Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "avoiding warning messages on the screen with 'lme'"
2006 Jan 23
weighted likelihood for lme
Dear R users,
I'm trying to fit a simple random intercept model with a fixed intercept.
Suppose I want to assign a weight w_i to the i-th contribute to the log-likelihood, i.e.
w_i * logLik_i
where logLik_i is the log-likelihood for the i-th subject.
I want to maximize the likelihood for N subjects
Sum_i {w_i * logLik_i}
Here is a simple example to reproduce
2019 Jan 17
long-standing documentation bug in ?anova.lme
tl;dr anova.lme() claims to provide sums of squares, but it doesn't. And
some names are misspelled in ?lme. I can submit all this stuff as a bug
report if that's preferred.
?anova.lme says:
When only one fitted model object is present, a data frame with
the sums of squares, numerator degrees of freedom, denominator
degrees of freedom, F-values, and P-values
The output of
2006 Jan 13
update 'groupedData' and 'lme' objects
Dear R users, I have the following code:
myfunc <- function(data, n, m, maxIter = 3){
working <- groupedData(formula = y~x|id, data=data)
val <- NULL
r <- 0
while(r < maxIter){
new.data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(n),y=rnorm(n),id=rep(1:n,each=m))
working <- update(working, data = new.data)
# val <- some
2006 Mar 13
Error Message from Variogram.lme Example
When I try to run the example from Variogram with an lme object, I get
an error (although summary works):
R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812)
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> fm1 <- lme(weight ~ Time * Diet, BodyWeight, ~ Time | Rat)
Error: couldn't find function "lme"
> Variogram(fm1, form = ~ Time | Rat, nint =
2006 Mar 31
loglikelihood and lmer
Dear R users,
I am estimating Poisson mixed models using glmmPQL
(MASS) and lmer (lme4). We know that glmmPQL do not
provide the correct loglikelihood for such models (it
gives the loglike of a 'pseudo' or working linear
mixed model). I would like to know how the loglike is
calculated by lmer.
A minor question is: why do glmmPQL and lmer give
different degrees-of-freedom for the same
2020 Jul 20
Methods for objects inheriting from lme (nlme package)
Dear R developers,
One function in my mkin package [1] returns an object that is originally
created by nlme(), but contains some additional information. Its class is
c("mmkin.nlme", "nlme", "lme").
Now I would like to use the anova() method for lme objects for comparing such
S3 objects. Unfortunately, anova.lme currently does not check for inheritance,
1999 Jul 01
I am using rw0641.
In my continuing quest to understand repeated measures analysis, I again
return to lme. I exported the Potthoff and Roy data Orthodont.dat from
S-PLUS 4.5 to avoid capture errors and ran the examples in the R help. I
imported the data.frame with
data <- read.table("Orthodont.dat",header=T)
and created the objects
Orthodont.fit1 <-
2006 Jan 05
Understanding and translating lme() into lmer() model
I am newbie in R, trying to understand and compare syntax in nlme and
lme4. lme() model from the nlme package I am interested in is:
lme.m1.1 = lme(Y~A+B+C,random=~1|D/E,data=data,method="ML")
(for simplicity reason, I am giving generic names of factors)
If I understand well, there are three fixed factors: A, B and C, and two
random factors: D and E. In addition to that, E is nested in
2006 Oct 20
Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R
This question comes up periodically, probably enough to give it a proper
thread and maybe point to this thread for reference (similar to the
'conservative anova' thread not too long ago).
Moving from lme syntax, which is the function found in the nlme package,
to lmer syntax (found in lme4) is not too difficult. It is probably
useful to first explain what the differences are between the
2010 Mar 18
Please Post Planned Contrasts Example in lme {nlme}
Hi I am running some linear and non-linear mixed effect models and would like to do some planned contrasts (a priori contrasts)
I have looked in the help and in many forums and it seems possible to do so but don't understand how to write the function and I couldn't find an example in Pinheiro and Bates.
lme {nlme} has a contrasts argument but I can't understand how to code it.
