similar to: unexpected behavior of boxplot(x, notch=TRUE, log="y")

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "unexpected behavior of boxplot(x, notch=TRUE, log="y")"

2006 Oct 09
boxplot, notches, etc.
Sorry to repost this, but it looks like it's getting buried in r-help (originally posted October 5: my experience says that if it hasn't been answered by then it won't be). I wouldn't bother, but I'm worried that r-devel might be better, *and* a previous e-mail of mine on the subject in January also seemed to get buried. Synopsis: boxplot notches look weird when notches are
2006 Jan 23
too-large notches in boxplot (PR #7690)
PR #7690 points out that if the confidence intervals (+/-1.58 IQR/sqrt(n)) in a boxplot with notch=TRUE are larger than the hinges -- which is most likely to happen for small n and asymmetric distributions -- the resulting plot is ugly, e.g.: set.seed(1001) npts <- 5 X <- rnorm(2*npts,rep(3:4,each=npts),sd=1) f <- factor(rep(1:2,each=npts)) boxplot(X~f) boxplot(X~f,notch=TRUE) I can
2013 Jan 26
confidence / prediction ellipse
Hi, I'm using the R library(car) to draw confidence/prediction ellipses in a scatterplot. >From what i understood the ellipse() function return an ellipse based parameters: shape, center, radius . If i read dataEllipse() function i can see how these parameters are calculated for a confidence ellipse. ibrary(car) a=c(12,12,4,5,63,63,23) b=c(13,15,7,10,73,83,43) v <-
2010 Oct 11
I need to find the area under a trapezoid for a research-related project. I was able to find the area under the trapezoid in MATLAB using the code: function [int] = myquadrature(f,a,b) % user-defined quadrature function % integrate data f from x=a to x=b assuming f is equally spaced over the interval % use type % determine number of data points npts = prod(size(f)); nint = npts -1; %number of
2005 Jan 12
Finding seasonal peaks in a time series....
I have a seasonal time series. I want to calculate the annual mean value of the time series at its peak (say the mean of the three values before the peak, the peak, and the three values after the peak). The peak of the time series might change cycle slightly from year to year. # E.g., nPts <- 254 foo <- sin((2 * pi * 1/24) * 1:nPts) foo <- foo + rnorm(nPts, 0, 0.05) bar <- ts(foo,
2005 Jun 25
optimization problem in R ... can this be done?
Im trying to ascertain whether or not the facilities of R are sufficient for solving an optimization problem I've come accross. Because of my limited experience with R, I would greatly appreciate some feedback from more frequent users. The problem can be delineated as such: A utility function, we shall call g is a function of x, n ... g(x,n). g has the properties: n > 0, x lies on the
2006 Jan 08
I have found some "issues" (bugs?) with nls confidence intervals ... some with the relatively new "port" algorithm, others more general (but possibly in the "well, don't do that" category). I have corresponded some with Prof. Ripley about them, but I thought I would just report how far I've gotten in case anyone else has thoughts. (I'm finding the code
2001 Feb 28
Automating the job?
Hi! I just started to use R recently, and would like to ask a help about automating the job. I need to use "kmeans" function with my own 300 data files, and wonder if it's possible to do it automatically. For example, > library (mva) > mydata <- read.table ("data1") > cl <- kmeans(mydata, 5, 20) and I just need to save "cl" info (i.e. the center
2006 Jan 19
nls profiling with algorithm="port" may violate bounds (PR#8508)
[posted to R-devel, no discussion: resubmitting it as a bug, just so it gets logged appropriately] Sorry to report further difficulties with nls and profiling and constraints ... the problem this time (which I didn't check for in my last round of testing) is that the nls profiler doesn't seem to respect constraints that have been set when using the port algorithm. See test code
2010 Oct 08
Trapezoid Rule
Dear R Users, I've never used R before and my professor has asked us to do some pretty intense programming (or it's intense to me at least). Here is the question: Modify the function myquadrature inside the script so that it returns the quadrature of descrete data using the trapezoidal rule. Modify the call to the function at the bottom of the script so that is uses your modifies
2002 Apr 26
Memory "leak" in readChar (PR#1483)
Full_Name: Hugh C. Pumphrey Version: 1.4.1 OS: Linux (Debian Woody) Submission from: (NULL) ( The function readChar() appears to have some type of problem with memory allocation. I don't know if "memory leak" is the correct term but if one uses readChar() many times, the R binary grows in size until it eats all your memory and swap space. The code enclosed below
2009 Jan 20
plotting points with two colors
Dear Miss R, I am trying to plot a scatterplot in which the points (round) should have two colors: half red and half blue (if you want: two half solid circles put together. Can you please help me to realize this efficiently? Thank you, Best regards, Georg. *************************************** Georg Ehret Geneva University Hospital Geneva, Switzerland [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Feb 13
comment lines sometimes removed from a function on exit from internal R editor
Dear All - The problem: comment lines in an R function (lines beginning with # ) are *sometimes* removed on leaving the R default editor (same with notepad). I'm working on a Windows machine with R version 2.14.1. An example is below. Couldn't find anything that seemed to relate to this in the Changelog. I don't recall encountering this behavior with previous versions of R. Any
2008 Apr 21
Choice of notch size in R
Is there a way to modify the choice of notch size [1] in R's boxplot routine from outlining a 5% significance region, to say 1% or lower? Thanks, Alex [1] McGill, Tukey, and Larsen. "Variations of Box Plots", The American Statistician, Vol. 32, No. 1, 12-16.
2007 Aug 30
piecewise linear approximation
Dear list, I have a series of data points which I want to approximate with exactly two linear functions. I would like to choose the intervals so that the total deviation from my fitted lines is minimal. How do I best do this? Thanks! Kamila The information transmitted in this electronic communication...{{dropped}}
2007 Jun 24
matlab/gauss code in R
Hi all! I would like to import a matlab or gauss code to R. Could you help me? Bye, Sebasti?n. 2007/6/23, r-help-request en <r-help-request en>: > Send R-help mailing list submissions to > r-help en > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit >
2004 Mar 01
boxplot notches
Dear list members, Can anyone tell me how the notches in boxplot(Y~X,notch=T) are calculated? What do these notches represent exactly? I?d suppose they are Conficence Intervals for the median, but I?ve also been told they might show Least Significant Difference (LSD) equivalents. I would very much appreciate any help from you. Best regards Chris.
2006 Feb 26
How to produce notches in bwplot?
Dear r-helpers, tst <- data.frame(as.numeric(x <- 1:20), f <- rep(c('hi','lo'), times = 10)) with(tst, bwplot(f ~ x, panel = function(x, y){panel.bwplot(x, y, pch = '|', stats = boxplot.stats, fill = 8, varwidth = T)})) I can't figure out from the documentation how to tell stats that I would like to see notches or (even bands). Here is what I've
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
That's not really a reprex Sibylle.? I did try to use it to see if I could work out what you were trying to do and help but there is so much in there that I suspect is distraction from the notch issue and its error message. Please can you give us something stripped of all unecessary things and tell us what you want? Something like data that we can read as a tribble() or from a dput() of
2002 Dec 29
lowess + turnpoints = doubling integers?
Happy New Year, r-helpers! I am using lowess to smooth a scatter plot, xx<-lowess(xinput,f=.04) #defaults for other args followed by turnpoints(xx$y) #defaults for other args I plot the smoothed result as well as turnpoints (using yy$tppos) on top of raw data plot. Result is exactly as expected, graphically. For another purpose, I calcuate the difference between turnpoints (representing