similar to: concatenating factor from list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "concatenating factor from list"

2006 Jul 07
dotplot (lattice) with panel.segments and groups
Hi, The following produces almost exactly what I needed. The problems are that the 'panel.dotplot' call (commented) generates the error 'Error in NextMethod("[") : argument "subscripts" is missing, with no default'. The other problem is that the colors alternate between the levels of the 'site' variable, rather than 'year'. barley$yield2
2005 Mar 23
alternative to 'groups' for lattice bwplot()
Hi, Is there some alternative to the 'groups' argument in lattice's bwplot function for boxplots? Say in the example below: bwplot(yield ~ site | year, data = barley) you want to have two side by side boxplots per site, corresponding to each year in the barley data frame. Ideally, the space between boxplots of the same site should be smaller than that between boxplots of different
2011 May 25
L-BFGS-B and parscale in optim()
Hi, When using method L-BFGS-B along with a parscale argument, should the lower and upper bounds provided be on the scaled or unscaled values? Thanks. Cheers, -- Seb
2005 Sep 20
annotating an axis in bwplot (lattice)
Hi, I'd like to add, say, the sample size for every group in a bwplot as a parenthetical annotation to the axis. Here's a sketch: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- require(Hmisc) age <- sample(1:100, 1000, replace = TRUE) sex <- gl(2, 8, 1000, c("Male", "Female")) grp <- gl(4, 6, 1000, letters[1:4]) bwplot(grp ~ age |
2007 Apr 23
summary and min max
Hi, I came across a case where there's a discrepancy between minimum and maximum values reported by 'summary' and the 'min' and 'max' functions: ---<---------------cut here---------------start-------------->--- R> str(tt) num [1:1397] 1952 1970 1976 1967 1946 ... R> summary(tt) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 1920 1960 1970
2005 Nov 30
setting R_LIBS
Hello, I'm adding a private library tree in my home directory by adding this to my ~/.Renviron: R_LIBS="~/R/library:${R_LIBS}" so that once in R: R> cat(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS"), "\n") ~/R/library:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/site-library:/usr/lib/R/library Is this the best way to proceed? Cheers, -- Sebastian P. Luque
2004 Sep 13
Adding ranks to a repeatedly ragged array
How can I add an extra column containing the rank to a ragged array indexed by more than one grouping factors? E.g. with the barley dataset: How can I to add an additional column ``rank'' containing the rank of the ``yield'' of the different varieties in relation to the indices ``year'' and ``site'' to the barley dataframe? I achieved to calculate the ranks with:
2004 Feb 12
lattice: showing panels for factor levels with no values
How to show panels for factor levels of conditioning variables which do have no values? E.g. there are panels for "Grand Rapids" when they have values: data( barley ) with( barley, dotplot(variety ~ yield | year * site, layout=c(6,2) ) ) There are no panels for "Grand Rapids" when there are no values for "Grand Rapids": my.barley <- subset( barley, ! ( site ==
2006 Sep 17
histogram frequency weighing
Fellow R-helpers, Suppose we create a histogram as follows (although it could be any vector with zeroes in it): R> lenh <- hist(iris$Sepal.Length, br=seq(4, 8, 0.05)) R> lenh$counts [1] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 5 0 6 0 10 0 9 0 4 0 [26] 1 0 6 0 7 0 6 0 8 0 7 0 3 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 9 0 7 0 5 [51] 0 2 0 8 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 3
2005 Oct 04
pdf plotting of splom
Hi, The following code produces a plot on X11: splom(~iris[1:4], groups = Species, data = iris, panel = panel.superpose, key = list(title = "Three Varieties of Iris", columns = 3, points = list(pch = super.sym$pch[1:3], col = super.sym$col[1:3]), text = list(c("Setosa", "Versicolor", "Virginica")))) However,
2006 Sep 26
standardization of slot access
Hi, I'm usually confused about when to use 'slot' or '@'. I've frequently read that it's always preferable to use accessor functions, so I would think the '@' operator should be avoided. However, ?slot contains the following advise: "Generally, the only reason to use the functional form rather than the simpler operator is _because_ the slot name has to
2010 May 25
segplot (latticeExtra)
Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with 'scales="free"' in the segplot() function of latticeExtra. Say we need panels for each year, showing only those counties that are represented in each one: ---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->--- library(latticeExtra) data(USCancerRates) uscr.w <- subset(USCancerRates, state ==
2005 Aug 02
cut.Date functionality for chron date/time objects
Hello, I've encountered the need to cut some chron objects of the form: R> mychron <- chron(sort(runif(10, 0, 10))) R> mychron [1] (01/01/70 16:36:20) (01/02/70 00:08:46) (01/03/70 16:54:49) [4] (01/04/70 06:45:00) (01/07/70 06:21:24) (01/07/70 18:28:44) [7] (01/08/70 00:47:05) (01/08/70 05:11:44) (01/10/70 01:07:53) [10] (01/10/70 17:46:53) into arbitrary (e.g. a given number
2006 Feb 18
reshaping result of by()
Hello, I'm trying to build a frequency table for a vector, broken down by the combination of factors. For further analyses, I need to have the result arranged in a new data frame, with the upper limit of the histogram's breaks, the per bin count, and the factors identifying each record. My problem is including the latter: ---<---------------cut
2010 Aug 18
'panel.smooth' error
Hi, The following call: xyplot(incidence ~ year, melanoma, panel=panel.smooth) produces a blank plot region with an error message: Error using packet 1 has not been called yet > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=C
2004 Mar 10
converting lists got by tapply to dataframes
I have two lists: xa <- list( X=c(1,2,3), Y=c(4,5,6), Z=c(7,8,9) ) xb <- with( barley, tapply( X=seq(1:nrow(barley)), INDEX=site , FUN=function(z)yield[z])) I can convert xa to a dataframe easily with: But if i try the same with xb I get: Error in : can't coerce array into a data.frame What
2006 Feb 21
indexing within panels in xyplot
Dear R-helpers, I need to show a linear fit through a subset of the data within each combination of levels of two factors. So I prepared an xyplot with different panels for each level of one of the factors, and different symbols within each panel for the levels of the second factor. My problem is selecting the subset of each combination through which the line should be fit for subsequent
2006 Dec 30
wrapping mle()
Hi, How can we set the environment for the minuslog function in mle()? The call in this code fails because the "ll" function cannot find the object 'y'. Modifying from the example in ?mle: library(stats4) ll <- function(ymax=15, xhalf=6) { -sum(stats::dpois(y, lambda=ymax/(1+x/xhalf), log=TRUE)) } fit.mle <- function(FUN, x, y) { <-
2003 Dec 22
[R] lattice: levelplot: error: min not meaningful for factor (PR#6005)
R 1.8.1: ___COMMAND____________________________________________ levelplot( yield ~ year * variety | site, barley ) ___ERROR_MESSAGE______________________________________ Error in Summary.factor(..., na.rm = na.rm) : "min" not meaningful for factors ___COMMENT____________________________________________ levelplot( yield ~ as.numeric(year) * as.numeric(variety) | site,
2005 Oct 27
RSQLite problems
Hi, I'm experimenting with using (R)SQLite to do data management. Here are two little problems that I've encountered: 1. The presence of ',' in string values causes trouble since ',' is also the delimiter used in the SQL statement. 2. A newline '\n' line attached to the last string value of each row. Some examples: > library (RSQLite) Loading required