similar to: map question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "map question"

2006 Jan 26
footnote in postscript lattice
I would like to add a footnote to this graph but do not see a "footnote" command in the package:lattice documentation. I would like to note the "span=.8" as the footnote. postscript(file= ?C:/Documents and Settings/dsonneborn/My Documents/Slovak/output/pcb_tables/, bg=?transparent?, onefile=FALSE, pointsize=20,paper=?letter?, horizontal=TRUE,
2007 Apr 09
plot log scale, axis original scale
I want to produce some boxplots and plot the logged values but have the axis scale in the original, not-logged scale. It seeming like I have the first few steps but I'm having trouble with the last. Here's what I'm doing (which I got for the documentation for boxplot and axis). How do I get the ticks to be labeled 2,5, and 9 of the original scale? a<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
2006 May 17
I am running this code to produce some boxplots. I have every thing that I need except that I would like the whisker line to be solid line, not dashes. I have reviewed the lattice docs but have not seemed to come across this point. print( bwplot( group ~ lpcb_tot, data= data7, xlab="Log PCB", + ylab= + " G B + S M S M
2006 Jan 04
multiple lowess line in one plot
I'm using this code to plot a smoothed line. These two columns of data really represent 4 groups and I'd like to plot a separate line for each group but have them all in the same plot. The R-Docs for lowess do not seem to indicate some type of "GROUPS=var_name" option. What would be the syntax for this? plot(AWGT ~ lipid ) lines(lowess(lipid , AWGT, f=.8)) -- Dean
2006 Jan 11
4 smoothed lines on xyplot
I am using the R code listed below to create 4 smoothed lines on a xyplot. I'm having trouble fine tuning it. First I think I may need a black and white plot so how do I get it to plot the lines with different characters, preferable the same characters used in the key (plus, X circle and triangle). I might also be interest in a version that draws four solid lines of different colors but
2004 Oct 18
x is not a open/high/low/close time series
I am trying to create a high low close style chart but I keep getting the following error statement; "x is not a open/high/low/close time series". I've used the function is.ts and R responds TRUE but the ohlcPlot function gives the above error statement. I'm actually planning to plot some odds ratios with their confidence intervals and the hi-low-close chart should do the
2004 Feb 03
filled maps
Hi R-Help, I would like to make filled contour maps of ocean data overlaid by costlines from the map package. I can draw the filled contours and the coastlines om the same plot, but the filled contour also covers part of the land. To get rid of that I tried to draw a filled coastline map on top of the filled contour, but the filled map only draws the closed contours - so most of the land is
2005 May 22
Maps, Eastern Europe
Dear all, I would like to employ a European map in a presentation. My idea was to use: library(mapdata) map("worldHires", c("Austria", "Switzerland", "Germany")) where I include all countries from my analysis as a vector of character strings like in the example above. Unfortunately, I was unable to specify the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) or
2006 Aug 29
subset by two variables
I'm using this syntax to create data subsets for plots: subset=source=="Both". Now I would like to create a subset defined by two different variables like this: subset=source=="Both" subset=site=="home" but this syntax is not correct. The documents in the manual for subset seem to be creating whole new data files not just selecting rows based on the
2005 Feb 03
two issues
I'm working on a graphic but have run into a road block about two issues. I don't have a color printer so I want to produce the graphic in black and white. I'm currently using this statement trellis.device(bg="white") but the body of the graphic contains color. What is the code to create the whole thing in black and white. The other issue might be a bit more tricky.
2005 Feb 10
skip missing values in plots
I really like these Trellis graphics but how do I get this code to skip the missing? logreg<-read.csv("logreg.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.string=" ") attach(logreg) bwplot(yesno~bc_pcb_tot |varlist, data=logreg, main="Box Cox PCB transformation", auto.key=TRUE, fontfamily = "HersheySans" ) Dean Sonneborn M.S. Public Health Sciences *
2005 Feb 24
3 boxplots in one
I currently have 3 separate boxplots but would like to put them all in the graphic so they would have the same scale. Below are the three statements and as you can see the Y axis is weight: bwplot(AWGT~ male2 .... bwplot(AWGT ~ bin_pcb2 ..... bwplot(AWGT ~ bin_pcb2 | male2 ..... Does anyone have some sample code where they have done something like this? Thanks, Dean Sonneborn M.S. Public
2005 Aug 11
scatter plot
I'd like to do a simple scatter plot but instead of using the variable values on the X axis I would like to plot the percentiles. I searched in the manual for percentiles but did not find what I was looking for. I've been using SAS for several years but I new to R. -- Dean Sonneborn Programmer Analyst Department of Public Health Sciences University of California, Davis (916) 734-6656
2006 Sep 26
Statistical data and Map-package
Dear helpeRs, I'm working with the map-package and came upon a problem which I couldn't solve. I hope onee of you can. If not, this can be seen as a suggestion for new versions of the package. I'm trying to create a map of some European countries, filled with colors corresponding to some values. Let's say I have the following countries and I assign the following colors
2005 Sep 28
gee models summary
I'm running some GEE models but when I request the summary(pcb.gee) all I get are rows and rows of intercorelations and they fill up the screen buffer so I can not even scroll back to see what else might be in the summary. How do I get the summary function to NOT print the intercorrelations? Thanks, -- Dean Sonneborn Programmer Analyst Department of Public Health Sciences University of
2005 Sep 26
reading SAS data files
I am attempting to read in a SAS 9.1 data file. After starting R I change to the directory containing the sas data file and use the "dir" command to confirm that it is there. Then I run the following R-code: library(foreign) sashome <- "/Program Files/SAS/SAS 9.1" test<-read.ssd(file.path(sashome), "pcb", sascmd = file.path(sashome,
2004 Oct 12
graph question
I would like to produce a graph which plots a log scale variable on the y-axis but have the tick marks on the y-axis be the non log transformed values that are round like .5, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. Has anyone done something like this in the past? How did you implement it in the code? Thanks, Dean
2005 Feb 03
two issues (black and white trellis graphics)
On the first issue, there's a recent post you can find in the archives. It's from Deepayan Sarkar on January 2 this year. It would probably pop up on a search for "black white lattice" or something similar. The key part of his answer: I'd do something like this as part of the initialization: <<...>> library(lattice) ltheme <- canonical.theme(color = FALSE)
2005 Apr 11
plotting Principle components vs individual variables.
Dear R, I'm trying to plot the first principle component of an analysis vs the first variable but am having trouble. I have no trouble doing the initial plot but have difficulty thereafter. First I want to highlight some points of the following data set list(running) [[1]] X100m X200m X400m X800m X1500m X5K X10K Marathon Argentina 10.39 20.81 46.84 1.81
2011 Jul 14
calculating distance inland from coastline
Hi All, Does anybody know of any existing functions that will calculate distance inland from a coastline? It's possible to test if a lon,lat location is land or sea using map.where(), but I need to add a buffer to this of say 2km, to allow for points that are just on the coast, and below the resolution of the worldHires database. I'm working with a marine mammal satellite telemetry