similar to: Find last row (observation) for each combination of variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Find last row (observation) for each combination of variables"

2007 Aug 09
How to apply functions over rows of multiple matrices
Dear ExpRts, I would like to perform a function with two arguments over the rows of two matrices. There are a couple of *applys (including mApply in Hmisc) but I haven't found out how to do it straightforward. Applying to row indices works, but looks like a poor hack to me: sens <- function(test, gold) { if (any(gold==1)) { sum(test[which(gold==1)]/sum(which(gold==1))) } else NA }
2007 Aug 10
[Fwd: Re: How to apply functions over rows of multiple matrices]
[Apologies to Gabor, who I sent a personal copy of the reply erroneously instead of posting to List directly] [...] > Perhaps what you really intend is to > take the average over those elements in each row of the first matrix which correspond to 1's in the second in the corresponding > row of the second. In that case its just: > > rowSums(newtest * goldstandard) /
2010 Aug 11
Sweeping a zoo series
Given a long zoo matrix, the goal is to "sweep" out a statistic from the entire length of the sequences. longzoomatrix<-zoo(matrix(rnorm(720),ncol=6),as.yearmon(outer(1900,seq(0,length=120)/12,"+"))) cnames<-c(12345,23456,34567,45678,56789,67890) colnames(longzoomatrix)<-cnames longzoomatrix[1:24,] 12345 23456 34567 45678
2006 Mar 23
Estimation of skewness from quantiles of near-normal distribution
I have summary statistics from many sets (10,000's) of near-normal continuous data. From previously generated QQplots of these data I can visually see that most of them are normal with a few which are not normal. I have the raw data for a few (700) of these sets. I have applied several tests of normality, skew, and kurtosis to these sets to see which test might yield a parameter which
2006 Jan 10
"Missing value representation in Excel before
I reproduce from memory my exhaustive look into this issue. RODBC uses the Microsoft ODBC DLL's developed by Microsoft. These DLL's perform an automatic determination of column type based on the contents of the first N rows of cells in each column, where N [0,16]. N may be set in the Windows system registry, and there are a few other things that may be set in the system registry which
2006 Mar 02
Combining plaintext and plotmath expressions
I searched the archives and did not find a solution, so I pose this question to those well-versed in the use of plotmath and expressions. I have a list of strings in an external CSV file which I wish to use sometimes as plot axis labels and sometimes as plot titles. These strings combine plaintext and a few mathematical expressions (Greek letters, subscripts). Moreover, I sometimes need to
2006 Mar 30
request to add "..." to cat(ngettext in "warnings" function
Madams & Sirs, I am working on porting some R code to one of our servers to run under web or crontab direction. With that in mind I have been working on directing informative, warning, and error messages to outputs as I require. I would like to suggest a change to the "warnings" function; that the passed arguments be enabled to all instances of "cat" in the function,
2010 Aug 09
nested 'by'
Assuming a data frame or matrix with two columns representing variable that you want to aggregate over. you want to calculate column means, by year, for each Id example<-data.frame(id=c(rep(12345,5),rep(54321,6),rep(45678,7)),Year=rep(seq(1900,1902,by=1),6), x=seq(1,18,by=1),y=seq(18,1,by=-1)) example id Year x y 1 12345 1900 1 18 2 12345 1901 2 17 3 12345 1902 3 16 4 12345
2005 Nov 29
violating.runs I read from the news that the criteria for the violating is 5 but 1)I cannot find "5" in the code of the function. Where is the "5" ? 2)What is the easiest way to change it ? 3)Is there any more criterias made somewhere ? Yours sincerelly, Tommi Viitanen
2010 Sep 20
Depletion of small p values upon iterative testing of identical normal distributions
Dear all, I'm performing a t-test on two normal distributions with identical mean & standard deviation, and repeating this tests a very large number of times to describe an representative p value distribution in a null case. As a part of this, the program bins these values in 10 evenly distributed bins between 0 and 1 and reports the number of observations in each bin. What I have noticed
2005 Dec 23
how to specify dev.print target by a variable?
I want to do the following: DEVw=500 DEVh=350 fname="my_plot" dev.print(file=fname, device=FOO, width=DEVw, height=DEVh, bg="transparent") How do I do this such that I can specify FOO to be one of several choices? (GDD, PNG, postscript, etc.) If I make FOO a character variable, then "dev.print" complains. I tried a simpled "substitute" but
2017 Oct 10
small files performance
2017-10-10 8:25 GMT+02:00 Karan Sandha <ksandha at>: > Hi Gandalf, > > We have multiple tuning to do for small-files which decrease the time for > negative lookups , meta-data caching, parallel readdir. Bumping the server > and client event threads will help you out in increasing the small file > performance. > > gluster v set <vol-name> group
2005 Sep 09
PowerPoint graph insertion
Yes: I have Tufte's monograph on my desk. (along with 4 statistics texts) Yes: I am not the biggest fan of PowerPoint. Yes: I am using R to generate charts, plots, trends, etc. I have to summarize them each week. When I consider how to organize this data my first thought is to generate an HTML file with links to the R-generated plots, which HTML file organizes the plots in the required
2009 May 12
SAS PROC SORT nodupkey
Hi,   I have the following data and I would like to delete douple names, it is almost similar to SAS PROC SORT nodupkey! Is there any function in R does this?   x1 <- rnorm(11,5,1) x2 <- runif(11,0,1) nam <-paste("A", c(1:4,4,5:9,9), sep=".") mydata <- data.frame(x1,x2) crownames(mydata) <- nam   Many thanks in advance, Amor [[alternative HTML version
2004 Jan 20
Re: Need help on how to list functions from a loaded package...
To All How does one get a list of functions from a loaded package so that one can then get the appropriate help for each of the functions. Currently my method is based on a lot of trial-and-error. Here's an example of what I mean... >From this forum I learn that an interesting package called "multtest" exists on Bioconductor. I then use R Console's "Packages" --
2017 Oct 10
small files performance
I just tried setting: performance.parallel-readdir on features.cache-invalidation on features.cache-invalidation-timeout 600 performance.stat-prefetch performance.cache-invalidation 600 network.inode-lru-limit 50000 performance.cache-invalidation on and clients could not see their files with ls when accessing via a fuse mount. The files and directories were there,
2011 Sep 07
suggestion for proportions
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can suggest how to test the equality of 2 proportions. The caveat here is that the 2 proportions were calculated from the same number of samples using 2 different tests. So essentially we are comparing 2 accuracy rates from same, say 100, samples. I think this is like a paired test, but don't know if really we need to consider the "paired" nature of the
2014 Mar 28
Using -Ocancel on dynamically allocated ports
Greetings, So, the typical use of -Ocancel is quite straightforward: > ssh -Oforward -R 12345: user at remote > ssh -Ocancel -R 12345: user at remote But this is not so good: > ssh -Oforward -R 0: user at remote Allocated port 12345 for remote forward to 12345 > ssh -Ocancel -R 0: user at remote
2014 Apr 01
[Bug 2219] New: Can't use -Ocancel on forward of dynamically allocated remote port Bug ID: 2219 Summary: Can't use -Ocancel on forward of dynamically allocated remote port Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.5p1 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component:
2008 Jan 14
stochastic growth rate (package biopop)
Dear all, I am running matrix population models using package "popbio". In a deterministic model {i.e., transition matrix is defined as A <- matrix(c(0.70, 0.70,0.35,0.50), nrow=2,byrow=TRUE}, population growth rate can be estimated from the dominant eigenvalue {command "eigen.analysis"}. However, I cannot figure out the way to compute the asymptotic stochastic population