Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "dataframe computation behaviour"
2007 Mar 25
plot of computed vector
I apologize for the non-programming language. I found what seems to be a
strange behavior of plot(). The code follows:
N=3030; gn=.04; tn=1:100
plot(N) #strange plot
N=rep(3030, 100)
plot(N) #behaves as expected
Windows XP, R 2.4.0. or 2.4.1
2007 Feb 04
Download stock prices
Is there any way to download a (or a sample of a) crossection of stock market prices? Or is it possible to use get.hist.quote with a *wild card*?
Mihai Nica
170 East Griffith St. G5
Jackson, MS 39201
8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
[[alternative HTML
2006 Oct 12
Cross two dataframe
Dear r-users!
I would like to cross two data frame which have the same row number but
different in the number of column. Can anybody help me for this case ?
Thanks a lot in advance
Majid Iravani
PhD Student
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Research Group of Vegetation Ecology
Z?rcherstrasse 111
2006 Oct 26
Header of dataframe
I am fairly new to R and I would appreciate some help to hopefully a
trivial problem.
I created a function:
summary.aggregate <- function(y, ...)
temp.mean <- aggregate(y, FUN=mean, ...)
temp.sd <- aggregate(y, FUN=sd, ...)
temp.length <- aggregate(y, FUN=length, ...)
temp <- data.frame(cbind(mean=temp.mean$x,stdev=temp.sd$x,n=temp.length$x))
this outputs e.g.:
2004 Oct 17
Descriptive statistics table
I would like to make a table with descriptive statistics for a data.frame. I guess the question is how can I put together, in a table, the results from, say:
apply(df, 2, mean, na.rm =T)
apply(df, 2, median, na.rm =T)
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
155 B Parkhurst Dr.
Jackson, MS 39202
601 969 5423
601 914 0361
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2004 Mar 11
saving a data.frame to "\t" files
Windows 2000, updated R and packages.
could somebody pleaseeeeeeeee help with saving a data.frame with column
names into "\t" text files for later importing in other programs? It seems an easy task, yet... it beats me.
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
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2004 Aug 23
Reading GAL file
I am trying to work with spdep (everything is "brand new" downloaded this morning). OS = Windows 2000 (also up to date). The code I am using follows:
gal.county=read.geoda("lnpilnd.GAL", row.names=NULL, skip=0)
Error in summary.nb(gal.county) : Not a neighbours list
The gal file works just fine in GeoDa (also up to date).
2006 Oct 07
merge and polylist
I would like to kindly ask for a little help. The rough code is:
dat=data.frame(read.delim(file="all.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
quote="\"", dec=".",na.strings = "NA"))
nc=read.shape("astae.shp", dbf.data=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
2006 May 23
after identify labels dissapear XP
Using 'identify' to label points on a plot works just fine. However, when
saving under 'metafile' or using the clipboard the labels dissapear. I
believe it's an SDI issue. I am running last R with last Tinn-r under XP up
to date. Anything I can do besides going back to MDI :-)?
Mihai Nica, ABD
Jackson State University
ITT Tech Instructor
170 East Griffith
2005 Jun 15
Multiple line plots
I would like to plot three lines on the same figure, and I am lost. There is
an answer to a similar thread… but I tried matplot and it is beyond me. An
example of the data follows:
1983 9.1 16.8 -7.7
1984 12.0 18.0 -6.0
1985 13.6 19.1 -5.5
1986 12.4 17.3 -4.9
1987 14.6 20.3 -5.7
1988 20.6 23.3 -2.6
1989 25.0 27.2 -2.2
1990 28.4 30.2 -1.8
1991 33.3 31.2 2.1
1992 40.6
2004 Nov 26
Coplot Given text
I am unsuccessful in suppressing "Given : myvariable" from a coplot. There was such a question in the past but the thread breaks down. I am sure this is a "for dummies" question :-). I tried:
coplot(myvar~myvar | myvar, show.given=FALSE, xlab="....", ylab="...", main=" ")
and some other variations (including without main=" ")
2004 Apr 12
Panel Data Analysis
I am trying to find a package/solution for panel (longitudinal) data analysis. Unfortunately it seems I don't know where to start. Could somebody offer a hint?
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
155 B Parkhurst Dr.
Jackson, MS 39202
"No good deed will ever remain unpunished"
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2004 Apr 24
Colour coding and point types in a plot
R 1.8.1, Windows 2000.
I am trying to find the "legend" for color coding and point types in a plot, which probably are standard for everybody but myself. Thanks for the tip!
Mihai Nica
Jackson State University
"No good deed will ever remain unpunished"
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2006 Jul 13
ols/gls or systemfit (OLS, WLS, SUR) give identical results
I might be sorry for asking this question :-)
I have two equations and I tried to estimate them individually with "lm" and "gls", and then in a system (using systemfit) with "OLS", "WLS" and "SUR". Quite surprisingly (for myself at least) the results are identical to the last digit.
Could someone (please!) give a hint as to what am I
2013 Apr 22
subset dataframe
I can't understand what is happening. This is the code and results:
> agoa <- read.table(file = "C:/Users/HTPC/Documents/_Documents/Research/WithDidia/AGOAUSImports.txt", header = T, sep = "\t", dec = ".", na.strings = "NA", stringsAsFactors = T)#
> str(agoa); names(agoa)
'data.frame':109 obs. of 19 variables:
$ X : Factor w/ 39
2014 May 13
dovecot shared folder
I try to create a shared directory in dovecot.
When accessing ( from roundcube) i can't subscribe or list the namespace.
It looks like I don't have rights.
This is an extract from debug log:
When I try to create a new folder in "Public" (i don't have rights, but i can
try) loooks like the process crash:
May 12 23:10:07 imap: Debug: Module loaded:
2004 Aug 26
coplot and par
R 1.9.1 on Win2000 or Win98SE.
I am using coplot as follows:
the output seems normal but I get:
"Warning message:
calling par(new=) with no plot"
This is the only explanation that I have for being unable to use par() with
coplot for changing the way the xlab and ylab appears. From within coplot I
can change the text itself but not the font, fontsize, etc,
2007 Apr 11
Programming Problem (for loop, random # control, 3 dimentional graph)
Dear List,
This is just a programming problem which i cannot seem
to figure out. I am trying to get a set of power from
a test (say, kolmogorov smirnov) out of a distribution
(say, G-K distribution) as follows. I am trying to
reduce to pain of writing the whole set of data points
(p# below) using "for" loop. However, I seem to have
some problem in it as the output "M" does not
2005 Aug 02
RE: service-based and ip-based shaping
The only issue here is that for each service I need to create 200 child
classes if I have 200 clients...
Let me explain the problem better
I have the following connection from my ISP: (1024/1024) (rate/ceil)
1) First, I want to divide the 1024 into smaller pieces based on priority:
256/256 - P2P (I want to limit the P2P traffic as much as possible)
256/1024 - HTTP
256/1024 - FTP
2015 Feb 25
"Temporary authentication failure" ? Cant connect with ldap user
On Wednesday 25 February 2015 10:31:22 David Scheele wrote:
> Is there a good, foolproof dovecot-openldap tutorial that walks you through
> the steps and works with the newest version of both softwares?
> I'm giving up and starting anew.
> 2015-02-24 11:33 GMT+01:00 Mihai Badici <mihai at badici.ro>:
> > On Tuesday 24 February 2015 10:51:44 David Scheele wrote: