Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "storing the estimates from lmer"
2008 Feb 05
Extracting level-1 variance from lmer()
How does one extract the level-1 variance from a model fit via lmer()?
In the code below the level-2 variance component may be obtained via
subscripting, but what about the level-1 variance, viz., the 3.215072 term?
(actually this term squared) Didn't see anything in the archives on this.
> fm <- lmer( dv ~ time.num*drug + (1 | Patient.new), data=dat.new )
2007 Jul 31
Extracting random parameters from summary lme and lmer
I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function
from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored
it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is
shown below:
Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output:
> summary(model)$tTable
Value Std.Error DF t-value
2006 Jul 04
lmer print outs without T
I have been having a tedious issue with lmer models with lots of
factors and lots of levels. In order to get the basic information at
the beginning of the print out I also have to generate these enormous
tables as well. Is there a method command to leave off all of the
effects and correlations? Or, do I have to go to string commands?
2006 Feb 20
Extracting variance components from lmer
Hi All.
I need a bit of help extracting the residual error variance from the VarCorr
structure from lmer.
#Here's a 2-way random effects model
lmer.1 <- lmer(rating ~ (1|person)+(1|rater), data = dat)
#Get the structure
vc.fit <- VarCorr(lmer.1)
#results in.....
1 x 1 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix"
(Intercept) 0.7755392
1 x 1 Matrix
2007 Nov 09
Confidence Intervals for Random Effect BLUP's
I want to compute confidence intervals for the random effect estimates
for each subject. From checking on postings, this is what I cobbled
together using Orthodont data.frame as an example. There was some
discussion of how to properly access lmer slots and bVar, but I'm not
sure I understood. Is the approach shown below correct?
Rick B.
# Orthodont is from nlme (can't have both nlme and
2004 Dec 31
lme: Confusion about Variances
Dear R users!
I used lme to fit a mixed model with random intercept and spatial Gaussian
correlation i.e. I fitted a model of the following form:
Y = X*beta + error
error = U + W(t) + Z
where U is the random intercept (normally distributed), W(t) the stationary
Gaussian process and Z also a normally distributed (the residual) rv. Each of
these three random variables have a variance which
2011 Aug 08
Var-Cov matrix from LMER function
Is there a way to get the Var-Cov matrix from the LMER function?
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2001 Oct 09
PROC MIXED user trying to use (n)lme...
Dear R-users
Coming from a proc mixed (SAS) background I am trying to get into
the use of (n)lme.
In this connection, I have some (presumably stupid) questions
which I am sure someone out there can answer:
1) With proc mixed it is easy to get a hold on the estimated
variance parameters as they can be put out into a SAS data set.
How do I do the same with lme-objects? For example, I can see the
2008 Aug 29
extract variance components
I would like to extract the variance components estimation in lme function
a.fit<-lme(distance~age, data=aaa, random=~day/subject)
There should be three variances \sigma_day, \sigma_{day %in% subject } and
I can extract the \sigma_e using something like a.fit$var. However, I cannot
manage to extract the first two variance components. I can only see the
results in
2010 May 26
regresion mixta
Hola a tod en s,
estoy trabajando con modelos de regresión mixta con el paquete "nlme",
concretamente con la función "lme". Una vez que hago mi modelo y el
summary del mismo obtengo por ejemplo la significación (valor p) de la
variable independiente, así como el valor del AIC para comparar mi
modelo con otro similar, pero no sé cómo obtener un valor del grado de
ajuste de la
2007 Jan 14
changes in the structure of mer objects?
Dear all,
I try to run the example of lmer and get the following error message.
> library(lme4)
> example(lmer)
lmer> (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "as.dpoMatrix" was not
This error message is similar to what I get with other models. It looks
like the mer class has a slightly
2010 Jan 18
Problem extracting from mer objects
I am having a problem extracting from "mer" objects.
I have constructed my problem using existing datasets.
Using the following commands:
fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1 + (1 | Batch), Dyestuff)
I get the following error message:
"Error in UseMethod("fixef") : no applicable method for "fixef""
I know that "fixef" is in
2003 Jul 14
methods help and glmmPQL
Dear All,
I would like to ask you to help me with my memeory. I remember using some
function that would list all the possible methods I could apply to an
object. Say, if I had an object of
it would tell me that that I could do stuff like
qqnorm(myobjct), or VarCorr(myobject). In general, a very complete list.
I though this list of all possible methods would pop out by typing
2006 Jun 16
Effect size in mixed models
Is there a way to compare the relative relevance of fixed and random effects
in mixed models? I have in mind measures of effect size in ANOVAs, and would
like to obtain similar information with mixed models.
Are there information criteria that allow to compare the relevance of each
of the effects in a mixed model to the overall fit?
Thank you,
2006 Jul 15
names() function and lmer()
Hello All,
I would like to retrieve some of the results from the lmer(...)
function in library lme4. If I run a model, say
fm.1 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | x), data = dog)
and try names(fm.1), I get NULL. Is there anyway to retrieve the information?
2017 Dec 26
identifying convergence or non-convergence of mixed-effects regression model in lme4 from model output
Hi R community!
I've fitted three mixed-effects regression models to a thousand
bootstrap samples (case-resampling regression) using the lme4 package in
a custom-built for-loop. The only output I saved were the inferential
statistics for my fixed and random effects. I did not save any output
related to the performance to the machine learning algorithm used to fit
the models (REML=FALSE).
2006 Jun 14
lmer and mixed effects logistic regression
I'm using FC4 and R 2.3.1 to fit a mixed effects logistic regression.
The response is 0/1 and both the response and the age are the same for
each pair of observations for each subject (some observations are not
paired). For example:
id response age
1 0 30
1 0 30
2 1 55
2 1 55
3 0 37
4 1 52
5 0 39
5 0 39
I get the
2007 Sep 26
Accessing the fixed- and random-effects variance-covariance matrices of an nlme model
I would appreciate confirmation that the function vcov(model.nlme)
gives the var-cov matrix of the fixed effects in an nlme model.
Presumably the random-effects var-cov matrix is given by cov(ranef
Rob Forsyth
2006 Jul 24
standardized random effects with ranef.lme()
Using ranef() (package nlme, version 3.1-75) with an 'lme' object I can
obtain random effects for intercept and slope of a certain level (say:
1) - this corresponds to (say level 1) "residuals" in MLWin. Maybe I'm
mistaken here, but the results are identical.
However, if I try to get the standardized random effects adding the
paramter "standard=T" to the
2007 Jul 30
Extract random part of summary nlme
Dear helpers,
I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function
from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored
it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is
shown below:
Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output:
> summary(model)$tTable
Value Std.Error DF t-value