Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Writing Text into Plots"
2012 Apr 16
eval a SYMSXP from C
Can someone offer some advice on how to properly evaluate a SYMSXP
from a .Call ?
I have the following in R:
variable xn, with an attribute "mu" which references the variable mu
in the global environment.
I know "references" is a loose term; mu was defined in this fashion as
a way to implement deferred binding:
foo <- function(x,mu) {
attr(x,"mu") <-
2009 Oct 17
Recommendation on a probability textbook (conditional probability)
I need to refresh my memory on Probability Theory, especially on
conditional probability. In particular, I want to solve the following
two problems. Can somebody point me some good books on Probability
Theory? Thank you!
1. Z=X+Y, where X and Y are independent random variables and their
distributions are known.
Now, I want to compute E(X | Z = z).
2.Suppose that I have $I \times J$ random number
2009 Nov 15
lme model specification
Dear all
this is a question of model specification in lme which I'd for which I'd greatly appreciate some guidance.
Suppose I have data in long format
gene treatment rep Y
1 1 1 4.32
1 1 2 4.67
1 1 3 5.09
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
1 4 1 3.67
1 4 2 4.64
1 4 3 4.87
2006 Sep 25
Can't mix high level and low level plot functions.
Hey R-Comunity,
I'd like to print out an histogram of some experimental data and add a
smooth curve of a normal distribution with an ideally generated
population having the same mean and standard deviation like the
experimental data.
The experimental data is set as vector x and its name is set to
group.name. I paint the histogram as follows:
hist(data, freq=FALSE,
2010 May 18
Maximization of quadratic forms
Dear R Help,
I am trying to fit a nonlinear model for a mean function $\mu(Data_i,
\beta)$ for a fixed covariance matrix where $\beta$ and $\mu$ are low-
dimensional. More specifically, for fixed variance-covariance matrices
$\Sigma_{z=0}$ and $\Sigma_{z=1}$ (according to a binary covariate $Z
$), I am trying to minimize:
$\sum_{i=1^n} (Y_i-\mu_(Data_i,\beta))' \Sigma_{z=z_i}^{-1} (Y_i-
2006 Aug 08
How to convert list elements to data.frames or vectors?
Dear R mailing-list comunity!
I'm currently trying to implement an R method. I have two sets of data
that I convert into a data.frame each. These data.frames I'd like to
append to a list:
# generate a list
# add one set of data
x<-1000 ;y<-1 ;listTable[[length(listTable) + 1]] <-
data.frame(matrix(rnorm(x*y), nrow=y)); rm(x); rm(y)
# add another set of
2006 Aug 16
Plots Without Displaying
Hash: SHA1
R Help Mailing List,
I'd like to generate a plot that I could display and/or store it as e.g.
jpeg. But unfortunately always a plotting window opens. Is it possible
to prevent that?
I tried the following:
R> bp<-boxplot( sample(100), plot=FALSE)
This works somehow, but it only stores data (as discribed in the help)
in bp and it is not
2002 Dec 10
autoregressive poisson process
Dear R users,
I am trying to find a package that can estimate
an autoregressive model for discrete data. I am
imagining a Poisson or Gamma process in which the
mean (say mu) follows a process such as
mu_t = a + b*x + c*mu_{t-1}
Suppose I have data on the time-series Poisson
outcomes and x and would like to obtain ML estimates
for b and c.
Does anyone know of a package that can do this
2011 Jan 03
Greetings. I have a question with mixed beta regression model in nlme.
*Dear R-help:
My name is Rodrigo and I have a question with nlme package
in R to fit a mixed beta regression model. The details of the model are:
Suppose that:*
*j in {1, ..., J}* *(level 1)*
*i in {1, ..., n_j}* *(level 2)*
*y_{ij} ~ Beta(mu_{ij} * phi_{ij}; (1 - mu_{ij}) * phi_{ij})
y_{ij} = mu_{ij} + w_{ij}
*logit(mu_{ij}) = Beta_{0i} + Beta_{1i} * x1_{ij} + b2 * x2_{ij}
2011 Jan 03
Greetings. I have a question with mixed beta regression model in nlme (corrected version).
