similar to: predict.Arima question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "predict.Arima question"

2008 Aug 12
arima forecast function
hi: I am trying to fit prediction intervals for an arima object. My search led me to the link: which has the function "forecast", as I wanted. However, when I try to run it in R, I get the message: Error in plot(forecast(fit)) : could not find function "forecast" Even the example provided on the page
2010 Mar 19
Arima forecasting
Hello everyone, I'm doing some benchmark comparing Arima [1] and SVR on time series data. I'm using an out-of-sample one-step-ahead prediction from Arima using the "fitted" method [2]. Do someone know how to have a two-steps-ahead forecast timeseries from Arima? Thanks, Matteo Bertini [1] [2] AirPassengers example on page 5
2010 Oct 07
auto.arima error
I am trying to use auto.arima to fit a univariate time series and do forecast. This is an imaginary data on monthly outcomes of 2 years and I want to forecast the outcome for next 12 months of next year. data Data1; input RR; datalines; 12 14 17 15 13 15 15 14 15 14 16 15 15 18 16 16 15 14 15 16 16 14 13 12 ; run; I successfully took this data into R and used the auto.arima codes but am getting
2009 Mar 05
Time Series - ARIMA differencing problem
Hi, I have been using this website ( ) to help me to fit ARIMA models to my data. At the moment I have two possible methods to use. Method 1 If I use arima(, order=c(1,2,0), xreg=1:length( then the wrong value for the intercept/mean is given (checked on SPSS and Minitab) and
2003 Apr 21
Anyone Familiar with Using arima function with exogenous variables?
I've posted this before but have not been able to locate what I'm doing wrong. I cannot determine how the forecast is made using the estimated coefficients from a simple AR(2) model when there is an exogenous variable. Does anyone know what the problem is? The help file for arima doesn't show the model with any exogenous variables. I haven't been able to locate any documents
2008 Jul 29
handling multiple lookup tables in rails
I''ve got an application that will have a handful of lookup tables. To be clear by this I mean tables that only have two attributes, id, name and are used to provide drop-down lists for other tables/forms so that these fields have "standard" values. I need 5 to 10 of these tables. I''m a ruby/rails neophyte but I''ve read Agile Web Devel with Rails, Rails
2012 Apr 26
Using the R predict function to forecast a model fit with auto.arima function
Hello R users, Hope everyone is doing great. I have a dataset that is in .csv format and consists of two columns: one named Period (which contains dates in the format yyyy_mm) and goes from 1995_10 to 2007_09 and the second column named pcumsdry which is a volumetric measure and has been formatted as numeric without any commas or decimals. I imported the dataset as pauldataset and made use of
2009 Jan 18
auto.arima forecasting issue
Hello everybody! I'm having this problem with the auto.arima function that i've not been able to solve. I use this function on time series that contains NA values, but every time that the resulting model contains drift I can't perform a forecasting (using forecast.Arima function). The printed error (when I try to forecast the resulting model) claims a dimension mismatch
2009 Jun 04
Import ARIMA coefficients
Hello, I need to know how to import ARIMA coefficients. I already determined the coefficients of the model with other software, but now i need to do the forecast in R. For Example: I have a time series named x and i have fitted an ARIMA(1,0,1) (with other software) AR coef = -.172295 MA coef = .960043 (i know that this is not a good model, it's just an example) I try to
2011 Jul 04
forecast: bias in sampling from seasonal Arima model?