2005 Sep 29
how to fix the level-1 variances in lme()?
Dear all,
Edmond Ng (http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/reviewsplus.pdf) provides
an example to fit the mixed effects meta-analysis in Splus 6.2. The
syntax is:
lme(fixed=d~wks, data=meta, random=~1|study, weights=varFixed(~Vofd),
where d is the effect size, study is the study number, Vofd is the
variance of the effect size and meta is the data frame.
2006 Nov 22
lme - plot - labels
Hello there,
I am using the 'nlme' package to analyse among group and in between
group variances. I do struggle a little using the respective
plot-functions. I created a grouped object:
group.lme <- groupedData(obsday ~ oro | id,
data=read.table("data-lme.txt", header=T),
labels=list(x = "Day of Year", y = "ID number"))
When I plot, however
2008 Jan 10
general linear hypothesis glht() to work with lme()
I am trying to test some contrasts, using glht() in
multcomp package on fixed effects in a linear mixed
model fitted with lme() in nlme package. The command I
used is:
## a simple randomized block design,
## type is fixed effect
## batch is random effect
## model with interaction
dat.lme<-lme(info.index~type, random=~1|batch/type,
glht(dat.lme, linfct = mcp(type
2007 Jun 13
lme() doesn't converge on IGF example
Running the Chapter 4 examples in Pinheiro & Bates' "Mixed-Effects
Models in S and S-PLUS" (2000), I get a message that the default
optimizer doesn't converge, but using "optim" for the optimizer
results in convergence:
> > library(nlme)
> > fm1IGF.lis <- lmList(IGF)
> > fm1IGF.lme <- lme(fm1IGF.lis)
> Error in lme.formula(fixed =
2006 May 26
lme, best model without convergence
Dear R-help list readers,
I am fitting mixed models with the lme function of the nlme package.
If I get convergence depends on how the method (ML/REM) and which (and
how much) parameters will depend randomly on the cluster-variable.
How get the bist fit without convergence?
I set the parameters msVerbose and returnObject to TRUE:
lmeControl(maxIter=50000, msMaxIter=200, tolerance=1e-4,
2009 Feb 12
Setting optimizer in lme
I am using R 2.7.0 on a linux platform.
I am trying to reproduce a 2002 example using lme from the nlme library.
I want to change the otimizer from the default (nlminb) to optim.
Specifically, this is what I am trying to do:
R> library(nlme)
R> library(car) # for data only
R> data(Blackmoor) # from car
R> Blackmoor$log.exercise <- log(Blackmoor$exercise + 5/60, 2)
2005 Feb 15
Correct effect plots from lme() objects
Hello all!
R2.0.1, W2k
I posted this question to the list last Sunday without getting any
replies on the list. I got two off the list though, suggesting me to
plot "manually" as a second step, from estimable() or intervals()
objects respectively. As this was not really what I wished for, I take
the risk to upset somebody with a trivial question, and re-post it (just
a little
2009 Apr 21
broken example: lme() + multcomp() Tukey on repeated measures design
I am trying to do Tukey HSD comparisons on a repeated measures expt.
I found the following example on r-help and quoted approvingly elsewhere.
It is broken. Can anyone please tell me how to get it to work?
I am using R 2.4.1.
> require(MASS) ## for oats data set
> require(nlme) ## for lme()
> require(multcomp) ## for multiple comparison stuff
> Aov.mod <- aov(Y ~ N + V +
2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members,
I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my
models that worked fine with lme.
I have problems with the pdMat classes.
Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave
also 2 similar lme models.
The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an
explicit notation of the default model)
The more parsimonious
2000 Mar 28
the function lme in package nlme
Dear people,
A somewhat clueless question follows:
I just discovered that the lme function in contrib package nlme for R,
while similar to the lme function in Splus, does not use the cluster
function option. This difference does not appear to be documented in the
V&R `R Complements' file.
I have data which is divided into 6 groups
The lme model is of the form (simplified from the actual