*Dear R-help:
My name is Rodrigo and I have a question with nlme package
in R to fit a mixed beta regression model. I'm so sorry. In the last
email, I forgot to say that W is also a unknown parameter in the mixed
beta regression model. In any case, here I send you the correct formulation.
Suppose that:*
*j in {1, ..., J}* *(level 1)*
*i in {1, ..., n_j}* *(level 2)*
*y_{ij} ~
2004 Oct 08
nlme vs gls
Dear List:
My question is more statistical than R oriented (although it originates
from my work with nlme). I know statistical questions are occasionally
posted, so I hope my question is relevant to the list as I cannot turn
up a solution anywhere else. I will frame it in the context of an R
related issue.
To illustrate the problem, consider student achievement test score data
with multiple
2010 Jan 26
Detect file change
Hello everyone!
How can I detect if a folder have changed (sync logic) than run a script
if it's true?
I found this script over the net, but I think it's such complicated for
that simple thing...
############### detectdir.sh by Jagbir Singh #################
# script to detect changes in directory.
2010 Jan 19
Moving the system from 5.3 to 5.4
I built a system based on centos 5.3, now i'm planing to move to 5.4.
To do it I rebuilt all rpms making some changes.
When I use a common centos 5.3, it automatically detects that 5.4
is available and move update for it when i run yum update. How
does this work? How the system detects new version and update
for it?
I thought centos-release rpm just update repo for it, but I saw this
2003 Mar 06
type III Sum Sq in ANOVA table - Howto?
as far as I see, R reports type I sums of squares. I'd like to get R to
print out type III sums of squares.
e.g. I have the following model:
to get the type III sum of squares for factor1 I've tried
but that didn't yield the desired result.
Could anyone give me a hint how to proceed?
2006 Mar 28
Problems with pf + ftp-proxy on gateway
I'm trying to use pf + ftp-proxy n a 6.1-PRERELEASE machine.
I have this line on inetd.conf:
ftp-proxy stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftp-proxy
ftp-proxy -n
And this lines on pf.conf:
rdr on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port ftp -> port ftp-proxy
pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port ftp-data to
$ext_if:0 user proxy flags S/SA keep
2011 Jun 01
conversion of matrix into list
Dear all,
I have a matrix X which consists of 2 columns. I would like to convert this
matrix into a list where every entry of the list consists of a single row of
the matrix.
Does anyone have a suggestions how to manage this?
Thank you for your efforts in advance!
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2011 Jul 20
Question about converting list items in matrix
Hi friends,
I have got a list where each element might have variable number of members.
[1] "214077_x_at"
[1] "225996_at" "235977_at"
[1] NA
[1] "221562_s_at" "221913_at" "49327_at"
[1] "229764_at"
[1] "205225_at" "211233_x_at"
2011 May 13
Excel to R
Hello R-help
I am trying to copy and paste large column of data from windows Excel into R
base speed sheet using:
But I can only copy and paste one cell at a time which is time consuming.
Also how can assign each column to a variable.
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2011 May 23
Linear regression - several response variables vs few ind variables
Hi all,
I need to run several simple linear regressions at once, using the
following data. Response variables: Bird species (sp 1, sp2, sp3...spn).
Independent variable: Natprop - proportion of natural area. covarate:
Effort = hours). One single linear regression would be: lmSp1 <- lm(sp1~
natprop + effort). However, I need to run this linear regression for all
bird species that I have
2002 May 16
glm(y ~ -1 + c, "binomial") question
This is a question about removing the intercept in a binomial
glm() model with categorical predictors. V&R (3rd Ed. Ch7) and
Chambers & Hastie (1993) were very helpful but I wasn't sure I
got all the answers.
In a simplistic example suppose I want to explore how disability
(3 levels, profound, severe, and mild) affects the dichotomized
outcome. The glm1 model (see below) is