similar to: Unbalanced Manova

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Unbalanced Manova"

2006 Jan 10
reading contigency tables
Hi all, I need some help using read.ftable to read a contingency table. My columns are organized as follows: order--family--species--location--number of individuals I couldn't figure out how to change the data on my text file to be imported into R; and after you do that, is it possible to convert the table into a data frame? Any tips would be greatly appreciatted! Thanks a lot, Naiara.
2006 Jan 24
polr (MASS)
Hello all, I am trying to use polr (the ordered logistic model from MASS) but I am getting the following error message: Error in if (all(pr > 0)) -sum(wt * log(pr)) else Inf : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed My response variable is a factor with 3 levels and I have 2 independent variables. I am not sure if I guessed the starting parameters right, which I imagine could be a source of
2006 Jan 21
" 'x' must be numeric"
Hello all, I am importing data from a txt file and try to get a histogram, I get the message: "Error in hist: 'x' must be numeric". When I use mode R returns "List". However when I use srt I get: `data.frame': 456 obs. of 1 variable: $ V1: num 0.6344 0.4516 0.0968 0.7634 0.7957 ... My file consists of one column only (no headers) and I can't figure out why
2006 Feb 16
MANOVA: how do I read off within and between Sum-of-Squares info from the manova result?
Hi all, I am experimenting the function "manova" in R. I tried it on a few data sets, but I did not understand the result: I used "summary(manova_result)" and "summary(manova_result, test='Wilks')" and they gave a bunch of numbers... But I need the Sum-of-Squares of BETWEEN and WITHIN matrices... How do I read off from the R's manova results? Any
2007 Mar 16
MANOVA permutation testing
Hi, I've got a dataset with 7 variables for 8 different species. I'd like to test the null hypothesis of no difference among species for these variables. MANOVA seems like the appropriate test, but since I'm unsure of how well the data fit the assumptions of equal variance/covariance and multivariate normality, I want to use a permutation test. I've been through CRAN looking at
2005 Oct 04
Rcmdr and scatter3d
Hi folks, I'd like to use scatter3d (which is in R commander) to plot more than one dataset in the same graph, each dataset with a different color. The kind of stuff you would do with "holdon" in Matlab. I read a recent message that was posted to this list with a similar problem, but I couldn't understand the reply. Could someone give me one example? How do you plot subgroups
2001 Nov 08
Manova in R vs. SAS
While I was helping a SAS-using friend with an analysis I noticed some differences in the multivariate test statistics, approximate F statistics, and p-values in the manova function using R and proc GLM using SAS. The univariate coefficients are identical. Is there a reason to expect R and SAS to give different results? Thanks, Bill Kristan.
2003 Nov 20
p value in MANOVA
Dear R users, Can anyone tell me how to get the p value out of the output from summary.manova? I tried all the methods I can think of, but failed. Many thanks Yu-Kang _________________________________________________________________ ¥ß§Y¥Ó½Ð MSN Mobile ªA°È¡G¦b±zªº¤â¾÷¤W¦¬µo MSN Hotmail
2007 Dec 18
Random forests
Dear all, I would like to use a tree regression method to analyze my dataset. I am interested in the fact that random forests creates in-bag and out-of-bag datasets, but I also need an estimate of support for each split. That seems hard to do in random forests since each tree is grown using a subset of the predictor variables. I was thinking of setting mtry = number of predictor variables,
2007 Feb 22
MANOVA usage
Hello, I had a couple questions about manova modeling in R. I have calculated a manova model, and generated a summary.manova output using both the Wilks test and Pillai test. The output is essentially the same, except that the Wilks lambda = 1 - Pillai. Is this normal? (The output from both is appended below.) My other question is about the use of MANOVA. If I have one variable which has a
2008 Aug 13
summary.manova rank deficiency error + data
Dear R-users; Previously I posted a question about the problem of rank deficiency in summary.manova. As somebody suggested, I'm attaching a small part of the data set. #*************************************************** "test" <- structure(.Data = list(structure(.Data = c(rep(1,3),rep(2,18),rep(3,10)), levels = c("1", "2", "3"), class =
2008 Jul 15
extracting elements from print object of Manova()
Hi there, Does anyone know how to extract elements from the table returned by Manova()? Using the univariate equivalent, Anova(), it's easy:<-Anova(lm(y~x1*x2))$F This will return a vector of the F-values in order of the terms of the model. However, a similar application using Manova():<-Manova(lm(Y~x1~x2))$F Returns NULL. So does any attempt at calling the
2003 Jun 07
Extracting Numbers from MANOVA output
Hi, Suppose I have: > summary(manova( Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)[, 1] 1 0.5267 9.8316 6 53 2.849e-07 *** Residuals 58 --- Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 My understanding is the MANOVA summary returns a list.
2004 May 24
Manova and specifying the model
Hi, I would like to conduct a MANOVA. I know that there 's the manova() funciton and the summary.manova() function to get the appropriate summary of test statistics. I just don't manage to specify my model in the manova() call. How to specify a model with multiple responses and one explanatory factor? If I type:
2011 Mar 20
manova question
Dear friends, Sorry for this somewhat generically titled posting but I had a question with using contrasts in a manova context. So here is my question: Suppose I am interested in doing inference on \beta in the case of the model given by: Y = X %*% \beta + e where Y is a n x p matrix of observations, X is a n x m design matrix, \beta is m x p matrix of parameters, and e is a
2009 Mar 15
Bug Report Fwd: MANOVA Data (PR#13595)
Hi.? There appears to be a bug in R function manova.? My friend and I both ran it the same way as shown below (his run) with the shown data set. His results are shown below. we both got the same results.? I was running with R 2.3.1. I'm not sure what version he used. Thanks very much, David Booth Kent State University -----Original Message----- From: dvdbooth at To: kberk at
2006 Nov 13
random forest regression
Dear all, I am doing a regression in ramdomForest, using the option "sampsize" reduce the number of records used to produce the randomForest object. The manual says "For classification, if sampsize is a vector of the length the number of strata, then sampling is stratified by strata, and the elements of sampsize indicate the numbers to be drawn from the strata". I need my
2009 Aug 11
nested repeated measures MANOVA using adonis
I am trying to apply a permuation-based MANOVA (Anderson 2001) to a set of morphological data from three ecomorphs of fish reared under two different conditions and measured at two points during ontogeny. I will supply a distance matrix based on Procrustes distances calculated outside of vegan. I have not found an example of a design such as this for adonis. However, I have designed my factors
2008 Mar 09
sampsize in Random Forests
Hi all, I have a dataset where each point is assigned to a class A, B, C, or D. Each point is also assigned to a study site. Each study site is coded with a number ranging between 1-100. This information is stored in the vector studySites. I want to run randomForests using stratified sampling, so I chose the option strata = factor(studySites) But I am not sure how to control the number of
2008 Jul 04
synthax for R CMD INSTALL
Dear all, I am trying to install rgdal from source on a Mac OS 10.4.11. I installed GDAL and PROJ as frameworks so the installation does not work unless I explicitly state where the GDAL and PROJ libraries are. I tried: R CMD INSTALL rgdal_0.5-25 --configure-args=--with-proj-include=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/include --with-proj-lib=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/lib but I