Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Dissimilarity"
2007 Jun 19
Dissimilarity Analysis
Hello you all!
I am a completely new user of R and I have a problem to solve.
I am using Mac OS X on a PowerBook.
I have a table that looks like this:
species X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14
X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X20 X21
1 Anth_cap1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1
2 Anth_crin1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
2007 Jun 20
How to extract diagonals
I am using Mac OS X on a power book and R 2.5.0
I try to extract a diagonal from a dissimilarity matrix made with
dsvdis, with this code:
But I get this error message:
Fehler in array(0, c(n, p)) : 'dim' spezifiziert ein zu großes Array
Error in array(0, c(n, p)) : 'dim' specifies a too big array.
Is there a limit to extract diagonals?
2007 Jun 21
Distance function
Hello you all from the R Help mailing list!
I am working on a PowerBook with Mac Os X and use R 2.5.0.
I used the distance function from the analogue package to perform a
similarity analysis using the Gowers Index and weighted Variables.
My variables are bivariate data and measurements as well as interval
data transformed into minimum and maximum variables.
I used this Code:
2008 May 15
metaMDS using Dissimilarity matrix
Hello R-user community!
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
statistics beginner)
Presently I try to run the function metaMDS (vegan) using an existing
As I would like to start with this matrix I thought I could just give
the matrix using the x= -argument
Fehler in inherits(comm, "dist") :
2007 Oct 10
as.dist with diagonal unequal zero
Hello and sorry that I still haven?t found a solution for my problem.
I need to extract the lower and upper triangle from a square matrix
including the diagonal. This diagonal is not zero in that special case.
I tried with as.dist
w<-as.dist(w, diag = TRUE)
> w
1 2 3 4 5
1 0
2 2 0
3 3 8 0
4 4 9 14 0
5 5 10 15 20 0
but found no way to keep the diagonal that is in the
2007 Jun 28
Repeat if
(Power Book G4, Mac OS X, R 2.5.0)
I would like to repeat the function range for 85 Vectors (V1-V85).
I tried with this code:
> repeat {
+ i<-i+1
+ if (i<85) next
+ range (Vi, na.rm = TRUE)
+ if (i==85) break
+ }
I presume that the Vi is wrong, because in this syntax i is not known
as a variable. But I don´t know how to say that it is a variable here.
Would be nice if
2007 Oct 01
Error loading DCluster
When I try to load the DCluster package I get the following error
message (R 2.5.1; PowerBook G4; Mac OS X 10.4.10)
(Load needed package)
Lade nötiges Paket: spdep
(error: package spdep could not been loaded)
Fehler: Paket 'spdep' konnte nicht geladen werden
(additional warning message)
Zusätzlich: Warning message:
(There is no package spdep in:.....)
es gibt kein Paket 'spdep'
2007 Jul 19
plot3d labels
Hello R users,
I am a newby using R 2.5.0 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X
Sorry that I ask again such stupid questions, but I haven´t found how
to label the points created with plot3d (rgl).
Hope somebody can help me.
Thanks in advance.
Birgit Lemcke
Institut für Systematische Botanik
Zollikerstrasse 107
CH-8008 Zürich
Ph: +41 (0)44 634 8351
2007 Nov 23
PCA with NA
Dear all,
(Mac OS X 10.4.11, R 2.6.0)
I have a quantitative dataset with a lot of Na?s in it. So many, that
it is not possible to delete all rows with NA?s and also not
possible, to delete all variables with NA?s.
Is there a function for a principal component analysis, that can deal
with so many NA?s.
Thanks in advance
Birgit Lemcke
Institut f?r Systematische Botanik
2007 Oct 08
Hello Members,
I try to convert variables in a data.frame (bract.awn) in the class
'data.frame': 348 obs. of 2 variables:
$ bracts.length.relative.to.flower...............Min: Factor w/ 4
levels "1","2","3","4": 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 ...
