similar to: lattice: aligning independent graphs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "lattice: aligning independent graphs"

2005 Apr 14
Legend in xyplot two columns
Dear R-Help I have some trouble to set the legend in a xyplot into two rows. The code below gives me the legend in the layout I am looking for, I just rather have it in two rows. library(lattice) schluessel <- list( points=list( col="red", pch=19, cex=0.5 ), text=list(lab="John"), lines=list(col="blue"),
2010 Mar 19
lattice grob
Dear list, I'm trying to arrange various grid objects on a page using a frameGrob. It works fine with basic grobs (textGrob, gTree, etc.), and also with ggplot2 objects using the ggplotGrob() function. I am however stuck with lattice. As far as I understand, lattice produces a list of class trellis, which is eventually displayed using the plot.trellis method. I am not sure if/how one can
2005 Jun 23
Stop Warnings for Invalid Factor Level, NAs generated?
How can I stop the following warning from occuring? invalid factor level, NAs generated in: "[<-.factor"(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = structure(1, .Label = "12", class = "factor")) The Label messages are for "5", "8", "12" and "46". I want the NAs to be generated as needed. Is this causing R to slow down by generating the warning
2013 Feb 25
lattice: column titles using in multipanel xyplot
Hi, I created a xyplot with a three-column layout. As suggested by Deepayan I tried to put titles to each column by using Unfortunately, as my y-axis scale relation = "free", the column titles are not centered at the three x axes anymore. Any idea how to center the titles? #Example: require(lattice) #require(latticeExtra) e <- data.frame(a = c(1:30), b = c(1:10, 20:29,
2009 Sep 19
matrix operations on grobs and grid units
Dear list, As a minimal test of a more complex grid layout, I'm trying to find a clean and efficient way to arrange text grobs in a rectangular layout. The labels may be expressions, or text with a fontsize different of the default, which means that the cell sizes should probably be calculated using grobWidth() and grobHeight() as opposed to simpler stringWidth() and stringHeight().
2008 Jan 12
Lattice equivalent of par(mfrow = )
Dear r-helpers, Does anyone have a straightforward example of putting together three unrelated (expect for a common y-axis) xyplot() figures in what would be in base graphics a par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) arrangement? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102
2009 May 08
centering axis labels in lattice
Hello, I'm attempting to alter the location of text in my axis labels in lattice plots and have been unsuccessful so far. For example, the y-axis labels are always right-justified, but I would like them to be horizontally centered. Here's an example: library(lattice); # create fake dataset to plot to.plot <- data.frame( x = 1:5, y = c("1\nAAA", "2\nBBB",
2012 Dec 12
long margin text below lattice plot - how to wrap lines?
Hello, I've got a lattice plot and need to add text into the bottom margin of the plotting area (below the bottom legend). This seems to work in principle using grid.arrange, yet the text to be added is rather long. As a consequence, it gets clipped: require(lattice) require(grid) myplot <- xyplot(1~1) mytext <- textGrob("This is such a very very long text that it goes on forever
2005 Oct 03
Grid: constructing a gTree with grobs that use named viewports from a vpTree
I'm trying to create a layout with named viewports that I can use for other functions. I create the viewport tree that I want, and a list of grobs with the viewports describing where they should go. library(grid) vp <- vpTree( viewport(layout=grid.layout(2,2), name="layout"), children=vpList( viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row=1, name="tl"),
2009 Sep 09
Xyplot, multi line title via main, all lines left justified
All, Below is an xyplot plot with multiple panels and a title produced via main: library("lattic") data.ex = data.frame(y = rnorm(10), t = rep(1:5, 2), group = rep(c(0,1), each = 5)) xyplot(y ~ t | as.factor(group), data = data.ex, main = list("Put figure caption here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx want this line left justified" )) I must be mis-interpreting the
2010 Apr 28
Multiple cex sizes in main for xyplot?
