Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "new object"
2006 Jun 10
Calculating survival for set time intervals
Hello friends and fellow R users,
I have successfully tabulated and entered my survival data into R and
have generated survival curves. But I would like to be able to determine
what the survival rates are now at one month, three months, six months
and one year.
I have a data set, via.wall, which I have entered into R, and which
generates the following Surv object:
2003 Jul 17
i need help in cluster analyse
My name is Rodrigo, I am using R program and I have a trouble.
I am trying to do a dendrogram with genetics information.
Let me explain...
The Similarity Matrix was already did, and with this matrix I want to construct a dendrogram.
So, the distance is done. I need to transform this matrix (that I have) in a dendrogram,
I woud be very grateful if someone could help me.
PS: I am sending
2010 Jan 04
how to draw abline correctly?
Hello, I am frastruated with this graph, just cannot get what I need. Thank
you for any suggestions or help. I really appreciate it. I wrote the
following code, but there are 3 problems
1, the red line is added on the graph but without any marker on the y-axis.
I want to display the number '.1361' on the y-axis. So people can easily
tell 'method 2' gets a constant estimate, which
2013 Feb 03
Fractional logit in GLM?
Does anyone know of a function in R that can handle a fractional variable as the dependent variable? The catch is that the function has to be inclusive of 0 and 1, which betareg() does not.
It seems like GLM might be able to handle the fractional logit model, but I can't figure it out. How do you format GLM to do so?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Jun 07
Diag "Hat" matrix
Hi R users:
What is the difference between in the computation of the diag of the
"hat" matrix in:
"lm.influence" and the matrix operations with "solve()" and "t()"?
I mean, this is my X matrix
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
[1,] 0.297 0.310 0.290 0.220 0.1560
[2,] 0.360 0.390 0.369 0.297 0.2050
[3,] 0.075 0.058 0.047 0.034 0.0230
[4,] 0.114 0.100
2003 May 08
A problem in a glm model
Hallo all,
I have the following glm model:
f1 <- as.formula(paste("factor(y.fondi)~",
"flgsess + segmeta2 + udm + zona.geo + ultimo.prod.",
"+flg.a2 + flg.d.na2 + flg.v2 + flg.cc2",
" +(flg.a1 + flg.d.na1 + flg.v1 + flg.cc1)^2",
" + flg.a2:flg.d.na2 + flg.a2:flg.v2 +
2007 Jan 30
R and S-Plus got the different results of principal component analysis from SAS, why?
Dear Rusers,
I have met a difficult problem on explaining the differences of principal
component analysis(PCA) between R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, which wasn't
met before.
Althought they have got the same eigenvalues, their coeffiecients were
First, I list my results from R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, and then show
the original dataset, hoping sb. to try and explain it.
2008 Jul 15
extracting elements from print object of Manova()
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to extract elements from the table returned by Manova()?
Using the univariate equivalent, Anova(), it's easy:
This will return a vector of the F-values in order of the terms of the model.
However, a similar application using Manova():
Returns NULL. So does any attempt at calling the
2009 Aug 17
R : how does %in% operator work?
CASE-I---------(works fine)
> var1<-"tom"
> var1
> var1<-as.character(var1)
> var1
[1] "tom"
> var2<-c("tom","harry","kate")
> logc<-(var1 %in% var2)
> logc
[1] TRUE
> typeof(var1)
[1] "character"
> typeof(var2)
[1] "character"
2013 Mar 01
Conditional Weighted Average (ddply or any other function)
Hello R community,
I am computing weighted average statistic by using ddply function:
My data set is:
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-4 ROE11 EPS11 MKT11
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-3 ROE12 EPS12 MKT12
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-2 ROE13 EPS13 MKT13
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-1 ROE14 EPS14 MKT14
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY0 ROE15 EPS15 MKT15
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY1 ROE16 EPS16 MKT16
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY2 ROE17
2005 Oct 05
R crashes for large formulas in lm() (PR#8180)
Full_Name: Hallgeir Grinde
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
While using lm(y~(x*z*c*...*v)^2) R crashes/closes if the numbers of variables
are at least 8.
2010 Sep 29
Understanding linear contrasts in Anova using R
#I am trying to understand how R fits models for contrasts in a
#simple one-way anova. This is an example, I am not stupid enough to want
#to simultaneously apply all of these contrasts to real data. With a few
#exceptions, the tests that I would compute by hand (or by other software)
#will give the same t or F statistics. It is the contrast estimates that
R produces
#that I can't seem to
2010 May 13
tune svm
Hello, I hope you can help me!
I`m trying to tune svm parameters: cost and gamma for a landsat image
classification, but I get an error and I can't understand it.
I write this:
> tune(svm, Class~., data = mdt01bis, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-15:3), cost
> = 2^(-5:15)))
and R gives:
Error en predict.svm(model, if (!is.null(validation.x)) validation.x else if
2008 Sep 17
adding rows to table
Greetings everyone,
I'm trying to add a specific table or a specific number of rows (e.g.44) to a table with no success.
This is my basic table
> head(dataA)
year plot spp prop.B DCA1 DCA2 DCA3 DCA4
1 2000 1 a1 0.031079 -0.0776 -0.0009 0.0259 -0.0457
2 2000 1 a2 0.968921 -0.0448 0.1479 -0.1343 0.1670
3 2000 2 a1 0.029218
2003 Apr 03
Matrix eigenvectors in R and MatLab
Dear R-listers
Is there anyone who knows why I get different eigenvectors when I run
MatLab and R? I run both programs in Windows Me. Can I make R to produce
the same vectors as MatLab?
#R Matrix
PA9900<-c(11/24 ,10/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,29/43 ,1/24 ,27/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,13/43
,14/24 ,178/53 ,146/244 ,17/23 ,15/43 ,2/24 ,4/53 ,0/1 ,2/23 ,2/43 ,4/24
,58/53 ,26/244 ,0/1 ,5/43)
2008 Sep 16
Using quasibinomial family in lmer
Dear R-Users,
I can't understand the behaviour of quasibinomial in lmer. It doesn't
appear to be calculating a scaling parameter, and looks to be reducing the
standard errors of fixed effects estimates when overdispersion is present
(and when it is not present also)! A simple demo of what I'm seeing is
given below. Comments appreciated?
Russell Millar
Dept of Stat
2012 Dec 30
Odds Ratio and Logistic Regression
Dear All,
I am learning the ropes about logistic regression in R.
I found some interesting examples
but I am a bit lost.
I have several questions.
1) For instance, what is the difference between
glm.out = glm(response ~ poverty + gender, family=binomial(logit),
glm.out = glm(response ~ poverty * gender,
2010 Mar 11
Multiple comparisons with a mixed effects model
I have used R in the past to conduct multiple comparisons on standard linear models, but am a bit confused as to how to go about doing it with a mixed effects model.
I am conducting a bioindication study using carabid beetles in which I have four treatment types (forest harvest types with varying levels of canopy structure retention), and am using canopy closure percent as a covariate in
2011 Dec 17
auto.arima from the Forecast package
I've got a little problem using auto.arima.
I run the following command
and I get the following output :
Series: drivers
ma1 sar1 sar2 sar3 sar4 sar5 sma1
2012 Jul 20
Forced inclusion of varaibles in validate command as well as step
Dear prof. Harrell,
I'm not able to use the force option with fastbw, here an example of the error I've got (dataset stagec rpart package):
> fitstc <- cph(Surv(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2 + grade + gleason + ploidy, data=stagec)
> fbwstc <- fastbw(fitstc,rule="aic",type="individual")
> fbwstc
Deleted Chi-Sq d.f. P Residual d.f.