$ bract.awn.relative.to.body.................Max : Factor w/ 4
2008 Apr 21
R version 2.6.2 PowerBook G4
Hello R User,
I try to perform an ANCOVA using the glm function.
I have a dataset with continuous and categorical data (explanatory
variables) and my response variable is also binary categorical.
Fehler: NA/NaN/Inf in externem Funktionsaufruf (arg 4)
Zus?tzlich: Warning messages:
1: In Ops.factor(y, mu) : - nicht sinnvoll f?r Faktoren (makes no
sense for
2007 Sep 28
simple matching with R
I am R beginner and I have a question obout a simple matching.
I have to datasets that i read in with:
MalVar29_37<-read.table("MalVar29_37.csv", sep = ";")
FemVar29_37<-read.table("FemVar29_37.csv", sep = ";")
They look like this and show binary variables:
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 1
2007 Nov 12
(no subject)
Hello members of the mailinglist!
I am running R 2.6.0 GUI 1.21 (4815) (4815) on a PPC with Mac OS X 10.4.
I just tried to use the R commander.
I followed these instructions:
4) Start R (e.g. double-click the R icon in /Applications).
5) Start X11 (e.g. click the X11 button on the R Console or double-
click the X11 icon in /Applications/Utilities).
6) Close the X11 terminal (optional).
7) Type
2008 May 29
boxplot with text and symbols on x
Hello R-user community!
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
statistics beginner)
I did the following :
boxplot(inflorescence_length_Max~Sex, main="Bartletts Homogeneity for
inflorescence length",data=FemMal_Sex)
text( 2, 500,
2008 May 05
Count data in random Forest
Hello R-user!
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
statistics beginner)
I try to find the most important variables to divide my dataset as
given in a categorical variable using randomForest.
Is randomForest() able to deal with count data?
Or is there no difference because only the ranks are used in the trees?
Thanks in advance
Birgit Lemcke
Institut f?r
2007 Jul 19
write.table linebreaks
Hello R users,
I am a newby using R 2.5.0 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X
when I use the write.table function, I always get the output in Unix
linebreaks that I have to change to McIntosh linebreaks to be able to
Import the data in Excel 2004 for Mac.
Is there a possibility to do this automatically in R and respectively
in the write.table function?
Thanks in advance.
2007 Aug 23
ordered factors in data.frame
Hello I need a tiny peace of help. (PPC Mac Os X 10.4.10; R 2.5.1)
I have a data.frame with numeric and factor variables.
I would like to convert same of the factors to ordered factors.
I tried with:
attach (table)
as.ordered (V3)
but this gives me only the V3 Vector as ordred back but in the
data.frame (str(Table)) it is still not ordered.
How can I do that?
Thanks for your help.
I am
2007 Oct 22
plot3d with more than 8 colors
Hello R user and helper!
I would like to get a 3d plot with coloured points.
I did that:
colors<-c(rep("2",7), rep("3",12), rep("4", 24), rep("5", 13), rep
("6", 8), rep("7", 51), rep("8", 1), rep("9", 15), rep("10", 53), rep
("11",3), rep("12",3), rep("13", 8),
2008 May 05
Problems using rfImpute
Hello R-user!
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
statistics beginner)
I tried rfImpute (randomForest) and as far as I understood should it
replace NA`s using a proximity matrix:
> set.seed(100000)
> Subset5Imputed<-rfImpute(Sex~., data=Subset5)
ntree OOB 1 2
300: 11.78% 12.36% 11.21%
ntree OOB 1 2
300: 12.07% 12.64%
2007 Sep 20
Ambiguities in vector
Hello all you helpful people out there!
I am stil R Beginner using R 2.5.1 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac
OS X 10.4.10 .
Perhaps you haven?t understood my question in the mail yesterday. So
I will try to describe my problem in a different way
You see the tables. I would like to test the variables between the
tables. But for some variables in some species , I have more than 1