Dear all, I stumbled upon what appears to be a troublesome issue when sampling from an ARIMA model (from Rob Hyndman's excellent 'forecast' package) that contains a seasonal AR component. Here's how to reproduce the issue. (I'm using R 2.9.2 with forecast 2.19; see sessionInfo() below). First some data: > x <- c( 0.132475, 0.143119, 0.108104, 0.247291, 0.029510,
2012 Jan 04
[Matlab] Need help on ARIMA and Matlab
Hi, I have to forecast some value of a time series using an ARIMA(5,1,3) model. I saw in Matlab there isn't a function for ARIMA models because ARIMA models are a type of Box-Jenkins models. But how to set parameters? In the Box-Jenkins models m = bj(data,[nb nc nd nf nk]) How to set nb, nc, nd, nf and nk in order to have an ARIMA(p,d,q) model? Thanks [[alternative HTML version
2006 Nov 25
predict and arima
Hi all, Forecasting from an arima model is easy with predict. But I can't manage to backcast : invent data from the model before the begining of the sample. The theory is easy : take your parameters, reverse your data, forecast, and then reverse the forecast I've tried to adapt the predict function to do that (i'm not sure that the statistical procedure is fine (with the residuals),
2012 Sep 10
predict arima
Hello, I have a question regarding the predict command for ARIMA models. Why do I not have to give any input except the number of steps for the forecast? Which input value is used (in my case for “y(t)”)? Will the last parameter of the estimate vector be used (in my example “6”)? x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)model <- arima(x, order=c(1,0,0), method="ML")predict(model, n.ahead = 1) ->
2023 Jan 05
R 'arima' discrepancies
Rob J Hyndman gives great explanation here ( for reasons why results from R's arima may differ from other softwares. @iacobus, to cite one, 'Major discrepancies between R and Stata for ARIMA' (, assign the, sometimes, big diferences from R
2010 Apr 29
forecast in arima
Hello, I have a question about forecast under model arima(1,1,1). I construct this model on 1000 observations and find the forecast for following, for example, 100 observations. But it' s necessary for me to get the predicted values of the previous 100 observations and compare it with actual values. Please, tell me what should be done. Thank you very much [[alternative HTML version
2004 Sep 03
arima et graphique
bonjour, je rencontre quelques soucis au niveau de l'utilisation des fonctions arima.forecast/predict; en effet elles sont dites inconnues alors que j'ai bien install?? et charg?? le package "ts". Aussi, j'aimerai savoir comment visualiser le graphique des pr??visions avec arima et celui des donn??es brutes dans la m??me fen??tre. Tout en vous souhaitant bonne r??ception
2007 Dec 11
question regarding arima function and predicted values
Good evening! I have a question regarding forecast package and time series analysis. My syntax: x<-c(253, 252, 275, 275, 272, 254, 272, 252, 249, 300, 244, 258, 255, 285, 301, 278, 279, 304, 275, 276, 313, 292, 302, 322, 281, 298, 305, 295, 286, 327, 286, 270, 289, 293, 287, 267, 267, 288, 304, 273, 264, 254, 263, 265, 278) library(forecast) arima(x, order=c(1,1,2),
2013 Apr 15
use of simulate.Arima (forecast package)
I would like to simulate some SARIMA models, e.g. a SARIMA (1,0,1)(1,0,1)[4] process. I installed the package 'forecast', where the function simulate.Arima should do what I am trying to do. I am not able to understand how it works Could somebody help me with an example? thank you Stefano Sofia AVVISO IMPORTANTE: Questo messaggio di posta elettronica pu? contenere informazioni
2012 Aug 01
Odd Results when using R's auto.arima function
Good morning everyone, I have attached an Excel file that contains a macro from which I call and use R's auto.arima function to generate forecasts. The program runs perfectly and it gets me the results; however, those results are pretty unusual. I also tried using the auto.arima function directly in the R console and still get weird results. The results are shown in columns AB, AC and AD
2016 Apr 07
Contenido de un objeto/modelo ARIMA
Buenos días, Os cuento: Cargo la librería "Forecast" y ejecuto su función Arima(...) sobre una serie temporal: mimodelo <- Arima(miST$miserie, ...); Ahora si ejecuto las siguientes sentencias, voy obteniendo los resultados contenidos en "mimodelo", pero algunos de ellos no sé lo que son: mimodelo[[1]] obtengo los coeficientes del modelo ARIMA mimodelo[[2]] obtengo el