similar to: Warning Messages using rq -quantile regressions

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2009 Jun 30
odd behaviour in quantreg::rq
Hi, I am trying to use quantile regression to perform weighted-comparisons of the median across groups. This works most of the time, however I am seeing some odd output in summary(rq()): Call: rq(formula = sand ~ method, tau = 0.5, data = x, weights = area_fraction) Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 45.44262 3.64706 12.46007
2009 May 31
warning message when running quantile regression
Hi All, I am running quantile regression in a "for loop" starting with 1 variable and adding a variable at a time reaching a maximum of 20 variables. I get the following warning messages after my "for" loop runs. Should I be concerned about these messages? I am building predictive models and am not interested in inference. Warning messages: 1: In
2012 Jun 07
Quantile regression: Discrepencies Between optimizer and rq()
Hello Everyone, I'm currently learning about quantile regressions. I've been using an optimizer to compare with the rq() command for quantile regression. When I run the code, the results show that my coefficients are consistent with rq(), but the intercept term can vary by a lot. I don't think my optimizer code is wrong and suspects it has something to do with the starting
2011 Jul 11
quantile regression: out of memory error
Hello, I?m wondering if anyone can offer advice on the out-of-memory error I?m getting. I?m using R2.12.2 on Windows XP, Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit). I am using the quantreg package, trying to perform a quantile regression on a dataframe that has 11,254 rows and 5 columns. > object.size(subsetAudit.dat) 450832 bytes > str(subsetAudit.dat) 'data.frame': 11253 obs.
2009 Jul 24
Fwd: Making rq and bootcov play nice
John, You can make a local version of bootcov which either: deletes these arguments from the call to fitter, or modify the switch statement to include, the latter would need to also modify rq() to return a fitFunction component, so the first option is simpler. One of these days I'll incorporate clustered se's into summary.rq, but meanwhile this seems to be a good alternative.
2008 Sep 23
quantile regression: plotting coefficients on only one variable (rq)
Dear all. I have a question on plotting the coefficients from a series of mutivariate quantile regressions. The following code plots the coefficients for each RHS variable x1 and x2. Is there a way to plot only the coefficients on x1? In the data I am using, I have a large number of fixed effects and do want to plot the coefficients on these fixed effects. quant.plot <-
2006 Oct 25
Quantile Regression
Hi, how is it possible to retrieve the corresponding tau value for each observed data pair (x(t) y(t), t=1,...,n) when doing a quantile regression like <- rq(y~x,tau=-1). Thank you for your help. Jaci --
2009 Feb 17
Percentiles/Quantiles with Weighting
Hi All, I am looking at applications of percentiles to time sequenced data. I had just been using the quantile function to get percentiles over various periods, but am more interested in if there is an accepted (and/or R-implemented) method to apply weighting to the data so as to weigh recent data more heavily. I wrote the following function, but it seems quite inefficient, and not really very
2011 Aug 23
Change Variable Labels in Quantile Plot
I have spent hours on this ---looked through the quantreg manual and r-help site--- still couldn't figure out the answer. Can someone please help me on this? I plot the result from quantile regression and want to change the variable labels: temp<-rq(dep~inc+age50, data=newdata, tau=1:9/10) temp2<-plot(summary(temp)) dimnames(temp2)[[1]]<-c("Intercept", "Per Capita
2012 Oct 30
standard error for quantile
Dear all I have a question about quantiles standard error, partly practical partly theoretical. I know that x<-rlnorm(100000, log(200), log(2)) quantile(x, c(.10,.5,.99)) computes quantiles but I would like to know if there is any function to find standard error (or any dispersion measure) of these estimated values. And here is a theoretical one. I feel that when I compute median from given
2012 Jul 28
quantreg Wald-Test
Dear all, I know that my question is somewhat special but I tried several times to solve the problems on my own but I am unfortunately not able to compute the following test statistic using the quantreg package. Well, here we go, I appreciate every little comment or help as I really do not know how to tell R what I want it to do^^ My situation is as follows: I have a data set containing a
2009 Jul 21
package quantreg behaviour in weights in function rq,
Dear all, I am having v.4.36 of Quantreg package and I noticed strange behaviour when weights were added. Could anyone please explain me what if the results are really strange or the behavioiur is normal. As an example I am using dataset Engel from the package and my own weights. x<-engel[1:50,1] y<-engel[1:50,2] w<-c(0.00123, 0.00050, 0.00126, 0.00183, 0.00036, 0.00100, 0.00122,
2006 Dec 02
nonlinear quantile regression
Hello, I?m with a problem in using nonlinear quantile regression, the function nlrq. I want to do a quantile regression o nonlinear function in the form a*log(x)-b, the coefficients ?a? and ?b? is my objective. I try to use the command: funx <- function(x,a,b){ res <- a*log(x)-b res } Dat.nlrq <- nlrq(y ~ funx(x, a, b), data=Dat, tau=0.25, trace=TRUE) But a can?t solve de problem,
2012 Jul 19
Quantile regression questions
Hi, everyone. I have some questions about quantile regression in R. I am running an additive quantile regression first for a complete matrix and then with some selected rows. I am doing the following: datos <-read.table("Regresion multiple.txt",header=T) Fit<-rqss(datos$campings ~datos$Cobarbogrupo+datos$CobSDgrupo+datos$Areadecultivosgrupo, tau=0.9) summary.rq(Fit) #The
2009 Jul 24
Making rq and bootcov play nice
I have a quick question, and I apologize in advance if, in asking, I expose my woeful ignorance of R and its packages. I am trying to use the bootcov function to estimate the standard errors for some regression quantiles using a cluster bootstrap. However, it seems that bootcov passes arguments that doesn't like, preventing the command from executing. Here is an example:
2008 Feb 06
Mixed models quantile regression
Dear R, I have a question concerning quantile regression models. I am using the quantile regression model to test the relationship between abalone and the percentage cover of algae etc at different sites and depths. An example is fit<-rq(abalone~%coversessileinvertebrates+factor(Depth)+factor(Site),tau=0.7) In this model depth is fixed and site is random. My question is, is it possible
2011 Sep 20
Add a function in rq
Hi, I am trying to add a function in a linear quantile regresion to find a breakpoint. The function I want to add is: y=(k+ax)(x&lt;B)+(k+(a-d)B+dx)(x&gt;B) How do I write it in the rq() function? Do I need to define the parameters in any way and how do I do that? I'm a biologist new to R. Thanks! -- View this message in context:
2011 Nov 19
wald test: compare quantile regression estimators from different samples
Dear all, I am trying to compare the estimated coefficients of a quantile regression model between two different samples. It is a Wald test, but I cannot find one way to do that in R.The samples are collected conditional on a specific characteristic and I would like to test whether such characteristic indeed affect the estimators. The problem in the test anova.rq is that the response variable
2011 Nov 05
linear against nonlinear alternatives - quantile regression
Dear all, I would like to know whether any specification test for linear against nonlinear model hypothesis has been implemented in R using the quantreg package. I could read papers concerning this issue, but they haven't been implemented at R. As far as I know, we only have two specification tests in this line: anova.rq and Khmaladze.test. The first one test equality and significance of
2012 Sep 26
Retrieve regression summary results after rq
Hi all, I am using quantile regression with svy design. I want to retrieve summary regression statistics (std error, p-value), since I don't have any in my output: Commands: clus1_d<- svydesign(id=~cd002_co, weights=~wtper, strata=~str, data=data) bclus1<-as.svrepdesign(clus1_d,type="bootstrap",replicates=100) fit1<-