Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "extracting 'Z' value from a glm result"
2009 Aug 19
Sweave output from print.summary.glm is too wide
Hi all
I am preparing a document using Sweave; a really useful tool. But I am having a problem.
Consider this toy example Sweave file:
options(width=40) # Set width to 40 characters
hide <- capture.output(example(glm)) # Create an example of the problem, but hide the output
summary(glm.D93) #
2009 Jan 20
Poisson GLM
This is a basics beginner question.
I attempted fitting a a Poisson GLM to data that is non-integer ( I believe
Poisson is suitable in this case, because it is modelling counts of
infections, but the data collected are all non-negative numbers with 2
decimal places).
My question is, since R doesn't return an error with this glm fitting, is it
important that the data is non-integer. How does
2000 May 09
Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Following p.206 of "Statistical Models in S", I wish to change
the code for summary.glm() so that it estimates the dispersion
for binomial & poisson models when the parameter dispersion is
set to zero. The following changes [insertion of ||dispersion==0
at one point; and !is.null(dispersion) at another] will do the trick:
"summary.glm" <-
function(object, dispersion =
2009 Feb 16
Overdispersion with binomial distribution
I am attempting to run a glm with a binomial model to analyze proportion
I have been following Crawley's book closely and am wondering if there is
an accepted standard for how much is too much overdispersion? (e.g. change
in AIC has an accepted standard of 2).
In the example, he fits several models, binomial and quasibinomial and then
accepts the quasibinomial.
The output for residual
2009 Jun 05
p-values from VGAM function vglm
Anyone know how to get p-values for the t-values from the coefficients
produced in vglm?
Attached is the code and output ? see comment added to output to show
where I need p-values
+ print(paste("********** Using VGAM function gamma2 **********"))
+ modl2<-
+ print(coef(modl2,matrix=TRUE))
2011 Feb 08
Error in example Glm rms package
Hi all!
I've got this error while running
> example(Glm)
Glm> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
Glm> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
Glm> outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
Glm> treatment <- gl(3,3)
Glm> f <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
Glm> f
Call: glm(formula = counts ~
2009 Dec 03
Avoiding singular fits in rlm
I keep coming back to this problem of singular fits in rlm (MASS library),
but cannot figure out a good solution.
I am fitting a linear model with a factor variable, like
lm( Y ~ factorVar)
and this works fine. lm knows to construct the contrast matrix the way I
would expect, which puts the first factor as the baseline level.
But when I try
rlm( Y ~ factorVar)
I get the message "'x'
2009 May 18
Overdispersion using repeated measures lmer
Dear All
I am trying to do a repeated measures analysis using lmer and have a number
of issues. I have non-orthogonal, unbalanced data. Count data was obtained
over 10 months for three treatments, which were arranged into 6 blocks.
Treatment is not nested in Block but crossed, as I originally designed an
orthogonal, balanced experiment but subsequently lost a treatment from 2
blocks. My
2008 Jan 05
Behavior of ordered factors in glm
I have a variable which is roughly age categories in decades. In the
original data, it came in coded:
> str(xxx)
'data.frame': 58271 obs. of 29 variables:
$ issuecat : Factor w/ 5 levels "0 - 39","40 - 49",..: 1 1 1 1...
I then defined issuecat as ordered:
> xxx$issuecat<-as.ordered(xxx$issuecat)
When I include issuecat in a glm model, the result
2005 Sep 07
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Further to my previous posting on your Glycogen nested aov model.
Having read Douglas Bates' response and Reflected on his lmer analysis
output of your aov nested model example as given.The Glycogen treatment has
to be a Fixed Effect.If a 'treatment' isn't a Fixed Effect what is ? If
Douglas Bates' lmer model is modified to treat Glycogen Treatment as a
2005 Feb 02
anova.glm (PR#7624)
There may be a bug in the anova.glm function.
deathstar[32] R
R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
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Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project
2006 Oct 24
Cook's Distance in GLM (PR#9316)
Hi Community,
I'm trying to reconcile Cook's Distances computed in glm. The
following snippet of code shows that the Cook's Distances contours on
the plot of Residuals v Leverage do not seem to be the same as the
values produced by cooks.distance() or in the Cook's Distance against
observation number plot.
counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
2009 Nov 07
lme4 and incomplete block design
Dear list members,
I try to simulate an incomplete block design in which every participants
receives 3 out of 4 possible treatment. The outcome in binary.
Assigning a binary outcome to the BIB or PBIB dataset of the package
SASmixed gives the appropriate output.
With the code below, fixed treatment estimates are not given for each of
the 4 possible treatments, instead a kind of summary
2005 Oct 15
how to import such data to R?
the data file has such structure:
1992 6245 49 . . 20 1
0 0 8.739536 0 . . .
. . . . . "alabama"
. 0 .
1993 7677 58 . . 15 1
0 0
2013 May 29
quick question about glm() example
I don't have a copy of Dobson (1990) from which the glm.D93 example is
taken in example("glm"), but I'm strongly suspecting that these are
made-up data rather than real data; the means of the responses within
each treatment are _identical_ (equal to 16 2/3), so two of the
parameters are estimated as being zero (within machine tolerance). (At
this moment I don't understand
2004 Mar 23
influence.measures, cooks.distance, and glm
Dear list,
I've noticed that influence.measures and cooks.distance gives different
results for non-gaussian GLMs. For example, using R-1.9.0 alpha
(2003-03-17) under Windows:
> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
> outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
> treatment <- gl(3,3)
> glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome +
2012 Apr 09
Overall model significance for poisson GLM
I am running glm models for species counts using a poisson link function.
Normal summary functions for this provide summary statistics in the form of
the deviance, AIC, and p-values for individual predictors. I would like to
obtain the p-value for the overall model. So far, I have been using an
analysis of deviance table to check a model against the null model with the
intercept as
2008 Oct 09
Interpretation in cor()
I am performing cor() of some of my data. For example, I'll do 3 corr()
(many variables) operations, one for each of the three treatments.
I then do the following:
i <-lower.tri(treatment1.cor)
cor(cbind(one = treatment1.corr[i], two = treatment2.corr[i], three =
Does this operation above tell me how correlated each of the three
treatments is? Because this
2005 Jul 27
Question on glm for Poisson distribution.
Good afternoon,
I REALLY try to answer to my question as an autonomous student searching in
the huge pile of papers on my desk and on the Internet but I can't find out
the solution.
Would you mind giving me some help? Please.
I'm trying to use glm with factors:
> Pyr.1.glm<-glm(Pyrale~Trait,DataRav,family=poisson)
If I have correctly
2008 Mar 27
dreaded p-val for d^2 of a glm / gam
I really dread to ask that .... much more that I know some discussion about p-values and if they are relevant for regressions were already on the list. I know to get p-val of regression coefficients - this is not a problem. But unfortunately one editor of a journal where i would like to publish some results insists in giving p-values for the squared deviance i get out from different glm and