Folks: I would like to write two lines of text in two different font sizes (or faces or ...) as the title ("main") of a trellis plot. The following code does it, but not well: xyplot((0:1)~(0:1), main = textGrob(lab=c("Some Text","Some More Text"),y=c(.95,.8), gp=gpar(cex=c(1.2,1.0))) ) There is too much space between the title text and the plot. I assume
2008 Mar 19
betabinomial model
Hi, can anyone help me fit betabinomial model to the following dataset where each iD is a cluster in itself , if i use package aod 's betabinom model it gives an estimate of zero to phi(the correlation coeficient ) and if i fix it to the anova type estimate obtained from icc( in package aod) then it says system is exactly singular. And when i try to fit my loglikelihood by
2007 Jun 18
Second y-axis in xyplot (lattice) where y1 and y2 have different ranges
Hi all, I realize this is asking a lot of lattice, but I want to add a second y axis inside a xyplot and have y1 and y2 have different ranges. Given dat below, I can add a second y axis by overlaying a new plot with par(new=T) and label axis 4 with standard graphics. I've seen an example for doing something similar in xyplot even though Deepayan has indicated that lattice isn't the right
2011 Apr 26
grid stringHeight
Dear all, I'm puzzled by the behavior of stringHeight in the grid package. Consider the following test, library(grid) test <- function(lab="dog", ...){ g1 <- textGrob(lab) g2 <- rectGrob(height=grobHeight(g1), width=grobWidth(g1)) gg <- gTree(children=gList(g1,g2), ...) print(c("height:", convertUnit(stringHeight(lab), "mm",
2005 Feb 18
Examples of multiple key grobs
The xyplot help page gives quite a lot of information how to use key and indicates that legend needs to be used if multiple keys are needed. However, it gives only a brief description of what the grob needs to contain to do multiple keys. I've only used the occasional grid function in panel functions, so I don't have much of a sense of how grobs are constructed. I've been unable to
2010 Mar 29
xyplot second y-xis and legend
Dear list, I try to set a secondary y-axis in a lattice xyplot. This works. However, I am unable to set a proper legend/key together with the 2nd y-axis under general xyplot procedures. See example below. The combination of the par.settings with simpleTheme and other settings seems to go wrong. I couldn't find a solution from previous topics. Any suggestions? thanks in advance! Robbert
2009 Sep 20
packGrob and dynamic resizing
Dear all, I'm trying to follow an old document to use Grid frames, Creating Tables of Text Using grid Paul Murrell July 9, 2003 As a minimal example, I wrote this, gf <- grid.frame(layout = grid.layout(1, 1), draw = TRUE) label1 <- textGrob("test", x = 0, just = "left", name="test") gf=placeGrob(gf, rectGrob(), row = 1, col = 1) gf=packGrob(gf,
2009 Oct 23
Distance between axis and label adjusted automatically?
Is there a way to have the distance between label and axis adjusted automatically? This is interesting in particular for the y-axis, when it is not known in beforehand how many digits the numbers will have. It may happen then, that numbers and label overlap. All examples that I found work by estimating the required distance manually in beforehand and then providing large enough margins, or
2011 Apr 10
Adding margin text to lattice graphics
Colleagues I am learning lattice graphics (R 2.12.2; OS X). Several days ago, I inquired about adding margin text to lattice graphics. Jim Price offered a useful reply, suggesting that I add: page = function(page) grid.text('words', x = 0.5, y = 0.01) to my call to the function. The entire function that he suggested was; xyplot(1 ~ 1, par.settings = list(layout.heights =
2013 Jan 15
Duda gráficos - paper="a4"
Buenos días: A ver si alguien me puede iluminar, porque ya he sobrepasado los límites de mi paciencia y de mi imaginación con este asunto: Dado un gráfico creado con un plot (y funciones auxiliares como polygon, etc.) y una tabla creada debajo de ese gráfico (creada con addtable2plot), y dados unos text situados a modo de título encima del plot y otros encima de la tabla, ¿por qué cuando trato