similar to: Multivariate Autoregressive Model calibration and residual testing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Multivariate Autoregressive Model calibration and residual testing"

2011 Jan 12
Multivariate autoregressive models with lasso penalization
I wish to estimate sparse causal networks from simulated time series data. Although there's some discussion about this problem in the literature (at least a few authors have used lasso and l(1,2) regularization to enforce sparsity in multivariate autoregressive models, e.g.,, I can't find any R packages with these
2006 Mar 14
problem with optim: (list) object cannot be coerced to 'double'
Hi, I am trying to use optim to solve a heavy calibration problem. I supply the parameters in vector form. But before entering my target The call is simply: optim(par = parameters, fn = SumLSQ, method = "Nelder-Mead") the function SumLSQ is simply: SumLSQ<-function(parameters, data = timeseries){ print("sumLSQ") nbseries =
2009 Mar 31
Jarque-Bera test and Ljung-Box test for multivariate time series
Hi! I know that there is function in fBasics package for univariate Jarque-Bera test and a funtion for univariate Ljung-Box test in stats package. But I am wondering if there is a function somewhere to do the tests for multivariate time series? Thanks, John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 24
Coefficient of determination in a regression model with AR(1) residuals
Dear R-users, I used lm() to fit a standard linear regression model to a given data set, which led to a coefficient of determination (R^2) of about 0.96. After checking the residuals I realized that they follow an autoregressive process (AR) of order 1 (and therefore contradicting the i.i.d. assumption of the regression model). I then used gls() [library nlme] to fit a linear
2006 Mar 13
Vector Autoregeressive Models: Adequation tests to perform
Hello, I am currently testing a Vector AR of dim 3 over not a lot of data (135 * 3 observations) . To test the adequation of my vecot ar, I use the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion and the classic modified Portmanteau test on the residuals (it can be found for instance in , page 15) -> the null hypothesis is "the residuals process are a vectorila white
2006 Feb 15
question about the results given by the Box.test?
Hello, I am using the Ljung Box test in R to compute if the resiudals of my fitted model is random or not. I am not sure though what the results mean, I have looked at various sources on the internet and have come up with contrasting explanations (mainly because these info deal with different program languages, like SAS, SPSS, etc). I know that my residuals should appropriate white noise( is
2004 Jan 13
How can I test if a not independently and not identically distributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv) I download the data from yahoo library(tseries) Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close") merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina)) I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse if merv have unit root: adf.test(merv,k=13) Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if a not independently and not identicallydistributed time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
I'm analizing the Argentina stock market (merv) I download the data from yahoo library(tseries) Argentina <- get.hist.quote(instrument="^MERV","1996-10-08","2003-11-03", quote="Close") merv <- na.remove(log(Argentina)) I made the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to analyse if merv have unit root: adf.test(merv,k=13) Dickey-Fuller = -1.4645,
2011 Feb 25
time series with NA - acf - tsdiag - Ljung-Box
Hi all, I am modelling a time series with missing data. *Q1)* However, I am not sure if I should use the next *graphics* to understand my data: *a)* ACF & PACF (original series) *b)* ACF & PACF (residuals) * * *Q2)* I am using *tsdiag*, so I obtain a graphic with 3 plots: stand. residuals vs time; acf for residuals; Ljung-Box for residuals (it is wrong for residuals). I know that using
2008 May 16
Box.test degrees of freedom
Dear colleagues, I am new to R and statistics so please keep that in mind. I have doubts on the df calculation of Ljung-Box test (Box.test). The function seems to use always the df=lag=m and not df=m-p-q like suggested in Ljung and Box (1978) paper (that is referenced). Do you agree with this? If so, is there an R package function that computes Ljung-Box test with the degrees of
2004 Apr 17
Box-Ljung p-value -> Test for Independence
Hi all I'm using the Box-Ljung test (from within R) to test if a time-series in independently distributed. 2 questions: 1) p-value returned by Box-Ljung: IF I want to test if the time-series is independant at say 0.05 sig-level (it means that prob of erroneously accepting that the time-series is independent is 0.05 right?) --> then do I consider time-series as "independant"
2011 Aug 27
Degrees of freedom in the Ljung-Box test
Dear list members, I have 982 quotations of a given stock index and I want to run a Ljung-Box test on these data to test for autocorrelation. Later on I will estimate 8 coefficients. I do not know how many degrees of freedom should I assume in the formula for Ljung-Box test. Could anyone tell me please? Below the formula: Box.test(x, lag = ????, type = c("Ljung-Box"), fitdf = 0)
2009 Feb 24
Box.test reference correction (PR#13554)
Full_Name: Peter Solymos Version: 2.8.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( The help page of the Box.test function (stats) states that the Ljung-Box test was published in: Ljung, G. M. and Box, G. E. P. (1978), On a measure of lack of fit in time series models. Biometrika 65, 553--564. The page numbers are incorrect. The correct citation should be as follows: Ljung, G. M.
