similar to: Adding per-panel text to panel strips in lattice xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Adding per-panel text to panel strips in lattice xyplot"

2006 Jul 16
Hmisc xYplot
Dear R community, I am having trouble with a particular plot that I am trying to produce using Hmisc's xYplot function. I've been using primarily lattice and Hmisc packages for my plotting needs for the past few years, with great success. However, what I want to do now with xYplot is plot more than one data trend in the same panel, much as I would use xyplot from package lattice in
2009 Aug 11
Varying x-axis labels in lattice
Dear Group: I want to use lattice with a formula such as y ~ x | v to plot a data frame in which v varies to indicate which "x" is really being plotted. I know how to make the x-axis scales vary with the panel but is it possible to let the x-axis label vary, i.e., to let the user specify a vector of x-axis labels? Thanks Frank -- Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair
2008 Apr 08
Change the position of panel strips in a lattice plot.
Hi all, In lattice plots, is there any option to position the panel strips with text below each subgraph, instead of above? i.e. in: Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1) xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes) ,is there any way to make "Depth" appear below the subgraphs, instead of above? I've been looking through the lattice documentation and the list
2010 Mar 05
conditioning variable in panel.xyplot?
I wish to create a multipanel plot (map) from several datasets ("d" and "q" in the example below). I can condition the main xyplot statement on the "site" variable, but I don't know how to pass a conditioning variable to panel.xyplot plot so that the x-y coordinates from dataset q are only plotted at the appropriate site. library(lattice) d <-
2006 Apr 04
xyplot: getting data into the panel function
In xyplot, I would like to get the "data into the panel function" in the following sense: Consider xyplot(scc~time|cowidp, data=cow.s,type=c("l"), panel=function(x,y,subscripts,...){ panel.xyplot(x,y,...) vvv<-cow.s[which(![subscripts,"mastreat"])),"time"] panel.abline(v=vvv,col="red",lwd=2) } ) If I want to use a
2005 Jan 03
Black and white graphics and transparent strip panels with lattice under Sweave
What is the most elegant way to specify that strip panels are to have transparent backgrounds and graphs are to be in black and white when lattice is being used with Sweave? I would prefer a global option that stays in effect for multiple plots. If this is best done with a theme, does anyone have a lattice theme like col.whitebg but that is for black and white? I'm using the following
2009 Oct 08
xyplot#strips like ggplot?
Dear all, I want to split the strips in xyplot and push them into the margins ... Tried to find this in common documentation (such as Deepayan's book) on lattice ... but so far without success ... Here is the situation: xyplot(Speed~Count|Lane*Day,...) where Speed and Count are numeric, Lane and Day are factors. By default, this makes a double strip on top of each graph. I can change
2006 Jun 19
lattice xyplot - aligning date labels so that they align with the grid lines in panel.grid
Hi, I have a basic question about aligning date labels for the x-axis in an xyplot so that they align with the grid lines from the panel.grid argument. For example, with x <- data.frame( date = seq(as.Date("2005/01/01"), as.Date("2006/06/01"), length.out = 20), value = runif(20)) xyplot(value ~ date, data = x, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
2006 Dec 13
Passing arguments to panels in trellis plots
Dear all, I am trying to produce survfit plots in a trellis environment and I would like the plots to be logarithmic. I am trying this: print(Ecdf(~time | size*type, groups=alg,data=B,subscripts=TRUE, panel=function(x,groups,subscripts) { t <- survfit(Surv(time[subscripts],event[subscripts])~groups[subscripts],data=B)
2009 Oct 30
How to properly shade the background panels of an xyplot?
Dear R users, this is a follow up of this message I'm reproducing the core of it for convenience. > // > / data(Oats, package = "MEMSS") / > / tp1.oats <- xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block, / > / data = Oats, / > / panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) { /
2005 Feb 16
panel/prepanel for polar plots ala xYplot
First a bit of background: After doing a search for a flexible polar plot function and coming up empty, I have begun writing one myself. Since I am new to writing mid-level graphics routines, this has required some learning about lattice, grid and related things. I am to the point where I have a workable proof of concept, but still need to make some improvements. My goal is to have
2006 Jan 27
xyplot: making strip function aware of panel.number
In xyplot(), I'd like to supress the printing of the strip on certain panels. I thought I'd do this inside the strip function, but it seems that panel.number doesn't get passed to that. Any ideas? Thanks, Ben
2007 Jun 19
Controlling text and strip arrangement in xyplot
I've searched the archives and read the xyplot help but can't figure out the 2 lattice questions below? Consider: library(lattice) DF <- data.frame(x=rnorm(20), y=rnorm(20), g1=rep(letters[1:2], 10), g2=rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=10), g3=rep(rep(letters[3:4],each=5),2)) xyplot(y ~ x | g1 + g2, groups=g3, data=DF) 1) Is there a way to get one strip per row and column
2006 Sep 26
Bug in formals<-
I think this is new since a previous version of R: > h <- function(x, trantab) trantab[x] > w <- 6:4 > names(w) <- c('cat','dog','giraffe') > w cat dog giraffe 6 5 4 > > formals(h) <- list(x=numeric(0), trantab=w) > h function (x = numeric(0), trantab = c(6, 5, 4)) trantab[x] You can see that the names
2012 Feb 29
Computing line= for mtext
I want to right-justify a vector of numbers in the right margin of a low-level plot. For this I need to compute the line parameter to give to mtext. Is this the correct scalable calculation? par(mar=c(4,3,1,5)); plot(1:20) s <- 'abcde'; w=strwidth(s, units='inches')/par('cin')[1] mtext(s, side=4, las=1, at=5, adj=1, line=w-.5, cex=1) mtext(s, side=4, las=1, at=7,
2008 Jul 02
auto.key in xyplot in conjunction with panel.text
All, I can't seem to get auto.key to work properly in an xyplot that is employing panel.text. Specifically, I often change the default grouping colors then use auto.key accordingly, but for some reason the same functionality isn't working for this different type of plot. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, David library("lattice") dat = data.frame( Y = c(rnorm(18,1),
2011 Mar 05
lattice: drawing strips for single-panel plots
The strip argument to panel.xyplot seems to be ignored for single-panel plots. Here is an example: data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") myStrip <- function(...) { ltext(.5, .5, 'strip text') } densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, strip=myStrip) The figure is printed with no strip. The strip.default documentation suggests that Deepayan intended this behavior.
2007 Jun 21
Overlaying lattice graphs (continued)
Dear R Users, I recently posted an email on this list about the use of data.frame and overlaying multiple plots. Deepayan kindly indicated to me the panel.superposition command which worked perfectly in the context of the example I gave. I'd like to go a little bit further on this topic using a more complex dataset structure (actually the one I want to work on). >mydata Plot
2005 Mar 22
Lattice : factor levels in the margins
Hello ! I'm struggling again against lattice graprhics. ;) I'm trying to produce a conditionnal xyplot with two conditionning factors (let's say A and B). I want the levels of those factors (A1, A2, etc) to show in the margins of the lattice plot, not in the strips between the panels. A1 A2 A3 plot11 plot12 plot13 B1 plot21 plot22 plot23 B2 I managed to remove the
2006 Jun 06
error bars in lattice xyplot *with groups*
Hi all, I'm trying to plot error bars in a lattice plot generated with xyplot. Deepayan Sarkar has provided a very useful solution for simple circumstances (, yet I am having trouble getting it to work when the "groups" setting is enabled in xyplot (i.e. multiple lines). To illustrate this, consider the singer data