Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Boostrap p-value in regression [indirectly related to R]"
2002 Aug 05
No subject
I downloaded R today because I was told it has very good bootstrapping
abilities. What I need to do is to program it (or use an existing program)
to bootstrapping test for multimodality using nonparametric kernel density
estimates as proposed by Efron and Tibshirani (1993). If anyone can get me
started, I will be immensely grateful.
2001 Mar 06
Bootstrapping on R
Does R have a bootstrap command like SPlus, or do we have to form our
own code if we want to do bootstrapping in R?
Jason Parcon
Western Michigan University
e-mail addresses: s0parcon at wmich.edu
parcon at stat.wmich.edu
r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 Sep 08
coxph and ordinal variables?
Dear R-help members,
Apologies - I am posting on behalf of a colleague, who is a little puzzled
as STATA and R seem to be yielding different survival estimates for the same
dataset when treating a variable as ordinal. Ordered() is used to represent
an ordinal variable) I understand that R's coxph (by default) uses the Efron
approximation, whereas STATA uses (by default) the Breslow. but we
2012 Sep 27
What to use for ti in back-transforming summary statistics from F-T double square-root transformation in 'metafor'
Hi Dr. Viechtbauer,
I'm doing meta-analysis using your package 'metafor'. I used the 'IRFT' to transform the incident rate. But when I tried to back-transform the summary estimates from function rma, I don't know what's the appropriate ti to feed in function transf.iirft. I searched and found your post about using harmonic mean for ni to back-transform the double
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: CRAN source/contrib
I've put all ``current'' add-on packages into CRAN's source/contrib tree
and created an INDEX file (attached below). As you can see, currently
we have
(Yes, e1071 and jpn are new ... more on the latter in a later mail.)
In the near future, I am hoping for the following:
oz (Bill
2004 Dec 17
Confidence Intervals from Bootstrap Replications
Hi All:
I have to compute bootstrap confidence intervals, the statistic
(incremental cost effectiveness ratio) is computed from two samples
(intervention and control) of different sizes. All the bootstrap
functions that I have seen use one dataset as argument. I may go ahead
and get the desired number of bootstrap replications separately. I would
appreciate if you could point me to a source of a
2006 Dec 11
double boostrap with clusterApplyLB
Dear R-Users,
we are using a linux-cluster with RMPI and the snow package.
We would like to do a double boostrap.
We have a general function that implements the first boostrap (the outer) and
we are wondering if we can include another bootstrap (the inner) in the
same general function including another clusterApplyLB.
For example:
general function = function(...) {
2012 Sep 20
validate.lrm - confidence interval for boostrap-corrected AUC ?
Does anyone know whether the rms package provides a confidence interval for
the bootstrap-corrected Dxy or c-index?
I have fitted a logistic model, and would like to obtain the 95% confidence
interval of the bootstrap-corrected area under the ROC curve estimate.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 02
boostrap astronomy problem
I am an astronomer and somewhat new to boostrap statistics. I understand
the basic idea of bootstrap resampling, but am uncertain if it would be
useful in my case or not. My problem consists of maximizing a likelihood
function based on the velocities of a number of stars. My assumed
distribution of velocities of these stars is:
2009 Sep 28
rpmstrap/rpmbootstrap to boostrap CentOS 5
Is there any working script, similar to deboostrap, for CentOS 5?
I have found rpmstrap [1] at RPMforge.. but only works for CentOS-4, and
appears that's out of date.
[1] http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmstrap/
Santi Saez
2010 Dec 15
Using Metafor package: how to backtransform model coefficients when Freeman Tukey double arcine transformation is used
I am performing a meta-analysis using the metafor package. My data are
proportions and I used the Freeman Tukey double arcine (FT)
transformation to fit the random effects model. Now I want to create a
forest plot with my estimates backtransformed to the original scale of
proportions. Can this be done?
2011 Feb 03
boostrap an nls regression
Hello there
I have the following model based on the hollings disc equation for the type
II functional response for 2 data sets:
where eaten is the number of prey eaten by a predator and suppl is the
number of prey initially supplied to the same predator.
I have parameter estimates of 'a' and 'h' for the two populations studied
and would like
2010 Jul 02
metafor and meta-analysis at arm-level
I have been looking for an R package which allowed to do meta-analysis
(both pairwise and network/mixed-treatment) at arm-level rather than at
trial-level, the latter being the common way in which meta-analysis is
By arm-level meta-analysis I mean one that accounts for data provided at
the level of the individual arms of each trial and that does not simply
derive the difference between
2003 Nov 09
How to create unique factor from two factors? + Boostrap Q
This might be easy but I'm very new to R and this question doesn't seem to
have any nice keywords that bring up relevant search results when I search
the CRAN search engine. Therefore, I'll plead (as I have in the recent
past) Newbie status.
I have a data frame with two factors (Factor 1 and 2) which together specify
another unique level. I want to create a third factor in the
2003 Dec 16
Resampling Stats software
I am new to R (I have most of my experience in SAS and SPSS). I was
wondering if anyone has used both Resampling Stats and R, and could comment
on strengths/relationships. Also, I have no clue on how to do the various
examples from the book "Resampling: The New Statistics" in R. Can anyone
give me some possible starting points? Or websites/books?
2009 Nov 08
influence.measures(stats): hatvalues(model, ...)
I am trying to understand the method 'hatvalues(...)', which returns something similar to the diagonals of the plain vanilla hat matrix [X(X'X)^(-1)X'], but not quite.
A Fortran programmer I am not, but tracing through the code it looks like perhaps some sort of correction based on the notion of 'leave-one-out' variance is being applied.
Whatever the
2002 Dec 12
t-test bootstrap versus permutation question
I have a little problem that puzzles me about contradictory results returned
by a bootstraped t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed p. 146) versus a permutation
t-test (as in MASS 3rd ed, p 147).
Data are measurements done on 100 cells in 9 slides of fish blood. With one
method, cells are randomly sampled, and with the other method, the operator
selects cells arbitrarily (in a way it is done usually
2017 Nov 13
Bootstrap analysis from a conditional logistic regression
Nelly Reduan a partag? un fichier OneDrive avec vous. Pour l?afficher, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.
Screenshot 2017-11-12 18.49.43.png<https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apkg2VlgfYyDgRAeVIM0nEajx0Fb>
How can I perform
2012 Aug 01
"metafor" package, proportions: single groups wrt to a categorical dependent variable
Dear Dushanthi,
Please keep your e-mails on the R-Help list, where Michael has already given you some excellent advice. As Michael already explained, metafor can handle proportions, but does not have any specific functionality for categorical variables with more than 2 levels (at the moment). So, if it is logical and possible to do so, you could collapse the levels of the categorical outcome to 2
2017 Jun 26
Classic fail-safe N
Hi all,
I was conducting a meta-analysis of single proportions(i.e. without a
control group) using the metafor package. When I performed a classic
fail-safe N, I noticed that the result (the number of missing studies that
would bring p-value to the alpha, to be exact)was different than that I got
in Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2.0. I wonder why R and CMA got
different results.
*Below is