such in the command.
barchart(Freq ~ factor(HH), data = dataset1, group= year)
So I have my data grouped by year and I get a legend at the top of
graph, which is great cause I need the legend for the different years
but it is a weird spot. So how can I manipulate the legend, ie. Move
it, shrink it, do
2008 Jan 23
Bar width and labels in barchart
Hi everyone
I am using barchart to make my graphs. Here is my code.
barchart(percent_below ~ factor(Year)| factor(Season,
data= .season_occurrence, origin = 0, layout = c(4, 1),
scales=list(tick.number=ticknum,labels=NULL), ylim=c(0, ymax),
group = factor(Year), xlab= "Year", auto.key = list(points =
FALSE, rectangles =
2007 Apr 25
Sum of specific column
I have a data set that I have imported (not sure if that makes a
difference) and I would like to calculate the sum of only specific
columns. I have tried
>colSums(dataset, by=list(dataset$col5), dims=1) and I get an error of
unused arguments
I have also tried
>aggregate(dataset, by=list(dataset$col5), sum) and I get the error that
sum is not meaningful for factors.
I want to only calculate
2007 May 15
How to group a count
Hello R users
I have a dataset that has different types of records with different
dates and times pertaining to each. I would like to have a bar graph of
a count of the types(ie. The number of types) of recods by hour grouped
by year. So the count of the types would be the y axis, the hour on the
x axis and then grouped by year for easy comparison. I think that I
have to use barchart however I
2007 Dec 19
adding lines to a barchart
Hi all
I can't find what I am looking for so I am asking here. I have a
dataset that looks something like this.
Year season percent_below
2000 Winter 6.9179870
2000 Spring 1.6829436
2000 Summer 1.8463501
2000 Autumn 3.8184993
2001 Winter 2.8832806
2001 Spring 2.5870511
2001 Summer 0.0000000
2001 Autumn 4.7248240
2002 Winter
2008 Nov 24
Replace NaN with zero
I need help with replacing NaN with zero (the value '0') in my dataset.
The reason is that I can't get it to graph because of the NaN in the
dataset. I have tried:
data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
that others have suggested in the help archives but this does nothing so
I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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2007 May 10
Barplot by two variables
Hi all
I have a bit of a problem. I want to make a barplot of some data. My
data is of a score that is separated by year and by a limit (above 3 and
below 3 to calculate the score).
Year Limit HSS
1999 ALT 0.675
1999 VFR 0.521
2000 ALT 0.264
2000 VFR 0.295
I would like to have a barplot with year on the x axis and HSS on the y
axis and the two limits as two different colors to show the
2007 Sep 19
Subset any value and blanks
Hi everyone
I need help with subseting a data set. In my dataset there is a
specific row that will either have a value or be blank. I would like to
subset (or split) the dataset into one dataset with the row that has the
value and another dataset that has just the blanks. Now the thing is
that the row that has the value in it, the value is not always the same,
it is a time stamp of when
2007 Jun 29
Assign name to a name
I would like to know how I can assign a name to a name. I have a
dataset that has different years in it. I am writing scripts using R
and I would like to give a month a generic name and then use the generic
name to do different analysis. The reason for the generic name would be
so that I only have to change one thing if I wanted to change the year.
For example.
Year1 = 1999
datayear <-
2007 Apr 11
Looping through series of names
I am very new to R and have not able to find the answer to my question
in the manual or any other post. I have a dataset that has various
different sites names with data relating to each site. The data is in
one dataset. I want to loop through the different site names and
perform my test on each site. The sites are named not numbers for
example "YYC". How do I do this. I hope I
2007 Jul 10
Lattice: vertical barchart
barchart(Titanic, stack=F) produces a very nice horizontal barchart.
Each panel has four groups of two bars.
barchart(Titanic, stack=F, horizontal=F) doesn't produce the results I
would have expected, as it produces this warning message:
Warning message:
y should be numeric in: bwplot.formula(x = as.formula(form), data =
list(Class = c(1,
And it results in each panel having 22 groups of
2006 Apr 14
Adding values to top of bars in barchart
Given the following data frame ("freq.sp"),
> str(freq.sp)
`data.frame': 42 obs. of 4 variables:
$ behav : Factor w/ 6 levels "approach","bowride",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2 ...
$ species: Factor w/ 7 levels "COAST_SPOT","EAST_SPINR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 1 2 3 ...
$ n : int 193 194 563 357 570 369 74 194 208 633 ...
$ pct :
2009 Feb 08
Using panel.grid in barchart
Hi all,
I'm trying to do an example in Deepayan Sarkar's Lattice book. It
involves making a barchart based on the Titanic dataset. I can get
the barchart to plot fine; however, when I try to edit panel.grid, I
get an error:
> titan<-barchart(Class ~ Freq | Age + Sex, data =
as.data.frame(Titanic), groups=Survived, stack=TRUE, layout=c(4,1),
2003 Nov 02
barchart in lattice
Dear all,
I have two factors 'country' and 'status' which I would like to plot via barchart (lattice).
'status' consist of three different levels and should be the grouping variable, i.e. there
should be drawn three different panels and within each panel a barchart of 'country'.
2012 Feb 20
Help on lattice barchart ploting
Hi friends,
I have following data and would like to plot this with barchart() availble
with lattice package.
RsID Freqs Genotype
AAA 63.636 1/1
AAA 32.727 1/2
AAA 3.636 2/2
BBB 85.965 2/2
BBB 14.035 2/1
CCC 63.158 1/1
CCC 21.053 1/2
CCC 15.789 2/2
DDD 26.786 2/2
DDD 46.429 2/1
DDD 26.786 1/1
EEE 32.759 2/2
EEE 43.103 2/1
2011 Feb 09
Adding labels into lattice's barchart
I have a dataset that looks like:
$ V1: factor with 4 levels
$ V2: factor with 4 levels
$ V3: factor with 2 levels
$ V4: num (summing up to 100 within V3 levels)
$ V5: num (nr of cases for each unique combination of V1*V2*V3 levels)
Quite new to
2010 Jan 20
barchart with stacked and beside bars
Is there a way to stack bars in a barchart as well as "beside" bars for the
same treatment? eg....
I have one barchart like this:
now i want a similar barchart but with stacked bars:
2008 Jun 13
Switching the order of legend boxes in a lattice bar graph
I suspect there is a simple solution to this problem, but have been
unable to find it. Below is some code that I have run to create 3
lattice graphs. I have been asked to change the legend so that the
'No' and dark blue are above "Y" and light blue in the legend to
mirror the stacked bars in the graph which feature dark blue above light blue.
I have tried changing the data
2010 Nov 08
Add text to a stacked barplot
Hi All,
I need some help in putting text in a stacked barplot. The barplot is filled
with 5 levels and now I would like to put text to each level in the stacked
barplot. However, it seems that the code that I am using is not placing the
text at the correct hight (centered at each fill) in the barplot. Any
suggestions to improve the code to make it work?
barchart(FREQ ~ VISIT
2007 Jun 24
matlab/gauss code in R
Hi all!
I would like to import a matlab or gauss code to R.
Could you help me?
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