Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "plotting"
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks! You are correct, the graphs look very similar, except ggplot is
scaling the text font to make it more readable. Is there a way to scale
down the x-axis labels, so they are readable?
On Fri, 7 Jul 2023 at 12:02, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz> wrote:
> Hallo Anupam
> I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me
> provide almost identical
2024 Aug 09
WDI package commands timing out and not working
In the browser the link downloads immediately, in less than a second. I let
the command run in R for five minutes, using R Studio. Nothing happened.
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 17:54, Ivan Krylov <ikrylov at disroot.org> wrote:
> ? Thu, 8 Aug 2024 12:43:23 +0530
> Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at gmail.com> ?????:
> > In open.connection(con, "rb") :
> > URL
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:21, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than
> "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes
> and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in
> "lattice".
You will need to convert Income to a
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Okay. Here is a modification that does four single line plots.
"Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current
Bank_Savings Bank_NA
$10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307
$25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891
$40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4
$75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74 62.17 24.61 11.48 1.746
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hallo Anupam
I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me provide almost identical results when removing theme part from ggplot.
ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent, group=Measure)) + geom_point() +
geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Measure)
xyplot(Percent ~ Income | Measure, TrialData4,
type = "o", pch = 16, as.table =
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks, Pikal and Jim. Yes, it has been a long time Jim. I hope you have
been well.
Pikal, thanks. Your solution may be close to what I want. I did not know
that I was posting in HTML. I just copied the data from Excel and posted in
the email in Gmail. The data is still in Excel, because I have not yet
figured out what is a good way to organize it in R. I am posting it again
below as text. These
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
For some reason the following code is not plotting as I want it to. I want
to plot a "loess" line plotted over a scatter plot. I get a jumble, with
lines connecting all the points. I had a similar problem with "lowess". I
solved that by dropping "NA" rows from the data columns. Please help.
plot(ny_gnp_pcap_pp_kd, si_pov_gini)
2024 Aug 09
WDI package commands timing out and not working
? Thu, 8 Aug 2024 12:43:23 +0530
Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at gmail.com> ?????:
> In open.connection(con, "rb") :
> 'https://api.worldbank.org/v2/en/country/OED/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS?format=json&date=1977:2020&per_page=32500&page=1':
> Timeout of 60 seconds was reached
If you try to open the link in the browser, does it work? How long
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than
"ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes
and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in
On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:11, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John:
> Thanks! Below is the data using your
2023 Jun 28
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi Anupam,
Haven't heard from you in a long time. Perhaps you want something like this:
"Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current
Bank_Savings Bank_NA
$10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307
$25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891
$40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4
$75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74
2023 Jun 28
Plotting factors in graph panel
I want to plot the following kind of data (percentage of respondents from a
survey) that varies by Income into many small *line* graphs in a panel of
graphs. I want to omit "No Answer" categories. I want to see how each one
of the categories (percentages), "None", " Equity", etc. varies by Income.
How can I do this? How to organize the data well and how to
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Reposting the data did not help. We do not like to guess, and doing so takes a great deal of time that is likely wasted.
Rows are observations.
Columns are variables.
In Excel, the first row will be variable names and all subsequent rows will be observations.
Income is the first variable. It has seven states: $10, $25, $40, $75, >$75, "No", "Answer"
MF is the second
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi John:
Thanks! Below is the data using your suggestion. I used "ggplot" to make a
graph. I am not too happy with it. I am looking for something simpler and
cleaner. Plot is attached.
I also tried "lattice" package, but nothing got plotted with "xyplot"
command, because it is looking for a numeric variable on x-axis.
ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent,
2006 Sep 09
reading and formating irregular time series for VaR
Hi, I am trying to read the following type of data from a .csv file to form an
irregular time series object. I want to use it with the VaR package. How do I
read it in correctly to an irregular time series object? Anupam.
2006 Sep 25
Passing R connection as argument to a shell command on Windows
Hello, is there a way to pass a connection to a file in a zipped archive as
argument (instead of a file name of unzipped file) to shell command "cut". In
general, is it possible to pipe output of a R function to a shell command? How?
I want to do something like:
z = unz("zipArchive.zip", "fileASCII.ASC")
# open connection
# cut lines of the ASCII file in
2006 Sep 30
Setting NA
Is there a way to set NA values in R, without changing the dataframe? I would
like to use different combinations of non-response values, as if they were NA
for some of the computations. I don't want to change the dataframe each time I
have to do this?
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
I think your best bet with your data would be to tidy it up in Excel, read
it into R using something like the readxl package and then supply some
sample data is the dput() function.
In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100))
should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where *mydata* is your
data. Copy the output and paste it here.
On Thu, 29 Jun 2023
2006 Oct 04
R Graphics: Saving PDF and other formats from Windows Graphic Device for LaTeX
Hello, I can't seem to save (or find the default location) when I use the Window
Graphic Device's pull down menu. It does not seem to save to the directory I
have set using "setwd(...)". How do I make the pull down menu's work?
What is the best format to save R graphics for inclusion into a LaTeX documents?
I will use PdfTex, or LaTeX -> PS -> PsToPdf to generate the
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
Thanks, John.
However, loess.smooth() is producing a very different curve compared to the
one that results from applying predict() on a loess(). I am guessing they
are using different defaults. Correct?
On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 at 20:20, John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca> wrote:
> Dear Anupam Tyagi,
> You didn't include your data, so it's not possible to see exactly what
2024 Aug 08
WDI package commands timing out and not working
There is some problem getting data with the WDI package. It gets data from
World Development Indicators and other databases of The World Bank. I let
the code run for several minutes and nothing happens. Sometimes it gives a
time out message. I ran the same code last year and it worked. Any idea
what the problem is and how to fix it?
> dat1EU = WDI(indicator = c('NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS',