Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "genetics package not working"
2005 Oct 20
Error in building package indices
Dear R-devel members,
We are building a new package (GeneticsBase) for analysis of genetic data .
While doing "R CMD check with R-2.1.1, I am getting the following error:
** building package indices ...
Error in "colnames<-"(`*tmp*`, value = c("family", "pid", "father",
"mother", :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to
2008 Aug 22
help needed for HWE.exact in library "genetics"
I have a genotype data for both case and controls and would like to calculate the HW p-value. However, since the number of one genotype is 0, I got wired result. Would someone help me to figure it out? Or confirm it's right? Thanks a lot.
> library( "genetics" )
The R-Genetics project has developed an set of enhanced
2006 Jun 05
Fastest way to do HWE.exact test on 100K SNP data?
Hi everyone,
I'm using the function 'HWE.exact' of 'genetics' package to compute p-values of
the HWE test. My data set consists of ~600 subjects (cases and controls) typed
at ~ 10K SNP markers; the test is applied separately to cases and controls. The
genotypes are stored in a list of 'genotype' objects, all.geno, and p-values are
calculated inside the loop over all
2009 Jan 19
Deleting columns where the frequency of values are too disparate
Hello R-help community,
I have another question about filtering datasets.
Please consider the following "toy" data matrix example, called "x" for simplicity. There are 20 different individuals ("ID"), with information about the alleles (A,T, G, C) at six different loci ("Locus1" - "Locus6") for each of these 20 individuals. At any single locus
2010 Mar 26
how to read this special form of data
Dear R listers,
I have a data file looks like the following:
Testing marker: s_1
Allele df(0) -LnLk(0) df(T) -LnLk(T) ChiSq p
3 7995 29320.30 7994 29311.85 16.90 4e-05 (2229/8000 probands)
Testing marker: s_2
Allele df(0)
2012 Jun 14
Can someone recommend a package for SNP cluster analysis of Fluidigm microarrays?
I know that there are quite a few packages out that there for cluster
analysis. The problem that I am facing is finding a package that will not
incorporate all my samples into clusters but just the samples that fit a
threshold (that I have not set yet and may need help finding the right
level) for genotyping. It should be able to "no call" samples outside the
clusters. It also needs to
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now
available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of
this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic
information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models.
The library includes classes and methods for creating, representing, and
manipulating genotypes
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now
available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of
this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic
information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models.
The library includes classes and methods for creating, representing, and
manipulating genotypes
2007 Mar 16
ideas to speed up code: converting a matrix of integers to a matrix of normally distributed values
Hi all,
[this is a bit hard to describe, so if my initial description is
confusing, please try running my code below]
I'd appreciate any help in trying to speed up some code. I've written
a script that converts a matrix of integers (usually between 1-10,000
- these represent allele names) into two new matrices of normally
distributed values (representing
2008 Apr 19
resampling from distributions
Hello All,
Once again thanks for all of the help to date. I am climbing my R learning
curve. I've got a few more questions that I hope I can get some guidance on
though. I am not sure whether the etiquette is to break up multiple
questions or not but I'll keep them together here for now as it may help put
the questions in context despite the fact that the post may get a little
2006 Apr 27
Incomplete Trio in TDT analysis
I am involved in a study where, as in most of life, men demonstrate
themselves to be recalcitrant. So while we have many probands and most of
their mothers we only have about 50% of the trios being complete.
I have been running tdt and trio.types. It appears as if it is ignoring the
duos. Sometimes a duo can be informative. For instance
Father ..missing
Mother 1/2
Proband 1/1
This duo shows that
2005 Jul 07
What method I should to use for these data?
Dear R user:
I am studying the allele data of two populations.
the following is the data:
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9
a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17
pop1 0.0217 0.0000 0.0109 0.0435 0.0435 0.0000 0.0109 0.0543
0.1739 0.0761 0.1413 0.1522 0.1087 0.0870 0.0435 0.0217 0.0109
pop2 0.0213 0.0213 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0426 0.1702 0.2128
0.1596 0.1809 0.0957 0.0745 0.0106
2008 Jan 21
reordering huge data file
Dear R-experts,
My problem is how to handle a 10GB data file containing genotype data. The file is in a particular format (Illumina final report) and needs to be altered and merged with phenotype data for further analysis.
PERL seems to be an frequently used solution for this type of work, however I am inclined to think it should be doable with R.
How do I open a text-file, line by line,
2006 May 05
How to a handle an error in a loop
I am about one step away from heaven on earth. I think only one step!
I am using dgc.genetics to run a TDT test on thousands of genetic loci. I
have learnt (through the help of others on this mailing list) to send the
complex output to useful data frames which in turn allow me to look at the
big picture and screen the thousands of loci.
Resultdt<-lapply(PGWide[,240:290], tdt)
the above
2011 Oct 08
HWEBayes, swapping the homozygotes genotype frequencies
I evaluated the Bayes factor in the k=2 allele case with a "triangular"
prior under the null as in the example in the help file:
[1] 0.4580336
When I swap the n11 entry and n22 entry of nvec, I received totally
different Bayes factor:
> HWETriangBF2(nvec=c(2,10,88))
[1] 5.710153
In my understanding, defining the genotype frequency as
2012 Feb 05
nested if else statements
I have a vector of 2,1,0 I want to change to 0,1,2 respectively (the data
is allele dosages)
I have tried multiple nested if/else statements and looked at the ?if help
and cannot work out what is wrong, other people have posted code which is
identical and they state works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> A[1:20]
[1] 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0
> B <-
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages:
data <- simdata(nindiv=200,
coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) ,
number.nuclei=5 ,
geno <- data$genotypes
coord <- t(data$coord.indiv)
path.mcmc <-
2011 Jun 21
Getting SNPS from PLINK to R
snpMatrix package is quite nice (read.plink())
2011 Dec 09
minor allele frequency comparison
Hi all,
We are using two methods to identify SNPs. One is based on resequencing
the genome and aligning the reads to the sequenced genome to identify SNPs
(data available for 44 individuals). Another is based on SNP array with
selected loci (30000 loci, 870 individuals). I want to compare the results
from the resequencing based minor allele frequency and Array based minor
allele frequency.
2012 May 21
help with melt/cast in reshape-package
I'm sorry everyone for the inconvenience of spamming the R-help...
Here's the complete post:
Hi everyone,
> Since it's quite a while that I used the reshape package, I now feel kind
> of rusty.
> I have a data.frame like this:
> id Sample.Name Marker Allele.1
> Allele.2 sample_id species