similar to: Can'' t install.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Can'' t install."

2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2006 Nov 28
how to update index from a script
Hello all, I''m using AAF right now to index my ~3million db records. However, any additions to these records are added to the database through an external script so the aaf activerecord hooks will not catch any updates. Since new records are only added rarely, I figured I could just add the new records manually in ferret from some type of script. I''ve been looking at the
2007 Feb 05
rebuild_index is returning {}
Previously when I used to build index i used to get false in return. >> Event.rebuild_index => false Now I get this. >> Event.rebuild_index => {} Following changes took place. 1) I moved my app from FCGI to mongrel. 2) I moved my app to capistrano. Before moving to capistrano the code was acts_as_ferret :fields => [ "name", "desc_uf" ] Now the code
2006 Nov 01
aaf and stop words; query parser
I''ve been trying to implement acts_as_ferret in my latest project and ran into a snag. If I do a search for ''auditor state'' then the search works perfectly. If I include a stop word, as in ''auditor of state'', then I get no results. I''d prefer not to set stop words to nil and index everything. The solution, that I have yet to attempt, is to use
2007 May 05
Stop words, fields, StandardAnalyzer quagmire
Hello, I''m using: Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 1.2.3, ferret 0.11.4, acts_as_ferret from svn stable. I''ve had quite a day wrestling with trying to remove the use of stopwords. The problem was that when searching for words like "no" or "the", no results were found. I found a confusing thing behavior that has taken me some time to figure out, and I hope sharing it
2007 Jan 11
stop words in query
Hello all, Quick question, I''m using AAF and the following custom analyzer: class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, str), @stop_words)) end However when
2007 Jun 06
Is anyone successfully using acts_as_ferret with Ferret 0.11.4?
Hi all, I upgraded from Ferret 0.11.3 to Ferret 0.11.4 because I was getting intermittent segfaults that seemed to be due to a bug which was fixed (changeset 749). Unfortunately, 0.11.4 + acts_as_ferret seems to be a bad combination. I''m getting the some "fs_store/File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117" which was reported in the "Constant 0.11.4
2007 Jul 27
Mongrel won''t start
I have a win xp box running instant rails. I installed ferret (the win version) and acts_as_ferret seemingly succesfully. I then added "require ''acts_as_ferret''" to the environment.rb file of my project. However, I cannot get webrick/mongrel to start. Can anyone suggest a solution? Rick -- Posted via
2006 Oct 25
i cant install acts_as_ferret
This is what happens when i try to get acts_as_ferret ...."nothing much".... Please help me and excuse me if its really dumb, i''m new to this! thanks C:\rails\app>gem install ferret Attempting local installation of ''ferret'' Local gem file not found: ferret*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''ferret'' Updating Gem source index for:
2007 Feb 22
Combine ferret with database
Hello list, I wonder if someone has some tips on joining a ferret search with a database. I have a rails project using a postgresql backend and I would like to utilize the superb performance of ferret for fulltext searching. The problem is that I have to joined the result with the database as I have some user access rights to different documents to take into account. Does anyone have
2007 Apr 24
Questions about table association while using acts_as_ferret
Hi all, I''m quite new to ferret and acts_as_ferret and what to see if I can implement the following requirement using them. Suppose I have two model classes: Article and Comment. It''s obvious that one article may have many comments, so this is a one-many relationship. If I want to add full text search to these models, I''m supposed to use acts_as_ferret in both of the
2006 Jul 26
tweaking minimum word length?
Hi, Can Ferret be configured to change the minimum word length of what it indexes? Right now it seems to drop words 3 characters or less, but I''d like to include words going down to 2 characters. How would I do that? Francis
2006 Oct 19
not able to install acts_as_ferret
I have an older version installed and want to try the latest ferret/aaf to see if it solves some perf problems, but haven''t been able to get aaf on multiple tries on multiple days now. script/plugin install svn:// svn: Can''t connect to host '''': Operation timed out Has
2007 Mar 22
Noice words...
Hi I use acts_as_ferret on an app that is in Danish and English. In Danish english words like "and" and "under" has meaning. Is it possible to make ferret search for these words? As it is now a seach for "under" returns nothing even-though I know the word is present in the index. Cheers Mattias
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2006 Aug 26
Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret
I am getting this issue also... Does anyone know what this is? When will Acts as Ferret be available for v10? Thanks for your help in desperation! Caspar wrote: > Okay previous post related to me trying to fix this problem with an > upgrade to ferret 0.10.0 but acts as ferret is obviously not compatible > with this new version of ferret. > My app is about to go into production and
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2006 Oct 16
seg faults and problems with new version
Hi all, first off, it''s 2AM and I''m not thinking properly, so please forgive me if this one''s easy, but I just need to get this going. First problem, using 0.9.6 on all of our development machines, works great, then we move it to a server running x86_64 linux and it segfaults as soon as it tries to create an Index. I''ve tried rebuilding with different
2007 Jan 10
Corrupt index and segfaults with heavy writes?
Hi everyone, We''re running a fairly heavily used Rails app that uses ferret (and acts_as_ferret) for search. We''re running on mongrel+Apache, Ruby 1.8.4, and ferret 0.10.13. We''re indexing a handful of attributes on our "Image" and "User" models. After the system has been running for several days, the index gradually becomes corrupted, and ferret
2007 Jun 06
Hey all, I''m using acts_as_ferret and globalize. I stumbled upon that post on google: does anybody know if it''s included in the latest a_a_f or if it''s planed to be? I can''t seem to find anything about it. thanx in advance Pat