similar to: KhmaladzeTest

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "KhmaladzeTest"

2008 Oct 15
Error in Switch in KhmaladzeTest
Hey, My dataset has 1 dependent variable(Logloss) and 7 independent dummy variables(AS,AM,CB,CF,RB,RBR,TS) , it's attached in this email. The problem is I cant finish Khmaladze test because there's an error "Error in switch(mode(x), "NULL" = structure(NULL, class = "formula"), : invalid formula" which I really dont know how to fix. My R version is 2.7.2.
2009 Nov 29
KhmaladzeTest in quantreg
Hi, I've implemented the KhmaladzeTest for my linear quantile regression model for the location-scale shift hypotesis as follow: >formula=r ~ div + pe + por >Ktest=KhmaladzeTest(formula,nullH="location-scale") > Ktest $nullH [1] "location-scale" $Tn [1] 2.125804 $THn div pe por 0.7972984 1.4432325 0.7107914
2007 Mar 24
frequency tables and sorting by rowSum
Dear list, I have some trouble generating a frequency table over a number of vectors. Creating these tables over simple numbers is no problem with table() > table(c(1,1,1,3,4,5)) 1 3 4 5 3 1 1 1 , but how can i for example turn: 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 into 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 My second problem is, sorting rows and columns of a matrix by the rowSums/colSums. I did it
2009 May 31
warning message when running quantile regression
Hi All, I am running quantile regression in a "for loop" starting with 1 variable and adding a variable at a time reaching a maximum of 20 variables. I get the following warning messages after my "for" loop runs. Should I be concerned about these messages? I am building predictive models and am not interested in inference. Warning messages: 1: In
2004 Jul 19
why won't rq draw lines?
I've been trying to draw quantile linear regression lines across a scatterplot of my data using attach(forrq) plot(PREGNANT,DAY8,xlab="pregnant EPDS",ylab="postnatal EPDS",cex=.5) taus <- c(.05,.1,.25,.75,.9,.95) xx <- seq(min(PREGNANT),max(PREGNANT),100) for(tau in taus){ f <- coef(rq(DAY8~PREGNANT,tau=tau)) yy <-
2008 May 15
plot(summary) within quantreg package
Quantreg package allows to plot the summary of models derived by quantile regression at different taus. The plot shows the parameters variation by varying taus: intercept and slope (for a linear model). Together with these values even confidence intervals may be plotted, based on the threshold given within the summary (e.g. alpha=0.01 equals 99% CI). However the graphic even plots the mean of
2006 Sep 21
R data query
Dear Sir/Madam, I am encountering one of those alien computer momements one finds every so often in life. See the sequence below: > fish3.fis <-read.csv("emperor2.csv", check.names = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE) > colnames(fish3.fis) [1] "Month" "Year" "FishingArea" "SumOfTotalCatch" "CPUE" [6]
2012 Dec 17
Hi, Is there a way to tell / narrow down if an issue with errors like below are due to a bad cable or bad port multiplier ? The disks in a particular cage are throwing errors like these below. (RELENG9 from today) siis0 at pci0:5:0:0: class=0x010400 card=0x71241095 chip=0x31241095 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Silicon Image, Inc.' device = 'SiI 3124 PCI-X Serial
2008 Oct 31
Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data:error message
Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data. Hi, I am trying to estimate a quantile regression using panel data. I am trying to use the model that is described in Dr. Koenker's article. So I use the code the that is posted in the following link: I am trying to change the number quantiles being estimated. I change the codes about
2011 Dec 05
about interpretation of anova results...
