similar to: Quantile Regression Object

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Quantile Regression Object"

2006 Jul 14
Error in Quantile Regression - Clear Message
Dear Users, I loaded my dataset as following: presu <- read.table("C:/_Ricardo/Paty/qtdata_f.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) dep<-presu[,3]; exo<-presu[,4:92]; When I try: rq(dep ~ exo, ...) or mle.stepwise(dep ~ exo, ...) I got the same error: > rq(dep ~ exo) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames,
2006 Jul 13
MLE and QR classes
Hi, I load my data set and separate it as folowing: presu <- read.table("C:/_Ricardo/Paty/qtdata_f.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE) dep<-presu[,3]; exo<-presu[,4:92]; Now, I want to use it using the wls and quantreg packages. How I change the data classes for mle and rq objects? Thanks a lot,
2006 Jul 17
Quantreg error
Dear User, I got the following error running a regression quantile: > rq1<-rq(dep ~ ., model=TRUE, data=exo, tau=0.5 ); > summary(rq1) Erro em, y, tau = tau + h) : Error info = 75 in stepy: singular design Any hint about the problem? Thanks a lot, ________________________________________ Ricardo Gon?alves Silva, M. Sc. Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matem?tica
2006 Jul 26
Moving Average
Dear R-Users, How can I compute simple moving averages from a time series in R? Note that I do not want to estimate a MA model, just compute the MA's given a lenght (as excel does). Thanks ________________________________________ Ricardo Gonçalves Silva, M. Sc. Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matemática Econometria & Inadimplência Serasa S.A. (11) - 6847-8889
2019 Feb 02
linux rsync <-> SSHDroid has started becoming unreliable after an upgrade of Fedora 28 to 29
People, For some years I have been using rsync quite happily to send / retrieve files to / from SSHDroid Pro but recently I have started having a problem when transferring large numbers of file - I am pretty sure it started after upgrading from Fedora x86_64 28 to 29 - but I am not 100% sure. Below is the tail end of the output of: rsync -avvv root at . >
2006 Aug 01
Pseudo R for Quant Reg
Dear R Users, Did someone implemented the R1 (Pseudo R-2) and likelihood ratio statistics for quantile regressions, which are some of the inference procedures for quantile regression found in Koenker and Machado (1999)? I tried the Ox version, but my dataset is too large (> 50.000) and the algorith breaks. ________________________________________ Ricardo Gonçalves Silva, M. Sc. Apoio aos
2012 Nov 04
structural equations using sem package
Hello I am using sem to look at the direct effect of one variable on another but i am uncertain if i am progressing correctly. An example: covar1<-? matrix(c(0.4,-0.2,3,-0.2 , 0.3,-2 , 3 ,-2 , 60), nrow=3,byrow=T) rownames(covar1)<-colnames(covar1)<-c("endo","exo","med") path1<-matrix(c(? ? "exo -> endo",? "g1", NA,
2011 Mar 22
exo package from xfce affects shell open URLs?
Hi. Recently, in addition to Gnome I installed xfce. Now, if firefox already started, and I open URLs in wine, I get this message box: ****************** Failed to execute default Web Browser. No child processes. ****************** With trial and error I found that the package exo is causing this. Please someone try to reproduce: install exo and run: $ wine start
2010 May 12
Reading R code help--Beginner
Hi, I am brand new to R and not familiar with the language, though I have been reading the manuals and making some slow going progress. I am working with some source code from a Global Vector Auto -Regressive program written by Ranier Puhr from the R-forge group. I need help interpreting the processes of the following code. I am going to post in parts since it's pretty long: GVAR
2011 Jul 14
WLS regression, lm() with weights as a matrix
Dear All, I've been trying to run a Weighted Least Squares (WLS) regression: Dependent variables: a 60*200 matrix (*Rit*) with 200 companies and 60 dates for each company Independent variables: a 60*4 matrix (*Ft*) with 4 factors and 60 dates for each factor Weights: a 60*200 matrix (*Wit*) with weights for 200 companies and 60 dates for each company The WLS regression I would like to run
2006 Jul 19
WLS ins systemfit question
How does one specify the weights for WLS in the systemfit command ? That is, there is a weight option in lm(), but there doesn't seem to be weight option for systemfit("WLS") Thanks!