2008 Nov 19
simulation of autoregressive process
Dear R users, I would like to simulate, for 20000 replications, an autoregressive process: y(t)=0.8*y(t-1)+e(t) where e(t) is i.i.d.(0,sigma*sigma), Thank you in advance ____________________________________________________ Écoutez gratuitement le nouveau single de Noir Désir et découvrez d'autres titres en affinité avec vos goûts musicaux
2007 Aug 07
Functions for autoregressive Regressionmodels (Mix between times series and Regression Models) ?
Hello everybody, I've a question about "autoregressive Regressionmodels". Let Y[1],.....,Y[n], be a time series. Given the model: Y[t] = phi[1]*Y[t-1] + phi[2]*Y[t-1] + ... + phi[p]*Y[t-p] + x_t^T*beta + u_t, where x_t=(x[1t],x[2t],....x[mt]) and beta=(beta[1],...,beta[m]) and u_t~(0,1) I want to estimate the coefficients phi and beta. Are in R any functions or packages for
2002 Dec 10
autoregressive poisson process
Dear R users, I am trying to find a package that can estimate an autoregressive model for discrete data. I am imagining a Poisson or Gamma process in which the mean (say mu) follows a process such as mu_t = a + b*x + c*mu_{t-1} Suppose I have data on the time-series Poisson outcomes and x and would like to obtain ML estimates for b and c. Does anyone know of a package that can do this
2010 Mar 01
Simple Linear Autoregressive Model with R Language
Hello - I need to do simple linear autoregressive model with R software for my thesis. I looked into all your documentation and I am not able to find anything too helpful. Can someone help me with the codes? Thanks Emil [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 27
Conditional Autoregressive Value at Risk (CAViaR)
Hi, I am trying to replicate Engle and Manganelli's paper Conditional Autoregressive Value at Risk (CAViaR) by Regression Quantiles. I have the Matlab code which I cannot get to work as I have never used Matlab before, does anyone know if there is the same code available to estimate the CAViaR models in R? Thanks, Shane -- View this message in context:
2008 Feb 15
Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) model simulation
Hi all ! I would like to simulate spatial lattice/areal data with a conditional autoregressive (CAR) structure, for a given neighbouring matrix and for a autocorrelation "rho". Is there any package or function in R to perform it ? I found the function "CARsimu" in the hdeco library, but this is not what I'm looking for Thanks in advance Dae-Jin --
2012 Jul 07
regressor & autoregressive error?
Hello, I am using R for fitting parameters of a time series model. The model is as below. Y(t) = mu + a*X(t) + YN(t) where YN(t) = b*YN(t-1) + innovation and Z(t) follows N(0,1). The main obstacle for me is the autoregressive error term, YN(t). I can't figure out how to estimate the parameters (mu, a, b) with usual 'arima' function in R. What I have tried is.... 1. Do the