quantreg package is used. *fit1 results are* Call: rq(formula = op ~ inp1 + inp2 + inp3 + inp4 + inp5 + inp6 + inp7 + inp8 + inp9, tau = 0.15, data = wbc) Coefficients: (Intercept) inp1 inp2 inp3 inp4 inp5 -0.191528450 0.005276347 0.021414032 0.016034803 0.007510343 0.005276347 inp6 inp7 inp8 inp9 0.058708544
2007 Nov 15
Quantile Regression Question
Hi, Could you please explain what is non-positive fis error? I have been trying to use quantile regression (rq) procedure and I keep ending up with this error. I haven't been able to find an explanation for the same. Best Regards, Arti Arti Mann Ph.D. Student Department of Information Systems W.P. Carey School of Business Arizona State University Email : Arti.Mann at
1999 Oct 06
uploaded hdf5 and R 0.65.1 RPMs
Dear everybody: HDF5, a dataset formatting library, and R that is built with it, have been uploaded to The R RPM uses the spec file created by Martyn Plummer as a starting point, and makes only a few trivial changes. -rw-rw-r-- 1 ftp 100 3416612 Oct 6 17:45 R-base-with-hdf5-0.65.1-1.i386.rpm -rw-rw-r-- 1 ftp 100 2300453 Oct 6 17:48
2017 Jun 19
0 crashing at random
Dear all, I am using the "" function from the "quantreg" package. I have two problems with it. First (less importantly), it gives an error at its default values with error message "Error in if (n2 != length(r)) stop("R and r of incompatible dimension") : argument is of length zero". I solve this by commenting four lines in the code. I.e. I
2014 Apr 23
error al instalar paquete
Hola a todos, No he podido encontrar la solución para el siguiente error al instalar el paquete dplR: > install.packages("dplR") Installing package into ‘/home/milagros/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) also installing the dependency ‘gmp’ probando la URL '' Content type
2008 Jun 25
dgamma in WinBUGS and JAGS (rjags)
Hello, In WinBUGS 1.4 manual (, the gamma density is presented as dgamma(r,mu) where r and mu are the shape and rate parameters, respectively. In JAGS (rjags) manual version 1.0.2, May 9, 2008 (, on page 26 the gamma density is presented as dgamma(mu,r) instead of dgamma(r,mu).
2010 Oct 13
Dear all, I am trying to run a loop in my codes, but the software returns an error: "subscript out of bounds" I dont understand exactly why this is happenning. My codes are the following: rm(list=ls()) #remove almost everything in the memory set.seed(180185) nsim <- 10 mresultx <- matrix(-99, nrow=1000, ncol=nsim) mresultb <- matrix(-99, nrow=1000, ncol=nsim) N
2012 Oct 16
sliding window analysis with rollapply
Dear List members I want to do the sliding window analysis of some specific values. Here is my code: require(zoo) dat <- read.table("chr1.txt", header = TRUE, sep="\t") dat2 <- cbind(dat[1,3]) #The first column is also important. It represents the position of the site on the chromosome. TS <- zoo(c(dat2)) a <- rollapply(TS, width=1000000, by=200000, FUN=mean,
2007 Dec 30
Trying to install rjags on Mac OS X 10.5
Greetings, I wonder if anyone can offer any help or advice--even direction to an appropriate source of advice. I am trying to install rjags 1.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.5 (see I have 2.6.1 installed. JAGS 1.0.1 is apparently successfully installed. I (think I) know this because when I type 'jags' into Terminal, I get the following:
2010 Oct 13
(no subject)
Dear all, I have just sent an email with my problem, but I think no one can see the red part, beacuse it is black. So, i am writing again the codes: rm(list=ls()) #remove almost everything in the memory set.seed(180185) nsim <- 10 mresultx <- matrix(-99, nrow=1000, ncol=nsim) mresultb <- matrix(-99, nrow=1000, ncol=nsim) N <- 200 I <- 5 taus <- c(0.480:0.520) h <-
2010 Jan 28
How to map ata#.# numbers to /dev/sd numbers?
On my C5 machine (a Dell XPS420) I have a 500Gb disk on the internal SATA controller. I also have a SiI3132 dual-port multi-device eSATA card. This is connected to an external SATA array of disks. Now occasionally I see something like this in my logs ata7.01: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 a ction 0x0 ata7.01: irq_stat 0x00060002, device error via D 2H FIS ata7.01: cmd