similar to: change the name of file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "change the name of file"

2007 Jan 12
Within-subject factors in lme
Dear R-users I'm considering a repeated measures experiment where two within-subject factors A (2 levels) and B (3 levels) have been measured for each of 14 subjects, S. I wish to test the effect of factor A. I know that a variance component model with random effects S, S:A, S:B and S:A:B can be fitted using aov: aov( y ~ A*B + Error(S/(A*B)) ) If there is no significant interaction, the
2006 Sep 22
extract data from lm object and then use again?
Hi list, I want to write a general function so that it would take an lm object, extract its data element, then use the data at another R function (eg, glm). I searched R-help list, and found this would do the trick of the first part: a.lm$call$data this would return a name object but could not be recognized as a data.frameby glm. I also tried call(as.character(a.lm$call$data)) or
2007 Jan 16
Gaussian glm for grouped data with unequal variances
Hello - I am fairly new to R, (i.e., ability to create functions/write programs insignificant) and was wondering if there might be a convenient way to model the following: I want to fit a gaussian glm to grouped data, while allowing for unequal variances in each of the groups. More specifically, my data set looks something like this: ---------------- data group 1 76 1 2 82 1 3
2010 Nov 06
Using changing names in loop in R
Hello everybody, I have usually solved this problem by repeating lines of codes instead of a loop, but it's such a waste of time, I thought I should really learn how to do it with loops: What I want to do: Say, I have several data files that differ only in a number, e.g. data points (or vector, or matrix...) Data_1, Data_2, Data_3,... and I want to manipulate them e.g. a simple sum of
2010 May 18
Maximization of quadratic forms
Dear R Help, I am trying to fit a nonlinear model for a mean function $\mu(Data_i, \beta)$ for a fixed covariance matrix where $\beta$ and $\mu$ are low- dimensional. More specifically, for fixed variance-covariance matrices $\Sigma_{z=0}$ and $\Sigma_{z=1}$ (according to a binary covariate $Z $), I am trying to minimize: $\sum_{i=1^n} (Y_i-\mu_(Data_i,\beta))' \Sigma_{z=z_i}^{-1} (Y_i-
2010 Apr 13
WinBUGS Question
Hi: Is there a way we can set up WINBUGS to run 100 simulated datasets on the same model and output results? Or do we have to call in each dataset at a time and repeat the process 100 times manually? Thanks Anamika [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jul 20
(robust) mixed-effects model with covariate
Dear all, I am unsure about how to specify a model in R and I thought of asking some advice to the list. I have two groups ("Group"= A, B) of subjects, with each subject undertaking a test before and after a certain treatment ("Time"= pre, post). Additionally, I want to enter the age of the subject as a covariate (the performance on the test is affected by age),
2006 Jul 04
[Fwd: formatting using the write statement]
>I have a series of write statements because >i am writing to a file >where the characters strings are the column names of a dataframe >and the numbers are the elements in a particular row. >So, a file might look like > >AAA 2.1 >BB 3.1 >AHLZ 0.2 > >and it would be named "rowname".mls. > >so, each time i get to a new row, i create a new file and
2014 Oct 16
Daniel, muchas gracias por contestar y tan rápido. Pues puede ser la solución, he hecho el cambio y sigue sin pintarme los puntos -> data_ <- toJSONArray(data_, json = F) map$geoJson( # leafletR::toGeoJSON(data_, # # lat.lon = c('Lat', 'Long'), # dest=output_geofile), data_, onEachFeature =
2014 Oct 15
Hola, Ando un poco desesperado con los mapas interactivos de Rcharts <>+Leaflet. Estoy intentando pintar en un mapa las cámaras de tráfico de madrid, y las estaciones de calidad del aire, simplemente donde están, es decir, aun no estoy recogiendo los datos de medida. Proyecto -> He conseguido pintar ambos, con
2011 Jun 22
Appending to list
So im here now b/c im incredibly frustrated. Please consider the following: #Try 1 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[paste(sn,i,sep="-")]]<-Data.X } } ##Try 2 Data_<-list() Sn<-1:12 for(sn in Sn){ for(i in 1:10){ Data.X <- rnorm(100,0,10) Data_[[sn]][[i]]<-Data.X } } In Try 1 i am able to append
2013 Feb 15
sprintf in system command
hi all I am using r (2.15.2) in windows 7 32bit I want to execute an external program from r console. the program is a command line program which needs the following format to start C:/Users/.../dssp-2.0.4-win32.exe -i data_1.txt -o data_1.dssp I used the system command as: system ('C:/Users/.../dssp-2.0.4-win32.exe -i
2008 Mar 14
write function (PR#10953)
Full_Name: Alexander Yephremov Version: R 2.6.2 GUI 1.23 (4932) (4932) OS: Mac OS X 10.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi! > array <- 0*1:50 > array [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > write(array, "array.file", sep=",") This is how array.file looks: 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0
2006 Jan 30
yet another vectorization question
Dear R-helpers, I'm trying to develop a function which specifies all possible expressions that can be formed using a certain number of variables. For example, with three variables A, B and C we can have - presence/absence of A; B and C - presence/absence of combinations of two of them - presence/absence of all three A B C 1 0 2 1 3 0 4 1 5 0 6 1
2005 Dec 15
millions of comparisons, speed wanted
Dear all, I have a 10 columns matrix which has 2^10=1024 unique rows, with values 0 and 1. What I would like to do is a little complicated; in a simple statement, for a subset (say 1000 rows) I want to perform pairwise comparisons between all rows, find out which rows differ by only one value, replace that value by "x", get rid of the comparisons that differ by more than one value
2006 Aug 06
[newbie] Error: Not an HVM capable platform...
Hi, I''ve run linux off an on for several years. Recently I''ve been using windows (simply for ease), but have gotten so fed up with stability and what not. I had read good things about xen, so I installed suse and was hoping to not give up the 10% of things that I need windows for. I''ve still got windows on a partition and was wondering if I could boot that, but wanted
2008 Jun 06
R loop
I all I am just trying to get the idea of a loop if statement for another purpose. I was going to label a new variable based on date ie first week 1, second week 2 etc. My code in bold is wrong but seems logical to me, could someone help. x <- rep(c(2660156,2663703,2658165,2659303,2661531,2660914),c(2,2,2,2,1,1)) y <- rep(c(6476767,6475013,6475487,6479659,6477004,6476388),c(2,2,2,2,1,1))
2008 Apr 02
Fwd: Re: Nonlinear equation
> > >From: robert-mcfadden w > > >Date: 2008/04/02 Wed AM 09:58:28 CDT > > >To: r-help w > > >Subject: [R] Nonlinear equation > > > > hi: you need to give an example and details or > > you won't get much response, if any. Equation e.g. (A, B are known constants): 3log(gamma(x))-log(gamma(x)*gamma(2x))+(x-1)*A+B=0
2009 Apr 25
Extracting an object name?
Dear Sir or Madam: This is an extension to a earlier post, about looping through several thousand files, and testing student's models against a different data-set, called rclnow, for "recall now". The problem is, that the instructor never specified to the students, what they should name their "lm" object. So what they created was: "arbitrary variable name"
2005 Mar 22
Review: Asterisk at CeBIT 2005 / Asterisk at Linux-Tag 2005
For all who are interested: A quick review of CeBIT 2005. :-) CeBIT was a very successfull event. Most of the time, the asterisk-booth was crowded with more people than we could talk to. We had with us a demo-installation including different IP-phones, digital and analog phones as well as a Siemens HiPATH PBX to which our Asterisk-server served as a VoIP-gateway, and many people were impressed