similar to: stop words and /''s

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "stop words and /''s"

2006 Sep 26
RAMDirectory with acts_as_ferret
Hi There, Is anyone using RAMDirectory as the data store with acts_as_ferret? I would love some pointers on how to configure acts_as_ferret to correctly use RAMDirectory (rather than FSDirectory). Thanks in advance. AC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 28
How should this be done with ferret 0.10.1
Hi i like the new version of ferret, has solved a few of my problems but i''m unsure of how to implement the following code in the new version of ferret? if section if !section.empty? qp ="section") query = qp.parse("\"#{section}\"") bq.add_query(query, Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter_on =true end
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
I was having some odd results when working with acts_as_ferret (current trunk), so I decided to test with the current version of ferret to see if I encountered the same problem. I did. Here are the details: installed ferret 0.10.10 on debian sarge with ''sudo gem install ferret'' (btw, same results on OSX) opened up an irb session: irb(main):001:0> require
2006 Sep 04
0.10.2 release with win32 gem
Hey all, I''ve just released Ferret version 0.10.2. It is mostly just a bug fix release. The only change is that a highlight method has been added to Ferret::Index::Index. Please try it out and let me know what you think. The big news for this release is that there is also a binary win32 gem included. This is the first time I''ve build a gem like this so please let me know if
2006 Jul 05
search speed eclipsed by retrieval speed
Hi all, I''ve recently started working with Ferret and I''m getting what seems to be slow searches. I have about 10000 documents in the index, with several fields per document, with some fields having an array of several values that are indexed. I am using a RAMDirectory to store the index for searching. When doing testing, I find that searches are reasonable at around .2 to
2006 Jun 14
In memory IndexReader bug?
Hi All, Hope all is going well. I''m having trouble with the following code creating an in memory index reader - it seems to be attempting to read from a file regardless. Here''s the simple code: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' a = r = Running the code on my OS X machine
2006 Sep 07
counting occurences of words in the result set
Hello, I need to be able to count the occurences of certain terms in the reults. Currently my setup is Ferret 0.10.1 aaf bleeding edge. results = VoObject.find_by_contents(query,:offset=>page, :limit=> 20,:sort => sort_fields) I use results.total_hits for pagination. This all works really nicely. However i need to be able to know how many occurences of certain predefined terms occur
2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away.. Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically generated and a few methods are added to it and
2006 Jul 14
Scaling Ferret Beyond One Server
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if folks here have had experience scaling Ferret beyond a single server? Currently, we are running Ferret in the same physical server as its Rails front end (via acts_as_ferret), but it is evident that we need a more scalable solution already. How would you split up the tasks (via dRB perhaps?) between two or three servers? Shared disk, replicated Ferret index (?),
2006 Jul 19
sorting and pagination
Hello All, Okay i think I''m finally getting all of what i want out of ferret working, thanks mostly to reading this forum and also getting ALOT of questions answered, thanks alot everyone. Anyway my last ferret task is too get the results sorted by a field called date_registered and have this working with pagination. here is what i''m doing at the moment:
2007 Jun 24
Resetting ferret index before test runs
I need to reset the ferret index between test runs. It seems like there are a few ways to reset the ferret index. * Deleting the index directory -- is this really bad form? * calling rebuild_index * (any others?) What would y''all recommend? (Sorry, I''m from Texas) Preferably, I''d like a way to reset the index that I can integrate into a selenium test. -David
2008 Mar 17
stepAIC and polynomial terms
Dear all, I have a question regarding the use of stepAIC and polynomial (quadratic to be specific) terms in a binary logistic regression model. I read in McCullagh and Nelder, (1989, p 89) and as far as I remember from my statistics cources, higher-degree polynomial effects should not be included without the main effects. If I understand this correctly, following a stepwise model selection based
2006 Jul 06
querying returned results
Hi I''m using the acts_as_ferret to index one table in my database. The table contains formation about listed items and each of these items belongs to a section and a category. On the results page I want to have two drop down boxes whose contents are populated depeneding on the returned results. So for example the section drop down should only show sections that exist in the result set,
2006 Sep 15
Trouble with "updating" a document
Hi, I seem to be having trouble updating a doc, ie, deleting then re-adding to the index. The following script demonstrates my issue - I''m sure I''m missing something obvious, but I can''t seem to find the problem. Can someone point out where I am going wrong please ? Regards Neville === require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p
2006 Oct 31
conditional boost? friends to come up at top of search...
Hey guys, im trying to get my friends to come up at the top of the act as ferret search. I would query the whole result set first, then move my friends to the top, but the thing is, Im paginating my results and use the offset and limit parameters in the multi_search() function. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance... -- Posted via
2003 Feb 16
Turning Off Roaming Profiles? (resend)
Sigh, here is me, trying to make a decent first impression of myself by providing as much information as I could, and then Outlook Expresses 'Send message later' option does something I didn't expect it to. So, here is the full message. Basically, as the subject says, I've found heaps of information on turning them on, but I don't particularly want them as my profile is quite
2011 Feb 28
Samba failover causes different UID's
Hi, I have two machines in a cluster and want to create a high available samba share that connects to active directory for user information. The storage is DRBD and the filesystem is XFS. I'm using pacemaker as cluster software and using the lsb:samba init script. I connected both machines to my Windows AD server and tested this using winbind. winbind -u gives me all AD users which seems
2006 Nov 10
backgroundrb and ferret
Hi I''m using ferret happily on a site with 260ish documents in the index. Problem is that the site is still in development and I have to rebuild the index fairly regularly as new fields are added to it, like today when i added price. I have been using a rebuild index action in the admin section but this is clearly the wrong way to do it as it completly kills the site during the rebuild.
2017 Dec 24
[PATCH] vhost: remove unused lock check flag in vhost_dev_cleanup()
In commit ea5d404655ba ("vhost: fix release path lockdep checks"), Michael added a flag to check whether we should hold a lock in vhost_dev_cleanup(), however, in commit 47283bef7ed3 ("vhost: move memory pointer to VQs"), RCU operations have been replaced by mutex, we can remove the no-longer-used `locked' parameter now. Signed-off-by: Caspar Zhang <jinli.zjl at
2007 Jan 22
Just curious, is there anyway to use memcache with a ferret index? Thanks, Ray -- Posted via