similar to: Sweave and multipage lattice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Sweave and multipage lattice"

2006 Mar 08
Trellis stacked bar legend
Dear R-Listers, (well... called Depayan) The standard example barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = TRUE, auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"), ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(x = list(rot = 45))) shows the problem: legend colors are inverted compared to
2005 Jun 01
font size in the trellis plot
>library(lattice) >dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, key = simpleKey(levels(barley$year), space = "right"), xlab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre) ", aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,6), ylab=NULL) and i get the plot whose font overlaps .what parematers should i change.(i do not want to change the size of the plot).
2007 Jan 30
change plotting symbol for groups in trellis graph
Hi, how can I change the plotting symbol for the groups in a trellis panel dotplot. My graph is similar to: library(trellis) dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, key = simpleKey(levels(barley$year), space = "right"), xlab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre) ", aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,6), ylab=NULL) I'd like to
2009 Dec 08
re-ordering x-lables using barchart()
Hi R Users, I'm trying to re-order the "site names" ("Waseca", "Morris", ...). I'm using following code: libarry(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(6,1), aspect=.7, ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE, rot=45,
2006 Jan 25
panel function with barchart (lattice)
Folks at R help, I can't quite get the panel function to work the way I want within barchart. I guess I'm still not understanding how to piece together multiple panel arguments, especially when "groups" is specified. Example: I want to be able to add the value of "yield" to each section of each bar in this graph: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
2010 Jan 22
Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?
Hello dear R help group, I learned recently that one can change the rotation of labels in the axis, when using a lattice plot, for example: library(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety , data = barley, groups = year, ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(rot = 45)) My question is: Is there an application of "rot" in something like
2010 May 07
How to sort a grouped barchart?
Hi, I have a barchart very similar to the example on the function documetation, however, I want to sort the bars according one group in one panel. Reminding: library(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", auto.key=list(), scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE,
2009 Oct 13
Lattice barchart-reordered
Hi,Can I use "reorder" function with barchart as in dotchart? Here are some codes which do not work for me. Thanks Chetty ___________________________ a1c.cast$[a1c.cast$eth!="Other"] <-with(a1c.cast[a1c.cast$eth!="Other",],reorder([a1c.cast$eth!="Other"], BP.FN.RATE,median )) barchart(BP.FN.RATE~
2006 Mar 21
How to use: library lattice: barchart
Dear ladies and gentlemen! In the help text for the xyplot (library(lattice), help(xyplot)) is an example given how one can use barchart: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)", scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE, minlength = 5)))
2010 Aug 25
Removing inter-bar spaces in barchart
Rhelpers: I'm trying to make a barchart of a 2-group dataset (barchart(x~y,data=data,groups=z,horizontal=FALSE)). My problem is that I can't, for the life of me, seem to get rid of the inter-bar space -- box.ratio set to 10000 doesn't do much. Any ideas? I'd ideally want zero space between the bars. Thanks! --j -- Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD Assistant Project Scientist
2009 Dec 02
Help: barchart() {Lattice}
Hi R Users, I'm using following data/code (data is attached also) to produce a stacked barplot. # Sample Data: Names Col1 Col2 Col3 Row1 -20 40 -10 Row2 30 -20 40 Row3 30 10 -20 Row4 20 20 -10 # R Code: dta<-read.table("data.txt", header=TRUE, row.names="Names") barchart(data.matrix(dta), horizontal=FALSE, stack=TRUE, par.settings = simpleTheme(col =
2012 May 09
Dotchart showing mean and median by group
Given this example mean.values<-colMeans(VADeaths) mean.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, mean) median.values<-apply(VADeaths, 2, median) dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=mean.values) dotchart(VADeaths, gdata=median.values) is it possible to ?combine? a single dotchart showing both the mean and the median for each single group (with different plotting symbols)? ?is it that possible with the use of
2004 Feb 12
lattice: showing panels for factor levels with no values
How to show panels for factor levels of conditioning variables which do have no values? E.g. there are panels for "Grand Rapids" when they have values: data( barley ) with( barley, dotplot(variety ~ yield | year * site, layout=c(6,2) ) ) There are no panels for "Grand Rapids" when there are no values for "Grand Rapids": my.barley <- subset( barley, ! ( site ==
2010 Mar 03
How to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes?
I need to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes. I tried in lattice but couldn't get it worked. Here is my code: data(barley) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = F, auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"), ylab = "Barley Yield
2004 Sep 29
lattice .ps graphic is rotated in LaTeX slides
I've generated a version of the classic dotplot of the barley data with library(lattice) data(barley) trellis.device("postscript", color=TRUE, file="") old.settings <- trellis.par.get() trellis.par.set("background", list(col = "white")) lset(list(superpose.symbol=list(pch=c(19, 1, 25, 2, 15, 22, 23),
2008 Dec 23
Borders for rectangles in lattice plot key
Hopefully an easy question. When drawing a rectangles in a lattice plot key, how do you omit the black borders? Here is an example adapted from one on the xyplot help page: bar.cols <- c("red", "blue") key.list <- list( space="top", rectangles=list(col=bar.cols), text=list(c("foo", "bar")) ) barchart( yield ~ variety | site,
2009 Sep 18
Lattice barplot not wokring in for-loop?
Dear List-Members, I am plotting a barplot with the lattice package. The code works, but when I execute the same code in a for-loop no plot is shown. Can't figure what the problem is. (Maybe I am missing something here, but I tried it with plot device pdf, calling windows() or X11(), testing on windows and linux, etc.) INFO: R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) using Windows/RGui require(lattice)
2010 Apr 22
how to reorder of groups and specify ylim for each row in lattice barchart
R experts, Is there anyway to reorder inside each group? In the following example, the bar of year 1932 is always plotted before the bar of year 1931, may I change the order inside each groups of bars? library(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety | site,data=barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6),auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"),ylab = "Barley Yield
2013 Jan 17
Equivalent of box() in grid graphics
Paul Murell's article "What's in a Name" in The R Journal Vol 4/2 gives an interesting example of editing a stacked barplot of the barley data. Using the method described in that article, it's easy to do something along the lines of grid.edit("plot_01.border.strip.1", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE, gp=gpar(col = "red")) That changes more
2006 Nov 06
line width (all elements) in Trellis
Dear All, I am hoping to implement a barchart using trellis graphics where all elements have a line width of 2. Using trellis.par.set(), I am able to make most elements lwd=2, but not all. In particular, the top of the box (above the upper most strip) and the left y-axis remain one point. Code with a barchart() example is below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your