2003 Oct 13
OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, Solaris 8: non-interactive authentication meth od prompts for a password
Hi, The OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, Solaris 8 case: non-interactive authentication method (publickey) works for root only ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- We installed OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0.9.7c We need to copy a file by SFTP from App server to a DB server with passwordless method. [cbfe-dev-app01 (client), user cbfesit]
2003 Mar 31
nonpos. def. var-cov matrix
R 1.6.2 for Windows, Win2k: I have fitted a weighted least squares model using the code "wls.out <- gls(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 - 1, data = foo.frame, weights = varConstPower(form = ~ fitted(.), fixed = list(power = 0.5), const = 1))" The data has 62 rows and the response is zero when the covariates are zero. The purpose of the model was to account for the the fact that
2012 Nov 16
R-Square in WLS
Hi, I am fitting a weighted least square regression and trying to compute SSE,SST and SSReg but I am not getting SST = SSReg + SSE and I dont know what I am coding wrong. Can you help please? xnam <-colnames(X) # colnames Design Matrix fmla1 <- as.formula(paste("Y ~",paste(xnam, collapse=
2009 May 31
warning message when running quantile regression
Hi All, I am running quantile regression in a "for loop" starting with 1 variable and adding a variable at a time reaching a maximum of 20 variables. I get the following warning messages after my "for" loop runs. Should I be concerned about these messages? I am building predictive models and am not interested in inference. Warning messages: 1: In
2006 Jul 13
ols/gls or systemfit (OLS, WLS, SUR) give identical results
I might be sorry for asking this question :-) I have two equations and I tried to estimate them individually with "lm" and "gls", and then in a system (using systemfit) with "OLS", "WLS" and "SUR". Quite surprisingly (for myself at least) the results are identical to the last digit. Could someone (please!) give a hint as to what am I
2012 Nov 29
Confidence intervals for estimates of all independent variables in WLS regression
I would like to obtain Confidence Intervals for the estimates (unstandardized beta weights) of each predictor in a WLS regression: m1 = lm(x~ x1+x2+x3, weights=W, data=D) SPSS offers that output by default, and I am not able to find a way to do this in R. I read through predict.lm, but I do not find a way to get the CIs for multiple independent variables. Thank you Torvon [[alternative HTML
2013 Jun 29
Quantile Regression/(package (quantreg))
Mike, Do something like: require(rms) dd <- datadist(mydatarame); options(datadist='dd') f <- Rq(y ~ rcs(age,4)*sex, tau=.5) # use rq function in quantreg summary(f) # inter-quartile-range differences in medians of y (b/c tau=.5) plot(Predict(f, age, sex)) # show age effect on median as a continuous variable For more help type ?summary.rms and ?Predict Frank ------------
2003 Sep 01
Quantile Regression Packages
I'd like to mention that there is a new quantile regression package "nprq" on CRAN for additive nonparametric quantile regression estimation. Models are structured similarly to the gss package of Gu and the mgcv package of Wood. Formulae like y ~ qss(z1) + qss(z2) + X are interpreted as a partially linear model in the covariates of X, with nonparametric components defined as
2012 Jul 14
Quantile Regression - Testing for Non-causalities in quantiles
Dear all, I am searching for a way to compute a test comparable to Chuang et al. ("Causality in Quantiles and Dynamic Stock Return-Volume Relations"). The aim of this test is to check wheter the coefficient of a quantile regression granger-causes Y in a quantile range. I have nearly computed everything but I am searching for an estimator of the density of the distribution at several